MTF here who just got bottom surgery yesterday. I'm still overwhelmed with joy...

MTF here who just got bottom surgery yesterday. I'm still overwhelmed with joy. Here is video of the process (best moment of my life) so you all can see just how natural this really is for the trans community.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait for the moment when we'll be able to solve this problem

It'll solve itself.
In a decade there will be a huge suicide epidemic where all these weak people who were told everything they do is just fine and normal realize the real world isn't as kind as their hugboxes.

They can delude their close friends, family and maybe even parts of their school but if they ever attempt to date they'll meet face to face with real world expectations.

there is a cure, don't know why this is not being administered to these people.


Because curing them instead of going along with their mental illness would be unprogressive and untolerant. Also because the companies selling hormonal treatment and the ((((doctors)))) administering such treatments and surgeries get a shitload of money out of this.

This is a pretty dumb copy pasta considering iv seen this video posted here for the last 5 years. KYS op

I can't wait till you disgusting fucks are killed off.


but what about that doctor's oath? Am I too naive?

So how does this affect me?

>there is a cure
A cure implies you could stop taking the pills which I doubt.

>why this is not being administered
Very common (>10% frequency) side effects include:[4][5][6][7]

Speech disorder
Dry mouth

Just let people be gay if they want to.


Me fail English? That's unpossible!

>he's got some balls
No he hasn't

So how long until you wind up killing yourself? Hopefully soon, you fucking faggot.

This man (sorry if I misgendered you) has it completely right.

These side effects are absolutely way too severe in comparison to the side effects (read: almost like none!) of my bottom surgery + the hormones I've been taking for 8 years now.

So what? Those are the usual adverse effects for almost any antipsychotic.

Same goes for schizophrenics who take their drugs and/or the ones who don't.

How (((he))) is ready to put on his sluttiest outfit and go be the re-life inner whore he been fantasizing about for years. In a few months (((he)))'ll realize that fantasy != reality and those suppressed (((boy))) urges will start to linger back. In a year or so he will be unhappy and sullen.

The hypocratic oath? Indeed that's what I'm always wondering. How is it acceptable that people who have sworn to do no harm or unnecessary treatment can be allowed to do things such as sex reasignement surgeries and hormanal treatments? Or circumcision? How is that shit socially accepted, and even praised? How come the taxpayer is paying for this?

I always come down to the same answer : socialism.

I understand the question but I don't understand the answer. How are they related?

sage, this is not original

There has been a cure available since the dawn of time - fire

Do you guys think I pass as a woman? I've been on hormones for four years.

Yeah, it looks very natural... El Retardos

show us the dick

imagine the tons of mucus and pus pouring from that hole on daily basis from now on

Side effects on these types of drugs tends to wear off in a couple of weeks idiot


>Impersonating people on the net

wow such originality


>that fucking tray of pills on the nightstand

holy moly

Lol tranny surgery requires either you to take estrogen the rest of your life or testosterone. Same deal as here. Except the side effect is a 41% attempted suicide rate.

I wonder how long until a junkie is going to fake gender dysphoria to get surgery and thus an ample supply of painkillers.

Anyways, reported and saged for non political issue

Is that really you? It looks like you were featured on the below website in 2015! That's so progressive of them to not even mention that you're trans. >>thechive(dooooot)com/2015/05/13/kick-your-feet-up-and-relax-its-hump-day-41-photos/

This is fake. OP is A lying faggot who took this off a tranny thread yesterday.


I hope you get infected and die


Threadly reminder that low-yield ECT treatments showed major sucsess in treating people with Major Depression and a wealth of other mental disorders,

which is why was quickly slandered as BARBARIC and replaced with Jew SSRI crazy pills which are made from literal industrial runoff and make you shoot up schools.

This isn't OP, and this is from at least 6 years ago on YouTube.

This thing will share the changing room with your daughter


so a normal vagina then

what is that spaghetti-like thing from 25 sec onwards??


Friendly reminder that sodomite abominations belong in the psych ward

that's paint

>the side effect is a 41% attempted suicide rate
but the suicides are not due to the drugs. The suicides are a direct result of expectations !='ing reality.

