What is the most based state and why is it wyoming?

What is the most based state and why is it wyoming?

>no niggers
>no libs hits

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Doesn't Wyoming have a Native American problem where they commit a shit ton of crime?
TBQH I'd say the best state is Michigan outside of Detroit and Flint, Arizona and Missouri seem like nice places too.

A lot of the western states do, but not Wyoming, since it only has one reservation. Admittedly the reservation is still pretty shitty, but it isn't enough to drive crime up statewide, like, for example, Montana, which has seven.

Wyomings are square

>high suicides



Alaska, because (sand)niggers can't handle the cold

There are plenty of blacks in Chicago though


t. sandnigger, can confirm

i live in the Chicago area... about as far north as i can take, tbpqhfamsai.

based Idaho has the best aesthetics

Also, Mormons are the whitest in the country and have an avg income of like 100k and have 5 kids

white men are the most common suicidal group
rural people commit suicide far more than urban people

Wyoming is full of white rural people.

The west has a problem. Flagstaff user here, lots of Navajo Knife Attacks on campus last year. Andrew Jackson was so close to getting rid of the reds.

Pfff yea Newyork is just freezing too.

My city is windier then the Windy City too.
Get on my god frosaken level

Definitely fucking Maine dude I'm so stoned.

i met some real hicks from chugwater and boy are they dumb


That's a rectangle you retard


If he wants to be a square, let him be a square

Anchorage is filled with niggers and Samoans.

I'd love to move to wyoming, but the job prospects down here in colorado seem better for me...

Still, keep being based wyoming.

I find it amusing how people here are so confident in saying "nigger", when in real life they won't do SHIT.

Lmfao. "Internet defence force". Unlike you stormfag incels, we don't fucking NEED to do shit over the internet, we do it face to face and beat the living shit out of you there and then. Well, we would, but you're too scared to LITERALLY EVEN LEAVE YOUR BEDROOM LMFAO.

It's hilarious, because despite the talk, you're TERRIFIED of us. Lmfao. You KNOW this is true, you KNOW you're nothing more than a pathetic, shy autistic KID who LITERALLY CAN'T LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES LMFAO, yet of course online you're a "crusader" (I actually cringed just typing that lmfao). You BOW your head when you see me in the street, you fucking SHIT YOURSELF when you see us late at night, and you're SUCH A LITTLE BITCH THAT YOU CROSS THE STREET TO AVOID US. LMFAO.

Again - go ahead and type out a butthurt reply, but deep down you KNOW what I'm saying is true. That's what makes it so hilarious - literally ALL young western european "nationalists" are scared, pathetic COWARDS. Sure, you have your little Steam groups/IRCs where you whine about "the shitskins", you bitch on your little forums, but WE CONTROL YOUR STREETS. LMFAO. You are PETRIFIED to leave the house after dark, because of us. LMFAO. Aww, little suburban bitch, did the scary dark man give you a nightmare? Don't worry, just go and play Crusader Kings, you can be a real man there! LMFAO.

wtf I love Minnesota now?


population 10, 70 mph winds everyday

No idea why anyone would live there.

nice blog, reddit.

Is this a new pasta?

fuk u nigger awoo~

Kentucky if you disregard the "hur hur incest hillbillies" memes.
91% white
Not far from civilization (Indiana/Ohio)
Mellinials are mostly rightwing
QT3.14 farmers daughters with blonde hair and sweet southern accents.

Western Kentucky. Stay away from nigger land Louisville and the mountains.

Arkansas fag planning on going to uni there with gi bill after my Army stint.

As an user who's hitch bucked 39 of the 48 continental United States, I have to say Wyoming is the best. Jobs, booze, and Christian white women. Enough said.


Really want to go to college there,
finishing out hs in nigger-filled louisiana sucks

Before I went to Wyoming I would have talked shit about it. But since I've been there... it is one of the most beautiful awesome places I've ever been. I would snap if I had to live there but it is pretty great.

You should, best midwestern state.

You forgot

>no people


Pros: Texas

Cons: Mexicans, but that won't be a problem soon.
Also hot as hell.

When people are complaining about the cold while us leaves have lived through it our entire lives, especially in Newfoundland and the territories.

Texas heat isnt near as bad as Arkansas heat.

why do you guys hate colored people so much, sheeshhh

>tfw your state is so insignificant and LITERALLY WHO that no one even knows you exist
Yes, goyim go to Wyoming and Montana. I don't even exist. Stay out.

>Navajo Knife Attack

Great band name though

>complains about racism
>is in a recently "culturally enriched" country
How's the refugees, Viking

Cons: Leftist Californians moving to Texas doing their best to ruin it.

Hi, North Dakota.

No wait, you sound like a refugee


>Muh Crossroads
>More corn than you can handle
>Very conservative
>Lots of guns
>Shit is cheap

This is actually pretty true. I mean, there's still a lot of white men that have balls. A fuckload of them. But there's a sharp rise in autistic, socially awkward, and shy white men.

No.. I'm kidding.

I'm a Mexican and Black guy that grew up in southern california. No one here looks at race, it's not even mentioned unless it's in a joking way. Everyone still has their culture and ways of life, but we are able to live in harmony. The biggest problem is our southern border and the drugs/gangs that come with it.

Had a family that live on our street who had pro trump signs in front of their house, and hundreds, if not thousands of cars go through our street every day because it's a shortcut to the freeway, and nothing ever happened to him, no one cares. This is in riverside county california btw. Crazy right?

Oh no, I've been found out! Please don't go there either!

If a Californian moves to Texas, they probably agree with their laws, whether they lean left or right.

Well you're a dick

>normal judicial system
>sane gun laws

Seriously though, can you stop be racist. A lot of non white Americans have done so much this country as well. How do you think a Hawaiian might feel if they saw that they were hated like this? Big fat meanies


A white kid from Arkansas calling me a nigger. I keked. Faggot.

And you wonder why colored people resent white America.

Trump will be impeached.
Kek wills it.
Digits confirm.

It is true. I've visited Wyoming. Best state in the union.

Wyoming has canada like crime rates with a completely bonkers number of guns

So yeah you guys win, moving there ASAP

I think that Nebraska is the most 'LITERALLY WHO' state. I know nothing about it, I'm pretty sure it exists. Same goes with Oklahoma.

Looks like Kek specifically told you no, he won't be impeached there.

Says the side literally turning itself into girls