Man arrested in America for wearing Joker Mask in public

>A 31-year-old man in Virginia was arrested and charged with wearing a mask in public Friday after he was spotted walking around dressed as the iconic comic book supervillain the Joker, police said.

>Police in Winchester -- located about 75 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. -- said the Winchester Emergency Communications Center received "several calls" around 2 p.m. on Friday of a suspicious male wearing a black cape and carrying a sword walking around the city.

>Jeremy Putman was charged with wearing a mask in public, a felony that could land him in jail for up to five years, the Winchester Police Department said in a statement.

Americucks everybody.

Other urls found in this thread:


>cosplayer gets arrested and charged with felony
>antifa wear masks and assault people with deadly weapons
>don't even get arrested

>wearing a mask in public, a felony


>what are jurisdictions???

he looks cool, hope he gets out

>But burkas are A-Ok!
Britcucks, pls...

>it's illegal to wear mask because the police can't know what you look like
>take mugshot with the "mask" on

>Walking around with a gun is fine
>Wearing a mask gets you jail time
>A thin layer of white makeup counts as a mask
>Land of the free
So do you call the police for every woman you see wearing makeup, Amerishart?

Can't be hiding your identity, goy. No secrets. Everything must be known. The only way that you can get away with this is by doing it explicitly for illegal reasons. You can't just do what you want in public and expect not to get fucked. Humanity sucks, after all.

so the dark knight as actually realistic afterall, bravo nolan!

hopefully this was put in place just to make muslim women fuck off


Shit I'm from Winchester and never thought I'd see the day it made it to Sup Forums. Anyways this guy is probably just a retard. Winchester is filled with white trash and niggers. If you're normal you leave that shit hole after high school.

taking a photo with the makeup still on is part of collecting this thing called "evidence", which actually ends up being a pretty key part of criminal law

I wish. Maybe if we tattooed a big fucking "S" on the forehead of every slut we'd clean this stupid whores up.

Probably because the KKK

For some reason, a lot of people hate masks or anything thing that covers your face. It must freak them out or something. And so it's for this reason that it could be below freezing temperatures outside, but people will forbid you from weaingr anything over your face to stay warm if they're your boss in any kind of job where you might had to work outside.

He didn't ware Ægi's helmet, that was his fault

the statute clearly includes makeup such as this.

By why does he wear the mask?

That's what the first photo is.


Isn't that technically just makeup?

>america is one state
>that state is Virginia
oh I'm having a giggle, me old son

To be fair, wearing a mask and carrying a gun would be pretty worrisome too.

There have also been past events where people wearing joker masks have went on mass killings.

and the next photo is called "booking" whereupon arrested people are all photographed regardless of if they happened to be photographed at some other point in their lives

Isn't that just makeup? I guess all the bitches on the street should be arrested for wearing a mask too.

for fucks sake educate yourself

According to Virginia Code 18.2-422, "It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age, with the intent to conceal his identity, wear any mask, hood, or other device, whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered, so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth, without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing."

You really need to learn how to use quotation marks.

was it extremely painful?

I worked at a movie theater during the Dark Knight Rising shooting. We closed for three days and checked all baggage afterwards.

>Sword-wielding man charged with felony for wearing mask

So it wasn't the sword that did him in?

THIS is what it takes to get quads?

He's a big guy.

Meanwhile Soros antifarts wearing a mask go unpunished

you really need to learn how to use your brain

I'm too smart to use my brain

But I'll bet wearing your pants hanging below your ass is still perfectly legal.

Shit, this guy looks better than the two new ones, Ledger and the other one in Suicide Squad.

Professional. Maybe someone will pick his ass up later because its really good. Even his suit is ragged and fits.

Also i love how in burger land you can land in fucking jail because you wear a mask but not the FUCKING SWORD.

Fun fact: This law was put into place because of the Klan way back when.

If you pull it off would he die?

lol jailed for wearing a mask

>meanwhile at an anti trump protest

Shouldn't it be unconstitutional to ban people wearing masks if they aren't engaging in illegal activity?

>Sarge we can only take one photo!


They are getting better.

Fuck that shit, they let antifa get away with it all the time.

I like this dudes mugshot though, very wicked


>Arrest that chef for carrying that knife!!!