Execpting that 1-in-1000 dude that actually looks female, all the wanna-be-slutty-whore tranny's look exactly like a man in a dress with a wig. The stingy muscle mass isnt feminine and it will never be.. Sorry. Just stop. As they get older it only gets worse. They may be bull-headed enough to go all the way with bottom surgery, but in the end the result is often suicide.

Good goy

Will this world hurry up and fuck off already?

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.

>borderline learning disability
What is it?

This pimozide meme needs to stop, it was administered to ONE retard patient, that isn't research, that's a crossdresser with other mental illness co-morbidity. They never recreated this study again and it was never done on a larger scale to provide actual data. We can debate whether or not trannies are mentally ill all you like, but quit the bullshit with this schizo med cure.

i dont wanna backseat moderate here but..
your on the wrong board
>>> /lgbt/
this is pol not a blog for your body mutilations.

So when do you off yourself, abomination? No one is ever gonna think that hatchet wound is a real vagina.

Best cure for trannies and faggots is beating them repeatedly to the head with a baseball bat


Why is this purely a white phenomenon? Furthermore, how can one realistically call whites the "master"race after witnessing this shit?

lol shitnigger level bait,

just do reverse image search you fucking idiot

its a product of:
1) sexual focus (depravity)
2) idleness (lack of work, laziness)

I agree with the sentiments of this thread. I remember back in the good ol' days everyone was right-handed up until the left-hand degenerate agenda came along and it suddenly wasn't okay to torture left-hand using degenerates. Now millions of mentally ill people are coming out thinking they're left-handed and normalizing such sick anti-biblical lifestyles.

I now hate my morbid curiosity! FUCK THIS!!!!!

As a transwoman, are you comparing my struggle to hand dominance?

I'm busy trying to hold the contents of my stomach inside and you're trying to get my to Google search that? You must be a filthy jew


left handed people were shunned because they could't fight in a formation with right handed people effectively.

when writing became common they were shunned because they smudged the ink.

that's about it.


>left handed
>can go and fight with everyone else
>have to stay home with the ladies


B8, do you know how many times I've seen this video, it's disgusting. Unnatural.

user this is beautiful
are you a bigot?

>that moment when he sees how disgusting his "pussy" looks like.

You can see the disgust and dissapointment happening for a short time, but the delusion kicks in and he pretends he did the right thing.

OP is a larping 14 year old faggot having fun

fake and gay

>bottom surgery
What a vanilla way to state it.
>Cock dissection.
>Fake, useless orifice for other people's cocks created.
Don't make it sound natural. It's unnatural.

No. (You're obviously not really a trans woman, you're baiting me.)

I'm stating that your gender identity is as much a neurotic reality as hand dominance is and not a machination of delusion.

Transgender Women share the same sexual characteristic which determines gendered behavior in regional grey matter as Cisgender Women.

You CAN NOT change this through psychotherapy or medication. You CAN NOT convert a Transgender Woman to have the male gendered behavior characteristic. All you can do is stop them from using the part in their brain which dictates gendered behavior. That is not a cure, that is a destruction of their consciousness.

Also, yes, gender is not a social construct. Feminism has done a lot of damage to transgender science due to their zealous rhetoric by pushing this myth.

Let me enhance that.



This video is so old 3/10 bait

fuck you

It's not purely a white phenomenon. It has been way more accepted in Brazil and Thailand for a much longer time.


Sure. You Ally yourself with a bunch of people who choose not to reproduce. Who is killing who off?

n = 1

those are female hands, first thing I check on trans to make sure are the hands

you can't hide the hands

You sing pretty.

yes you can. Some men have thin hands


Imagine the smell
A bunch of bandages stuffed in an artificial hole left to fester and rot in blood and puss for a week.


Small dicked swiss detected.
You know what they say about small hands.

Its not research,its a cas study. But it should spark interest in researchers to set up a large scale study of it. However, i dont think it will happen because trans activist will try to compare it to experimentation on gays and blacks. They will also be offended at the suggestion that their mental illness can be managed.

why is this even allowed?
