lets discuss why Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums and why the mods arent doing anything about it

- are they retarded? (we all already know the answear to this question but lets try break it down even more)

- are the paid shills?

- where is moot?

- are they butthurt leftists who's losing the war?

genuine questions, discuss


-yes(they hate us)
-I don't think so
-sucking jew cock
-probably but war is far from end and it's hard to tell who's winning

Fuck mods and fuck black people

Also: Where do we, oldfags and memewarriors, go since this place is heavily overruned by shills and butthurt leftists?

i think its pretty obvious who's winning since we angered the most powerful jews and institutes of the world.

the leftist grip of the dumb big masses are losening and what you can see is simply rats panicing because their boat is sinking


> make a HWNDU thread
> it gets deleted within 2 minutes

> make a nigger dick thread
> its up for hours

> make an obvious "DRUMPF BTFO" shill baiting thread without any additional information
> it gets 200 replies and doesn't get deleted

> make a thread about fat people and healthcare (boogie)
> get a warning, pic related

This is literally Sup Forums 2.0
If it continues like that, Sup Forums will just be about traps and nigger dicks in a year.

Who's Moot?

So mods are supporting the nigger dick fiasco going on right now?

I don't mind trap dicks. That's my thing.

yes, thanks for your input.

the situation is deeply troubling.

would moot even care if someone contacted him?

do you think it would be an actual solution to offically migrate to a more shady place?
have "migrate general threads" etc

maybe even create our own pirated Sup Forums/pol site? im not good at above said stuff so correct me if im wrong

Some people have migrated to 8 chan I believe. You will never get enough people to migrate though. Maybe a good number, but not enough to recreate Sup Forums somewhere else.

he is the head admin of Sup Forums

he should be our guy but im not sure anymore..

Are you kidding? Moot has never been our guy. Not once.


>yes, bigly
>he's been gone for a while

if things keep going like they are here, and as austbro said, i think more ppl will seek out eternalchan

we literally have niggerdicks threads daily wich
dont get deleted, and not to mention all the
destiny/twitch/pleb shit thats being going on lately

I hate how newfag Plebbitors respond to obvious bait all the fucking time.

worse: they're Trump's people trying to moderate you because they're concerned about your language, which they are convinced will turn you into a school shooter. Sorry user, it's true.

hasnt he taken alot of heat for still keeping Sup Forums up?

this is for a fact one of the last bastions of absolute public free speech


Sup Forums is broke. this sure won't last for very long. My digits may confirm.

Moot is working for jewgle now, he has nothing to do with Sup Forums anymore.

Hiroshimoot is our boss now and he is making an hand-off approach. He doesn't want to do anything and i think thats good.
The guys who are cucking us are the regular mods and janitors who sperg-out when they see HWNDU threads but don't care about obvious offtopic shitposting.

> would moot even care if someone contacted him?
Not moot, hiroshimoot.
And no, he would not care. He would just care if it's some really really serious problem with some mod who clearly and obviously is abusing his power.
Like pic related, that mod got fired.

>do you think it would be an actual solution to offically migrate to a more shady place?
>have "migrate general threads" etc
No, because the shills will migrate with us. You can't just say "hey guys, lets go to x".
>Some people have migrated to 8 chan I believe.
They migrated during Sup Forums Harbor and you have to know that 8 chan is more like the old Sup Forums... the /new/ fags... it's fully 1488 and it's kind off a right wing version of tumblr with strict moderation. So i don't know if you really want that.

Not really an argument. It's a containment board. Sup Forums figured that out years ago. He argues he needed to keep it up so he could keep "da ebil nazis" out of the other boards.

HWNDU is Sup Forums tier cancer and should stay off Sup Forums.

What does moot have to do with anything anymore? Why do you care about him? Why would he care about us? What could he do if he did care?

I wish i became a janitor a million years ago and a mod after that. I've been here fucking forever. The problem is true scotsman oldfags never became janitors.

The solution is shitpost on other boards. I don't condone "raiding," but Sup Forums is a containment board. If we don't like it here we'll go elsewhere. Give us a home, a safe happy home.

Actually, Sup Forums was an attempt to keep Nazis out.
/new/ was fully stormfag and moot deleted them.... Sup Forums was the successor board.
And when Sup Forums got tooo right wing, moot fucked with them during Sup Forums Harbor.

But moot isn't our problem anymore, because he doesn't own Sup Forums anymore.


Sup Forums is getting innundated with newfags from ALL OVER. Not just from Sup Forums, but from everywhere, cause fags cant resist typing "le Sup Forums army" wherever they go and it ends up being on the news etc.

