Sup Forums BTFO forever. 45 hasn't delivered on a single one of his promises

Sup Forums BTFO forever. 45 hasn't delivered on a single one of his promises.

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bump for justice

This must be triggering them so hard

Oh I'm laffing


he killed the tpp and liberals the world over have been butt hurt for the last 6 months straight. plus election night? trump would need to be a practicing pedo to lose my support. MAGA

you guys are so bad at this
im actually cringing for you

Liberals have been screeching autistically for the past 4 months. Literally a third of year just screaming and crying.

That's enough for me.

We were never in the TPP

Not a single argument

>liberals the world over have been butt hurt for the last 6 months straight. plus election night
Liberals have been screeching autistically for the past 4 months. Literally a third of year just screaming and crying.

I'm laffing to the moon. Even if trump doesn't get impeached, he nor any other republican has Amy chance of winning in 2020... probably not even in 2024

Great job, sports! You picked a real winner

>killed TPP

The great economist Bernard sanders had been shilling that idea since it was drafted. Between the two populist geniuses that shit was already dead.

Give it time though, he's still got four years to completely fuck his constituents

Republicans will never win again. Trump only won because of the flawed electoral system



Obmacare is about to be repealed. Likely in the next few days.

No one cares about Hilldawg. More important things to worry about.

Travel ban is working. Refugees are leaving for Canada. Number of immigrants inbound decreasing.

Swamp is being drained.

Gousuch about to be confirmed for Supreme Court. Running budget surplus. Bids for wall going out. Illegal immigrants scared t come to America. Illegals getting deported. Stock market at all time highs. Good jobs numbers. Keystone pipeline. Winning feels good Brazil. Feels real good.

Will replace 4 current vacancies on the 9th circuit court.
The 9th still has
2 Nixon Appointees
7 Carter Appointees
5 Reagan Appointees.

Thanks to Harry Reid you only need 50 votes to replace a Federal Judge.

The 9th circuit is going to go from a bastion of lefty activist judges to a fairly conservative one in fairly short order.

With Gorsuch and any other SC nominees that come up the Conservatives will control the SC for generations.

Tell me something lefties do you still feel like your winning?

>he's mad the US didn't elect an extremely corrupt women as president so Brazil wouldn't be the only one

The flag stealing pretty much counters everything. Besides, Trump was more for the lulz.


>Obmacare is about to be repealed. Likely in the next few days.
Do you even read the news?

>No one cares about Hilldawg.
45 certainly did during the debates. What made him backpedal?

>Travel ban is working.
Blocked by several judges.

>Swamp is being drained.
Haha no. 45 hired the swamp.

>Gorsuch about to be confirmed for Supreme Court.

>Running budget surplus.
Leftover from Obama.

>Bids for wall going out.
Money sink.

>Illegal immigrants scared t come to America. Illegals getting deported.
Not a win.

>Stock market at all time highs.
Artificially inflated.

>Good jobs numbers.

>Keystone pipeline.
Not a win.

$0.25 deposited into your ShieldTrump account

You need a better radio in your trailerhome.

>2 months in the presidency
>be the first US president to experience this much resistance from every globalist shilling outlet
>still deliver more than any other president by that time
I'm waiting for shill mental acrobacy.

I kind of doubt many moderate Democrats give a shit about a gorsuch nomination


Obamacare will be repealed in the end, you're retarded if you think Hillary was ever going to get locked up, it's not a Muslim ban, everyone of his cabinet picks loves the country. He's only been president for a couple of months and you faggots just can't stop making tits of yourselves. Please explain to me how a bunch of cuck judges blocking a travel ban means that trump hasn't done his job

Let's laugh at Drumpfcucks

>Not a win
Starting to fulfill the main reason people voted for him is not a win?

>the person on the image is white
try again, shill



>I don't like Trump but I want to see him succeed

That's very sweet of you OP

But he just got in office! Give him time! He will surely MAGA right guys!? Come on defend me on this...

Obamacare will never be repealed without a good replacement. The only thing I can see replacing it would be single payer, which Trump was open to back in 2000s.

