Why do 70% of Sup Forums want another great war so badly?

Why do 70% of Sup Forums want another great war so badly?

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they romanticize war and military in general

see: the people who post black and white nazi shit constantly and they cum in their pants everytime they see a uniform

They're nihilists.

It's going to happen sooner or later.
Why not sooner?

we're running out of things to talk about

Race war soon brothers

So we can be heroes and marry a cute twink sissy.

As if most don't already know war itself...

War is fun. Stop being so fucking confused by it, it's as simple as "ITS FUN"

We need to destroy everything to build something new and beautiful.

because it would be funny and generally a good time.

I'm the 30%.

I want to die.

There needs to be another war, to create hard times so we can obtain hardened men. The west has become complacent, people are concerned with trannies, niggers, and open borders.

One will happen, whether we like to or not.

Problem is, the white race will not survive the next 200 years.

They want to commit genocide, but want to hide it under the banner of war.

Its not war, its genocide with resistance.

Have you seen what our men look like without war?

It's the only way to dislodge the globalist bourgeois liberal elites from their positions of power.

I'll tell you why. Sup Forums is largely a group of impotent and miserable people. People like this like to see others suffer. A great war would involve millions and billions of deaths and misery. Misery loves company. This is why Sup Forums wants this great war.

>want another great war so badly?
Because the alternative is slavery to a horrible machine or foreigners destroying our society.

Cause people are so fucking tired of our politicians and SJW's they want war to strengthen them and give them a taste of the real world and suffering.

The people who think the modern world doesn't need a cleansing and a wake up call are nihilists

>Sup Forums is largely a group of impotent and miserable people. People like this like to see others suffer.
more or less

>tense political situations
>people dying
>riots by retarded liberals for everything about the war
>men being forced onto battlefields to die hundreds of miles away from home
>often ending like how internet arguments go, with no one changing their minds and everyone being mad

Tanya please stop getting BTFO by God.

Schadenfreude in my case.

>because subversion and left cuckery isn't genocide either.
Gr8 b8 m8.

The first leaf in days to say anything worthwhile

Because the millennial generation has absolutely nothing to look forward to.

>No virgin wives (Whores and serial monogamists are statistically likely to be trash)
>Shit job prospects
>Student debt and worthless college degrees
>Cost of living is rising while wages stagnate
>We're all due to become minorities in our own country.

Day to day life is absolutely meaningless. The system itself (Government, culture, etc.) practically ensures that nobody can carve out their own meaning.

What else is there to look forward to? A well paying career is a matter of chance, rather than resting entirely on GPA and choice of major. I get to look forward to my country becoming Mexico del Norte. Hell, I can't even have a wife and kids, because the absolute best most can hope to get at this point is a serial monogamist that hasn't fucked "too many" other men.

What's the point of wanting this system to continue? There's no meaning to be had, and no happiness to be found. At least a war, or an economic collapse or something of the sort signals change.

^ found the /leftypol/

>shills, damned shills, and autistics
- Mark Twain, 2017

>I get to look forward to my country becoming Mexico del Norte.
Non-believer, go home to reddit

Drain The Swamp
Build The Wall
They Have To Go Back

Man was not made to be in this state of bickering and competing for small tribal bullshit, we are made for great shit, like space exploration and massive war endeavour where everyone feels like they are a part of a team working towards a goal

Because going out in a blaze of glory is preferable to a slow and painful death.


>sees flag
You're also a faggy spic.

>Comparing a sexual fetish to a removal of a whole group of people


That's gonna change after the libnigs get wiped from the US and EU

don't associate me with scum like lefties

Who said it'll be complete death?
People fight for victory user.

Every time I see Russia,china or North Korea start something in the news I just think they are a giant cock tease, start a Third World War or fuck off! need to find a way to bring the world back on track and away from this safe space bullshit


Oh yeah? Timestamp with firearm, NOW, or you're one of them...

....I'll wait.

Good, wholesome, family fun!

>I want to let in a whole group of people that have lived in warfare, hate the west and white people and think nothing but "rape their women"
>isn't self-destructive genocide
>isn't pushed through left ideology which is pushed by greatest ally

The reason we want war is because we're under attack.
You don't let them kill you, you fight back.

Typically the pro-Trump MAGA memers ARE reddit.

Face it user, even assuming mass deportations, the cake has already been baked. We would need to close off immigration completely, deport anchor babies, and start throwing actual, legal citizens out to maintain a white majority.

Even if Trump had the will to do that, he couldn't, because the office of President has so little power.

I don't see a single problem with this desu.

Because we'd win.

That's what white men look like without purpose. They latch onto video games and pseudo-intellectualism to make themselves feel like their life has value.

>if you don't own a firearm you're a leftie
>if you don't buy an item then all your political views shift
i don't live in some neighborhood infested with niggers nor do i live anywhere near a remotely large city so there's really no reason for this
but you're still gonna call me a leftie anyways, right~?

>A well paying career is a matter of chance
And even if you get one, once again, why? What are you working towards with all that cash? Go be a wage-slave for 10 hours a day to pay taxes that just go to keep the system destroying your people afloat and indulge in more nihilistic consumerism.

Typically I fantasize about economic collapse and some sort of radical revolution through Democratic channels (aka, Weimar Germany's transition to the Third Reich), but that's unlikely to happen.

Honestly, anything that promises change at this point is something I'll sign onto gladly.

Can just imagine SJW's in basic training when they get conscripted, with the Chinese making there way down south there will be no safe spaces for them

you should always be at war, we can do with civil ones for now

I wouldnt't want to partake in the war, I would want to watch by the sidelines like a sport.
Every time a ship gets bombed or a country gets nuked I would post "X BTFO!! HOW WILL X RECOVER??" and have a good time.

