So did the USA get conned?

So did the USA get conned?

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I can assure you that a working man would totally like the disposition of Donald Trump over sociopath Hillary

immigrants suck. go fish some dead relatives out of the ghanges baboo.

That may be, but that doesn't mean Trump wouldn't leave that nobody for dead if it meant he could make an extra couple mil.

It also doesn't mean that Hillary wouldn't have helped him more.

I think the key take away is that the average blue collar worker is a moron and will always be fooled by who pretends best. Regardless of what their own best interest is.


Why are you getting hostile over an innocent question? :^)

Still too soon to tell.

That's true, but on the other hand, Trump is in cahoots with Congress, which really, really wants to cut benefits for poor blue collar workers.

I voted for trump because he makes my enemies butthurt. As long as he does this, he is a success in my books. That's all I want.

I don't understand how the American public fails to recognize that Trump is a conman

>I voted to kill thousands of poor rural white americans when my population and race is already declining to help jewman mc jewster further

his daughter literally converted to Judaism

yes! trump is a zionist shill

I can't believe we let him have the nuclear codes

This is cuckold behavior user

The fuck are you talking about you nerd lmao


Fuck rich people am I right ? xD
Goddamn socialists.

Well, atleast you are honest and I can see where you are coming from.

People keep saying this and yet he's doing just fine.

I can absolutely believe Sup Forums would let him have the nuclear codes... I just can't believe the rest of the country would too.

Why do you shit on the beach?


How do you even post from that shit infested hold you call a home?

Jesus do you people need Big Daddy America to wipe your ass?


>i hate rich ppl so much i wish i could punch them all in the face how dare they be rich when im not

bernout detected

>I like that my president is being obstructed at every turn even though his party is in control.

I think he's doing a fine job too. Keep failing and making your party obsolete! Push local politics as far left as they'll go before 2018!

Single Payer in 2020!

>Regardless of what their own best interest is
>best interest

I am sick of this meme. You do not know what a blue collar workers best interests are. Only they do.

That said, Trump represents many a blue collars best interests-he supports coal, he supports deportation of illegals (those who take the blue collar jobs and work them for less money), and he supports the Christian faith.

These all fall in line with the average blue collar worker. Stop calling these people morons-you live a cushy life working a nicer job, while these people have to pick up after you.

>You guys should have voted for Hillary who was openly anti-white, anti-working class
Shareblue not even trying

Only a Jew can out Jew a Jew, faggot.

Besides, Trump isn't Jewish, he's Christian. His dauther is not running the country; doesn't matter if she converted.

sage this thread, this is shillcon 2

Sorry, will shit on your doorstep instead

When I post pro Trump shit in an anti Trump forum, I get called a moron but also get a lot of links and explanations as to why I am wrong

Meanwhile when I question Trump here, I get called a shill. Are you that insecure?

I can speak from experience, that a commercial factory area that for years was dead has come back to life in the last 6 months. Coincidence?


Thanks, I was looking for posts like these. I wish to know the ground reality but unfortunately many Trump supporters start chimping out assuming I'm here to shill about them

Thanks for the post. I feel that for many of the people online, it's about PC culture vs anti PC but the majority of the people who matter and who are also suffering are blue collared workers who just want to live a comfortable life

Not this working man.

why are you redditors so gulible? there is no political solution to the problems in the world becasue (((they))) control everything.


When you let low-information, uneducated white trash vote, you get a ridiculous person like Trump in the white house. These voters are simply not smart people.

Nobody knows yet if we were conned. We'll find out when they push the tax cuts.

Hillary absolutely did not have any idea of the struggles the blue collar worker faces.

Trump being rich doesn't prevent him from understanding the issues. He's sort of a "blue collar billionaire" given his fortune is from construction and he's hands on in his projects and talks to people who work for him. That's what set him apart. Hillary was too elitist to even try to understand the common man.

Will Trump actually help the blue collar average Joe? Hopefully. Does he actually care about the working man? Hopefully. But in the campaign he was the only candidate who even pledged to help and pretended to care about the forgotten working class and that's why he turned WI, MI, and PA red and won Ohio. That's why he did so well with union members who historically vote democrat.

Even Bill Clinton told Hillary she needed to reach out to the working class and she ignored him because she was too cocky.

>never took a civics class

The healthcare bill would have needed a supermajority in the senate. No way democrats would sign on because they are retards. The AHCA was a moderate bill and the dems missed their chance to help it along. With the mandate gone premiums are about to fucking skyrocket and the ACA will collapse and the Freedom Caucus will be able to put in a hardline conservative bill with little opposition.

When the ACA fails it will be on the heads on the democrats who refused to cross the aisle because people will be thinking that something would have been better than the dumpster fire that is coming.

Single payer in 30 years max, though. The republicans are too spineless to take away entitlements. The next bill will be more conservative but they'll make concessions on expanding medicare and medicaid to get it through.

>demonize rural whites
>expect them to think voting for you would be best for their interests

Why do liberals still think this?

College educated whites preferred Trump to Clinton you retard.

They had the supermajority without ANY democrats. Also, why would the Dems actively seek to pass a bill that was worse for their constituents than the current one?

We could see Single Payer on the table as early as 2020 because Trump is pushing local politics left out of the realization that republicans can in fact still win if the left doesn't get out and fucking vote in non-presidential elections.

>supports the Christian faith
>sexed up frat boy that has cheated on all his wives

Pick one

Trump is a means to a goal.
If he could be Christian like Pence and not a fucking pimp boy that would be better.But be happy that we even got this lucky.


>still never took civics

They have 52 votes in the SENATE which is different than the HOUSE. They need a supermajority in the SENATE.

Why am I not shocked that someone advocating single payer is retarded when it comes to government?

The left is in total disarray. Who are they even going to put up? Booker? Warren? Harris? Give me a fucking break. The democrat base abandoned the party because they went too far left and their answer is apparently to go further left.

The ACA is absolute shit and always has been. Higher premiums are not best for their constituents and without the mandate they'll go higher because I'm not buying insurance or funding it with the penalty anymore. Seriously learn civics and economics and learn about how insurance works. You've got people with preexisting conditions and people who can't pay for insurance covered, that makes premiums raise. The way the ACA tried to counteract that was forcing everyone to have insurance which gives the insurers more capital to work with and reduces their overall risk. Group rates get discounted because the more people who are insured the more profitable it is. The healthy people pay in and don't receive payouts, while the sick pay in and receive payouts. Now less healthy people will be paying for shit tier coverage so the insurance companies will have to charge more to the people who are still paying in order to offset the costs of insuring people who need expensive treatments but never bought their own health insurance.

Premiums were rising like mad even when the mandate was in effect. It's going to get way worse now and since it's still called Obamacare and since the democrats refused to help with the new bill the blame will fall squarely on the left.

You're fucking delusional if you think this happens any other way.

Eat shit faggot shill you know nothing

Donny Moscow is in the White House to enrich himself, his family & his millionaire friends as much as possible. That's all he cares about.