>Obamacare will be repealed in the end
Sure keep believing his lies. The Congress won't repeal the only thing resembling humane healthcare in the United States, as much as President Tiny Hands whines about it.

>you're retarded if you think Hillary was ever going to get locked up
He promised to lock her up. People chanted lock her up at rallies.

>it's not a Muslim ban
Still failed and yes it is.

>everyone of his cabinet picks loves the country
That's why they are dismantling it and selling it to the highest bidder right?

>He's only been president for a couple of months and you faggots just can't stop making tits of yourselves
What are you going to say in 2020? He's only been president for one term, give him another one guys?

trump supporters got cucked and lied to?

what a fucking shocker. what an unpredictable outcome.

Just think what they'll be like in a year or two when they've gotten further down the trajectory of the leftist parties in Europe. It's uncanny how similarly events have played out so far.
When the Tories for in (coalition) in 2010, there were schreeching autists out marching on day 1 - even managed to vandalise a war memorial in central London. All the talk was of the Tories being on borrowed time and then came Corbyn.
The Dems are going down the same path. Eventually they'll fracture as it becomes more and more evident that no one can quite agree on what constitutes a true Scotsman. For further examples, see Spain, France, the Netherlands etc.
Trump tripping up will actually play into this narrative, and here's why: despite these set-backs, the Dems will prove to be impotent in terms of making political capital from them, which will cause a backlash among internal factions who won't be able to agree what comes next i.e. go further to the left and become even more beligerent, or retreat towards the centre and try to sell yourselves as the moderate alternative to an extreme right-wing (their interpretation) gov.
This is what happens in the UK, where the Tory party keep making monumental errors but Corbyn completely fails to capitalise on them. While the Scots Nats expose the errors (not like them not to exploit an advantage), Labour politicians go on BBC News 24 and argue about whether Corbyn had a good PM questions or not.
That is the inevitable future for the Dems, regardless of how many fuck-ups Trump might commit.

Yes. Immigration is a win for the country. Integration is a win for the country. ICE breaking into innocent people's homes, arresting and deporting them and dividing families across the border is not a win.

How's your precious TPP going, you globalist faggots?



>Obamacare wasn't repealed
Night of Long Knives + demoshits get BTFO WHEN obamacare explodes and they'll take the blame

Wait for barry

>travel ban
You're stalling and now gorsuch is gonna pass an even better one

See above

No you just wanted to vote for the old lesbian who would have made it law

Loving these Trumtard crushing posts. Pull no punches man, make it hurt.


If only more (((Trump))) supports could be as honest as you, kekbro

Fucking retarded cucks he never said he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare.

They will go with death by a thousand cuts and let it die on its own.

If they repeal outright it will cost them dearly.
If they repeal and replace they own it and it will cost them dearly.

They may have planned this or backed into it.
Either way it works out better for them in the end.

To be fair, they did elect a professional conman lol.


T R U M P F A G S act like you had to vote for Hilary to think Trump was going to be shit


Tu nem é brasileiro, cuzinho guloso.



I wonder if these shills will be able to keep this up for 8 years?

Say it with me,

President Trump

Fuck off Latrino

I know, right?! I love every second of it.

"Obama divided this country" lol

wow i know right, mayve if it wasent for drunps divisive rethoric people would think less bad of the drunftards

I unironically advocate for the genocide of brazilians.

>be Brazil
>president so corrupt she gets impeached
>government so corrupt that they turn one of the most resource rich countries in the world to an absolute shithole
>Sup Forums BTFO forever because an Obamacare repeal hasn't happened in a 4 months



Wow it's like a cold civil war is going on the US right now. How very long until it turns hot?

Democrats blocked it and Obamacare will collapse all on it's own and they will have no one to blame but themselves.

Also, only unemployed poor people even need this shit. I have real insurance.

>Illegal immigrants scared t come to America. Illegals getting deported.
>criminals afraid to commit crime
>not a win
I know you're a troll, but man, you're resembling the typical Brazillian citizen intelligence-wise quite a bit.

oh you mean literally every president.

I never actually cared about most of the policy stuff Trump proposed except for the travel ban, which he tried twice, and his stance on social issues/culture.