When the world became degenerate at this point , you need to purge and rebuilt a decent one.

They're mostly children

It's just everything is shit and I want to serve the purpose that my grand fathers and so on did, fight for the country and try to help restore order to the world

>War breaks out
>You still fight for multiculturalism, sjw and nogs

I wouldn't say that i want it, but knowing what i know now the world needs a reset in the form of some sort of large conflict or disaster in order to pull us away from our current path of social decay. The sooner this inevitable, cataclysmic event happens the better chance that humanity can survive. Yes people will suffer, yes i as an individual will most likely die, yes i will probably see my friends and family die horrific deaths, yes there will be immense suffering and pain that watching rekt webms could never prepare anybody for; but there are far more important forces in play that are grander than my individual life and desires. The clashing of these grand forces is inevitable, the only thing we can do is to prepare; i think most of us are simply preparing to die though, the bolder of us are trying to "ride the tiger" so to speak. I'm not that bold though.

He is suggesting you should buy one if you are on the right. Many reasons like that they want you dead. They being (((them))), blacks, and commies.

Because people are too soft.

It'd be funny wouldn't it.

because we are bored, unloved social outcasts, we don't have bright future in present system so we want it to burn, we will die in the process or not but some entertainment will be there for sure at least for first fifteen minutes

This, along with the current system is broken as fuck and there's no point doing shit most of the time because it's all fucked to hell.

I'm gonna try and see what I can do with one qt I know that hasn't knowingly fucked anyone yet, if I get lucky (I.e. Unicorn-tier shit) then maybe I might care more about the future, but for now it's all fucked.

As well as the need to weed the weak from our societies and learn the lesson that whites should be allowed to have their own countries
>only two white men placed bombs on air planes ever
>both in the 1950s
>both for insurance claims on love ones
>yet we spend billions on security in airports because the muds want to misbehave
I'm tired of paying the nigger/mudslime tax

Because I'm bored as fuck

Because conflict creates strong men

because my life is boring and war would be fun and exciting, especially if it's against an ethnicity I don't like, such as muslims or democrats

>shiba post
you're alright

>war weeding the weak from society

War keeps soft men safe and the more warlike dead.

Whites have had more wartime casualties than any other ethnicity on the planet and look where we are at now.

If WW3 broke out
>solve overpopulation
>will possibly get rid of problemed countries e.g North Korea, maybe mayanmar, India will probably try to fuck up pakistan.
>Trades,apprenticeships and factory work will become more popular, women in factories will help end "equality" bullshit
>conscription will hopefully fix lack of discipline and SJW bullshit
>help unite countries under a solid goal and hopefully will help crush any existing social issues, like sharia law trying to sneak its way in, immigration made tougher, BLM and just typical bullshit that during war no one would care about

> anime avataring

Yeah....I take you Very seriously and will consider your opinions on their merit, truly-duly will.

Yeah but even back then the soft men weren't as soft as today, atleast they worked in factories and mines

shit is fucked and the only way to unfuck the shit is to blow it all up for awhile and take the rich people's stuff away.

Because I'm a directionless young man who believes that the war will either forge him into a stronger man, or end his suffering. The usual trope.

to purge the population. There are too many humans as it is and we need to cull it. Also something something about the economy

Thanks friend, you're alright too. Hope we get to take up arms together against the degenerates someday.


At least I own my shit when I say I like chaos. I wouldn't mind war, if it didn't involve the deaths and rape of millions of innocent people. I also think people have no idea of the reality that humanity originated and evolved under, and it warps people's understanding of the world that is not necessarily reality. The people on here are the worst offenders, miserable wretches who desire something they have no understanding of. They have no idea what will come of their lives and the lives of their family in a losing war.

Nah i just want to see everything burn and everyone suffer before going blank.


This pretty much. The immediate side effects would suck but the long term effects would be beneficial. It's like burning away old growth in a forest so new things can grow.

I hope you're card carrying members.

What are you talking about, most of us didn't vote or shill for Hillary

I wouldn't dream of having it any other way brother

Your a dumbass. The only good that will come of war would be to remind ourselves of the shit nature of human existence for most of history. It will make the armchair warmongers such as yourself understand peace and suffering, and it will remind the SJWs that egalitarianism is a privilege that can only exist in a world of sufficient resources.

This. very well put.


A race war though....

They zone out. Because they don't want to admit that they're in danger and there is no place to run or hide.

No one already care about BLM

No we need a purge of liberals desu.
Stop being such a pussy.

Will be hard for them to fight with dildos and bongs

Ok first of it's "you're" if you're going to argue then atleast do it right. We have an issue of mass population, generations of people growing up with no discipline or direction at all that could be found with mandatory military service and for countries such as mine school leavers have chosen to go to university more then to get a trade, apprenticeships are down 45%. I know some people such as yourself might sit at home and just think that everything just gets provided for you in your local supermarket, even if it grew to be another major Cold War with a larger tension that could help atleast unify a country, especially one such as yours that is tearing itself apart just because people are unhappy that there presidential candidate didn't get in.

because there already is one

its just cold and simmering, ruining countless lives in its wake without any actual real clear cut fight with which people can fight to survive in

Pretty much

>using reaction images is avataring
at least i don't Type autistically

>two pics from the same game
>avatar fagging
Are you seriously this dense? Let me remind you, this is an IMAGEboard, people post images here. And that is a reaction image, just like the one you just used you cock sucking jingoist.

Either that or they just break down mentally in basic and you find them curled up crying under a bed while you're thinking what the fuck we are only in the 3rd week

>found the numale fucking cuck manlet beta faggot

Every time I see a Hitler gif like this, I realize more and more the depths of the lies we've been taught for decades.

Nobody in Germany was afraid of this man. They loved him and he loved them.

We must avenge him.