I've thought about permanently migrating somewhere else but I just want this place to be like how it was again

We just need a large amount of discord chats and active people posted here
That way shills can get gtfo by mods who actually care
Anyhow there is a big amount of leddit raiders right now but it wont last for too long i give them a month or so long
Liberals cant get through doing anything for that amount of time

i refuse to believe your ..very strange statment user. but elaborate more if you please.

take your digits crap to Sup Forums please.

This old dog is still breathing and this whole
Trump dsicussion is still very fresh and so is his rule as president.
I think things will calm down after a year (he has only been president for 2-3 months, and the US. election and primaries was only 1-2 years back thing are still pretty fresh)

What anime is that?

you also have to consider that he is slowly draining the swamp/kicking the bees nest wich creates alot of friction

Nigger dick threads are Sup Forums tier.
Trap threads are Sup Forums tier.
Racemixing threads are Sup Forums tier.
Most of the obvious shill baiting threads are Sup Forums tier and have nothing to do with Sup Forums.

HWNDU is about a political protest and a current event, it is Sup Forums.

But i don't want to argue about whenever HWNDU is legal Sup Forums content or not.
Fact is, that the mods are able to delete HWNDU threads within minutes, so they obviously would be able to kill all those nigger dick threads immediately too.... but they don't do it.
HWNDU is just an example about how fast the mods could react, if they want to.


the definition of HWNDU is that it is an action of hate - pinpointed

its just that chase brought the younger parts of ppl and inte same cleave brought further more b-tards to Sup Forums

>HWNDU is about a political protest and a current event, it is Sup Forums.

Don't give me that shit. All it's been is a bunch of kids in their late teens playing capture the flag with Shia.


you clearly dont know what you're talking about

shia put that flag up to symbolize hate and ignorance to other opinions than the mainstream narrative

the kids who cherish capture the flag are still enough educated to see objectivly on why they are doing it. atleast the most of them.

you can say it works as an red pill gateway

$$$$ changes morals and rules, more like a Honey Pot now, had so many replies deleted, constant shit tier threads that get hundreds of replies. Going down the shitter this Sup Forums is. Thanks CIA, for that 1950 mandate that lets you write whatever you want and everyone has to print it.

The mods are fine, in fact they do a good job most of the time. Sometimes the mods troll this board, sometimes there are not many mods online. Just try posting some stupid fucking shit and see how fast you get banned. The nigger posters are just using VPN and shit

I just go to the New Thread option and make a quality thread.
Should try that sometime.

that doesn;t explain why "WHITE BOIS BTFO WHITE WIMMIN LOVE BBC" threads are left up until they reach bump limit

Fuck the gay redpill gateway. all it does is draw more attention to Sup Forums and bring in huge influxes of newfags that don't lurk whatsoever, treat the board like Sup Forums and turn this board into the cesspool it's become.

>shia put that flag up to symbolize hate and ignorance to other opinions than the mainstream narrative

"hurr dur i dont like this board fuck it all"
you seem too angered to have a discussion i suggest you go somewhere else

we have to take care of our young ones wether you like it or not

I dunno mate. A couple of weeks/months ago there was a veritable flood of BBC threads - worse than any of the last days - using one picture in particular of a coon fucking a see-through sex doll. Mods delivered swift justice to anyone posting it. Threads with just porn and nudes are also dealt with faster and more decisively than a while ago.

On the other hand, you are right that it is suspicious or strange that those threads are allowed to reach limit

the rule enforcement on Sup Forums is laughable and always has been. at one point you had to personally know mooty to become a moderator. i doubt naga saki is any better in this department

this site has been a commercial platform for many causes since about 2010.

>don't know
He went to google and they pay him to think. He always hated us, we're his baby he wished he could abort but never had the heart to so i wouldn't be surprised if he never posts on here.

yes they lost and are losing. at this point there's nothing to lose going in the belly of the beast and sliding the board over and over and over. you just gotta educate and report off-topic shit.

Make Sup Forums great again

>butthurt leftists
>Sup Forums
>pick one

Have you ever been to Sup Forums? its nothing but alt right shills as far as the mouse will scroll. This board is a garbage echo chamber.

i saw a nigger walk today i didnt know they had that capability

>This board is a garbage echo chamber.
Liberal shill threads always gets >100 replies.
If you have a far left opinion you will always get the most (You)s.
> b-b-but Sup Forums is an echo chamber!

Fuck Off!

>Mass immigration is a good thing :D

Kill yourself redditor.


also: we hold.
or find a quality thread and contribute, there's usually something that is being slid, like pizzagate or some leaks

Mods are compromised and have to be removed.