The rest, regardless of whatever happens, i don't care. I support (and will continue to support) Trump because he's the absolute mad man meme emperor.

>in less than 3 months trump attempts to accomplish everything he stated
>Gets blocked by establishment politicians or judges trying to make a new for themselves
>His fault

blumpf btfo!

I'd still support him if he was a practicing pedo

No one cares, everyone knows he'll be lucky to complete 4 years, even you.

blurrhpmff btfo!

I don't understand how Sup Forums memed so much for trumps!

He's far from being a white supremacist, only fight against illegal...etc

He's more leftist that any republicans, I d'ont mind personally but I dunno why Sup Forums ignored that.

hhharrrmmmblurrmfffFFF btfo!

This mentality is why we're driving this country into the fucking ground. Fuck off, underage faggot.

He build wall, kick out all taco, ban mudshit, made healthcare, win again, drain swamp

I mean Drumpf did actually go on Jeffrey Epstein's plane so...

What you don't get, huemonkey, is that the American people voted for Trump not because of a specific policy, but because they wanted a fundamental change in the government and the people it purports to represent. We're tired of working to feed a liberal elite who has nothing but contempt for us. That we cannot work to support millions of third worlders while we struggle to feed our own families. We want the media to represent the people, not the fever dreams of powerful globalist Jews. We want the government to know that we are a people. We want them to know that we are here, and we are angry, and they better get in line or start packing their bags. We elected Trump because he sent a message.

Undocumented? I think you mean illegals

>things I do not like or agree with
These are not the same. Learn the difference, it could save your life.

USA needs to be united back with the democratic party!! they are the only ones who r for uman rights helping undocumented folk and people of color!!!!!

i as person of color who want to go to USA feel deep pain because of DRUMPF and DUNPTARDS

>Obamacare won't be repealed in the end.
Four years is plenty of time to get a replacement up. Trump could use Rand's plan tomorrow.

>He promised to lock her up.
No. His surrogates and supporters did. Trump promised to appoint a special prosecutor. He either lied or changed his mind. Also ; Locking up Hilary Clinton would take too much political capital in this climate. It would be suicide. Could still happen with a extreme bombshell.

>it's a Muslim ban
it's a ban of the easy target Muslim countries. It's clearly not a ban on all Muslims. Muslims from Indonesia or Europe can still immigrate to the US. How is that a ban?

>why they are dismantling it and selling it to the highest bidder?
It's a fire sale to finance an attempt to build a new country.

>What are you going to say in 2020?
Don't blame me, I voted for Gary Johnson

You bean bastards aren't supposed to be here in the first place.

Sorry you fucked your own countries up beyond the point of repair but that's not our problem..

Fix your own countries instead of importing your low level people into our country because you're trying to escape your failures at home.

Enjoy ban

fuck you you should have voted from hillary
people who voted for lolbertarian and green party sold USA to facism

Stop screaming and crying

>he nor any other republican has Amy chance of winning in 2020... probably not even in 2024
That's what people said after Bush. 8 years later we got Trump. Never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate.

>everyday news complaints about trumps new plan
>everyday news complaints trump has accomplished nothing
Pick one

Did anyone see Trey Gowdy fuck up Comey at the senate hearings. Comey all but confessed.

Wait 'till we put Kanye in the White House.


That's literally what OP on this thread was just talking about.

>flawed electoral
it's worked very well for over two hundred years. Your third world shit tank has gone through dozens of different governing styles, and your shit is still fucked up. Get on our level banana lips.

Whoops. Here's the thread.


>He killed the TPP

Got bad news for ya Australia. You're about to get chink'd.

>Here illegally
>Ice Breaking into innocent people's homes


After you shiteaters have been polluting the other boards with your garbage meme-shit it sure feels nice to come here and laugh at you.


C r i n g e

According to Politifact, Trump has kept 5 promises and compromised on one. He's not even 100 days in. He has more than 1300 days to go. He made a lot of promises but a lot of his promises are also still in progress. Even if he only keeps half of his promises, most would be great for the country and we'd be far better off.

One compromise.

is that what you laughable drumpftard tell eachother to keep calm when your precident is about to be impeached ????


You don't recover from the dicking in November.