What is the most powerful nation on earth and why is it america?

what is the most powerful nation on earth and why is it america?

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Sauce on full vid?

What even is this post? Of course it is. There's nothing to argue here.

What the fuck man, there is no sport in that you're just running them over.

That video is nigger/chink tier


White Trash.

wild boars are incredibly dangerous. They need to be killed. They would eat a small child if they found one.

Yeah, that was one of the most beta hunting things I've seen anyone do. Hunting fucking Boars or something with a laser pointer in a driving car. It's just stupid.

Oh no, m'children.

Where the fuck do you have to live and how irresponsible do you have to be if you fear that your child will be eaten by a boar.

Are you retarded, or are you just acting?


Fuck off white trash.

Go rip the legs off a bug so you can feel alpha about yourself.

You know those things are major pest right? Most states pay you to kill them.

What is this fucking cruelty?

The Fuhrer would gas subhumans like you.

Making sport of killing animals is subhuman.

Better than getting suffocated by volcano ash desu

kek leave this femviking alone years of inbreeding messing with his noggin

Okay and so are deer.

Does that mean in the dead of night, I go driving around the forest in a pickup truck shooting and running over dozens of them? No. No one fucking does that.

Hunting is a sport. It is a way for man to be on even footing with the animal it's hunting. That's why 99% of hunters sit and wait for their pray.

The white trash in the video is just slaughtering them with no regard for anything. It's not a sport for him. It's degenerate and nigger tier.


>run over
Its an ATV
If anything he's bringing more risk on himself if he falls off and those boars decide to fuck him up
But yeah his aim is shit too

man that looks fun AF.

I've seen a lot of sick shit lurking this site but this is on another level. Disgusting, degenerate, cowardly and pathetic.

their populations are huge and require mass killings. A car and laser pointer is efficient. Some even use helicopters

ur so dumb it hurts

deer don't attack people, pets, they barely damage property. which is why they are pests you get paid to kill

all wild boars are a problem. this isn't hunting, it's genocide you dumb fuck.

so i guess you havent seen this



seconding this

Not an argument.

ITT: Foreigners who don't realize how much of a problem wild boar pose to people

*snort snort* mommy piggy, why are you on the ground *snort* ?? Mommy piggy wake up please *snort*


>not the one with like thirty pigs

Boars in the south have become so numerous that they are now a pest species like rats.

OP's vid is of some of them being exterminated, not hunted for sport.

those things are nothing like deer. They're basically giant rats.

Invasive species get no quarter.

Faggot beta cucklord
It's hogs you dumb citynigger

And you don't think there is a more humane way to deal with bore as opposed to shooting them with a shotgun, missing most of the shot so basically not even killing the bore, but putting it in pain, then proceeding to run it over with a vehicle...

That is purely degenerate and I don't give a fuck what kind of excuse you have about them being dangerous.

There are more proper ways of handling wild bore than what the faggot in OPs video is doing.

Oh alright, if It's for population control and not some idiots playing around in a car It's nothing to comment on.



Can't it be both?
Also think its an ATV, not a car

Those things destroy crops and breed like rats.
I got paid once to kill hogs.

>aim is shit
>barely misses one shot

Shut the fuck up you chink faggot.

>hunting fucking boars while driving a car with a laser sighted shotgun
No user, that's called Freedom. That's called America!

>virtue signal on internet, then proceed to store to buy meat

>there are better ways to do it
>but I don't know any and neither does anyone else

The pussyfication of america contiuneues


That looks fun as shit. I'm gunna move off the coast one day.

The difference is that deer don't destroy millions of dollars in agricultural goods each year.

Hog bounties are good for the country. They are literal pests.

Not to mention that if you don't gut it and clean it IMMEDIATELY after killing it the meat goes bad and smells like piss.

I were coming to this thread to shitpost but then i realized OP is actually right.
Fuck me.