On what constitutional principle?

its actually well done.

some fuck head walking around larping as the joker get's arrested, but you get these antifa scum wearing masks and the police just don't care

lock'em up, fine'em.

the sword probably had more to do with it. it's in the article

See how the headline b8's people tho

>people whine about states rights
>people whine when states make laws

ancucks everyone

perhaps it isn't illegal where they are.

you understand that the laws change based on the local jurisdiction, right?

>Mugshout with paint on his face
What happens if he washes it off and they don't recognize him? They'd think he got put in accidentally and let him go

Right to keep and bear arms includes swords.

They should totally issue him a gun, that would make police work very entertaining

>5 years for facepaint

>b-but muh land of muh fweedomz

Blah blah. It's all unconstitutional and just waiting for a SCOTUS hearing.

being in the locked room and hiring guards old enough to have developed object permanence is probably a big help for that problem

What part of the constitution does it violate?

>ITT: nobody notices the "sword wielding" part


A persons freedom of speech and expression. He is not committing any harm to society wearing a mask unless he is engaging in unlawful activity with the mask on. It would be the exact same as the government saying you are not allowed to wear blue jeans in public.

What happens if they take off that facepaint?

>tl;dr hiding your identity is illegal unless you do it as Santa



Dear God...

Someone contact Judge Dredd

where is freedom of expression codified in constitutional text?

Why do white people do crazy shit like this every day?

That's why your mom looks smaller from far away.

ITT: That bulgarianbro with poor reading comprehension.

and that just my comment, read the whole thread before you shitpost

thats why your dick starts to look big under an electron microscope

Palolo valley, Oahu 96186

>Local coke, meth and heroin distribution and enthusiast network likes to walk around with black cloth masks and machetes
>They will sometimes wander the streets or hang out, stripping stolen mopeds waving machetes
>They fire off small caliber pistols in the street
>Their protectors in the local neighborhood watch, older "normal" people who inherited property now worth lots of $ try to use these thugs as a personal thug force and claim to be organized crime
>They will call the police and claim to be assaulted if you look directly at them or take their picture while they make death threats.
>IF you can deter the thugs with stolen pocket pistols and machetes.
>And you will never hear about this on the news
>The cops use these fucks to attack witnesses/escaped pizza etc. anyways and claim it was a random crime.
>Come to Hawaii for the beautiful beaches and hiking and suppression of all human rights protected by the constitution
>Got a secret handshake? We got the pizza!

The D.C criminal code where antifa was wearing masks.

(a) No person or persons over 16 years of age, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, shall:

(1) Enter upon, be, or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road highway, or other public way in the District of Columbia;

(2) Enter upon, be, or appear upon or within the public property of the District of Columbia; or

(3) Hold any manner of meeting or demonstration.

I don't think wearing a mask should be illegal, only if it is done in combination with committing a crime. The government shouldn't have the right to tell us what clothes we wear in public.

But then again, ANTIFA is protected by the police, Wall Street and political ((((think-tanks))))).

It is just a holding charge you dumb fucks. They are going to see what his intentions were.

Someone arrest these SICK FUCKS

no, if the news reports it, it means he has already been convicted and charged with the highest possible penalty

I'm tha jokah baby!

What now?

get out a map and locate "Florida"

kek speaks

Most southern states have anti mask laws to prevent the KKK and similar groups from parading in public in masks. Mostof those anti Trump protests are happening in liberal states that never passed such laws. You can bet that the minute Antifa shows up in Virgin ia, Alabama or Georgia in a mask they'll face the same charges.

I don't care what state you're in. If you wear a mask you're getting the electric chair

>no one cared who i was until i put on the mask
bravo nolan

>A thin layer of white makeup counts as a mask
all women are committing felonies when they wear makeup?

the same city lets trump protestors wear masks....

great job!

They're all asian, so they look alike anyway

Not a mask, make up. ARREST ALL WOMEN.



False. There are people who dislike people there, but there's no full blown antifa maskfags there. Just a bunch of highschool liberals.

Va cop here. That rule is excessive as shit. A college kid here got arrested for wearing a guy fawkes mask at a peaceful event and is facing a felony now. Bullshit.

Dislike *Trump

Oh shit you're right: Wearing concealer is a felony because you're concealing a part of the face

Was thinking the same user