Look up the 'internet conditioning program' but even yet that is only one hydra.

i will warn you anti-Sup Forums threads are not tolerated in the least. there have been migration attempts on many boards through the years and none were too successfully and all were censored. you will probably be banned and keyword bans will be enacted. this may not be a bad thing since it would clean out the normies that parrot stupid shit.


Shills, you really need a new fucking tactic. You can't use the same tactics over and over again.

> 1. Create lots of shitposts on site
> 2. Complain about inadequate mods
> 3. Direct everyone to new site
> 4. Divide and conquer successful

I really wonder the same about you, you ever been to Sup Forums?

get real.

aaaaand in the trash you go kiddo you can report, but thats all you can, commie scum

it seems like the thread starting to get slid by the very cancer we are discussing, sad!

they think they can silence truth and noncomfortable opinions

this post is a fine speciemen of a typical Sup Forumstard trying to defend his cancer

young lurkers, please take note

So how to we solve this?

the Sup Forums forum is very obvious being slided by Sup Forumstards and angry leftists

and as fast as you suggest an migration they go berserk to defende their cancerous safehaven



We solve this troubling situation?

Yea, nah. Tried making a thread 3 times about the kike they just caught making all those bomb threats against jewish community centers. Totally fucking slid.

You can blame drudge report for constantly referencing us. Huge influx of shills and newfags who fall for bait and dont know how to sage or hide.

All im asking for is genuine discussion and genuine solutions

Migration is a fact when get these niggerdick and dont racemix cancer threads on daily basis

What we are interested in is how we can find a good place for actual poilitical discussion.

you're the one who wants the influx of kids treating Sup Forums like Sup Forums you fucking retard.

elect me as mod, and i will delete shit threads.

you still dont know what we are talking about and what you are talking about. Stop putting your butthurt irrelevant arguments up here read you posts again and gtfo

>the Sweden Forum is very obvious being slided by islamic migrants and angry leftists
>and as fast as you suggest a solution they go berserk to defend their cancerous safehaven

Oh my the parallels

And this is not meant as a joke. Perhaps we need to treat our problems as equals.
Nonstop redpilling will do a handsome job of awakening those capable of it, so that's something we must continue to do.

Lefties won't be a problem when there are no lefties left.

Yeah im not gonna waste anymore time on you, you're either just baiting or an autistic 10 year old. You couldn't refute my points and turned to shitposting to cover your ass.

If things were that easy. We have alot of mature and wise ppl on this board who can differ degeneracy from actual political discussion

austria mentioned HWDU and you lost track and went full retard, just fuck off kid

and you got butthurt when i called it out for the Sup Forums tier shit that it is.

You didnt vote for geert and you like posting in niggerdick threads. Ok!

Matt LeBlanc

I voted for /our guys/, you voted for a feminist gouvernment.
I didn't mention nigger dicks at all, you appear to have an unhealthy obsession.



Yes they are very selective about deleting threads

Some Gernan user made a thread yesterday encouraging anons to get a white gf and it was deleted. I'm just establishing this to say that mods were around while there were tons of b8 threads and ignore them

Meanwhile there were about a dozen threads up at the same time which were just b8 pictures saying "Drumpf" "Sup Forums btfo" and the like offering no real political context and the mods left every single one up even after they were reported

Basically don't trust the hot pockets, they do it for free and they're lazy fat fuckers




why are you still here kid, hwndu is literally pinpointed i shouldnt have to waste time explaining to a nonresonable turd like you

if trying to be funny and pointing out flags is your way of having a political discussion then you need to fuck off, simply. also /our insert whatever/ is typical cancer btw

These are probably bots too, lazy fucking hotpocketers







>believing "shills" on Sup Forums are anything more than trolls/shitposters

autistic, snowflake reactions to it only feeds it




It honestly doesn't matter what they are, mods and janitors need to do their job or go back to masturbating to hentai

for newcomers to this thread:
good post: how to spot obvious shit that is ruining Sup Forums:
thx bro

>autistic, snowflake reactions to it only feeds it

yeah not when the mods are not deleting it and its flooding the board for months



Will take time when i have the energy to make some sort of easy read, or maybe a general of pic related



I'll make it more obvious to you.

The migration problems in Sweden, my country, Germany and the rest of Europe are hardly different from the migration problems on Sup Forums. Leaders who do nothing about it and suppress political discussion, people not native to this place changing the debate and shilling for their own political motives despite factual rebuttal slamming their head on the table every 5 minutes. Remind you of anything?

If ad hominems and instant offence are your responses to a simple and objective observation, you need to get off that high horse, wake the fuck up and realise that you're not the king.