There really isn't though. They are a huge pest in agricultural areas and disrupt native populations of deer and other wildlife.

Game and Fish in my area have tried trapping but it doesn't work. You may catch 1 or 2 at a time but that's it and they're smart enough not to fall for the same trap twice.

The only reliable means we have to remove the hog population is by shooting or using catch dogs do hold them and then killing the pig.

There just isn't any other options avaliable to us.

All boar sympathizers should hang.

Like what?

>Be from Iceland
>Have not been suffocated by volcano ash
Checkmate amerijew

Mother is from a Norwegian family, father is from an Icelandic one. Checkmate cuckland.

you better post more of these

I second this, Fuck the hogs.

>the cucked leaf says this as he's banned from saying anything mean to goatfuckers

Watch this video for redpills and you will understand the world much better.
Also watch his other videos.

this one is really good aswell

>controlling pest animals in such a fashion

i fear the american for he can make a good time out of rampant killing so very easily

Hey now.

Here in Hawaii we worry about both.

That explains why I wouldn't know, the south fucking sucks.

>when your country is so based that killing rice farmers has become boring
>your people ride around in helicopters to hunt feral pigs
God Bless America!

Sure thing.

Pigs that live in volcanoes?

When they are in large groups like that they decimate the environment and need to be put down. They have no predators in parts of the states

Wild Boars are pests.

Holy shit, that was fun to watch, would so do that if I got the chance.

that shit looks fun, sauce


>The difference is that deer don't destroy millions of dollars in agricultural goods each year.

>le noble animal killing

Don't be so full of yourself, they're fucking wild animals dude. Why do you care?

Americans? Your fucking monarchs used to do that Shit from train cars. And that was the apex of your civilization, not some inbred bumpkins. Oh wait...

>Een tandpasta homo die stemde voor die janet met zijn brilletje

do you drink soy milk and estrogen ?

Nothing beats a day of (or night) of hoghunting.

Hogs will eat crops right out of a field. Peanuts, corn, soybeans etc.

>wasting perfectly good boar meat for a fucking laugh

Is this eastern Europe?

So many people in this thread who have no idea about wild pigs. In Texas, we offer helicopter tours where you can hunt these fuckers from the air. Night hunts are incredibly popular. These little shits reproduce like roaches, destroy crops, ruin agricultural areas beyond repair, taint water sources by the sheer amount of feces they leave behind, cause accidents on the highways, and are incredibly aggressive and dangerous. Fuck these cunts. Kill them all by any means.

so do deer

sauce on OP: youtube.com/watch?v=vAfJG1PMjbY

this looks like a fucking video game but irl, damn

Based texan gets it.

here ya go

Im 99% sure its aliens but not to worry trump will deport them to the moon where they belong

I find it hilarious at how many sheltered children are getting upset over this webm. I'm a fucking uneducated nigger from the asshole of the caribbean and even I know how dangerous and destructive to the environment an out of control wild boar population can be.

It's not meant to be "sport", just removal by any means.

underrated boast


ty user

It's either this or illegally mass poisoning them, which has so much collateral damage to other species that a judge just blocked an attempt to allow it.

Many of the people exterminating boars are CONSERVATIONISTS. It isn't just some bumbfuck hick that's being paid to shoot boars from a helicopter all day, it's a government employee.

We're open to suggestions.

The answer is plain and simple.

We're like that really buff guy in high school who was actually smart.

They are an invasive species and their control is needed and cleetus here is happy to oblige .

Does any other fellow american just think we should genocide these bastards? It would be so fun, just pull up to a pack of them, unzip your gun of choice and start picking them off. You'd get payed to do it, and you'd be doing good for the farmers and other people in the area.

I call for Americans to go to war against boars, like how Australia went to war against emus, except we don't fail this time.

this, they're literal menaces

theyre not hunting nigger they're exterminating. see above

These fucking hogs destroy farmland and crops, And not only that they are very aggressive and dangerous espescially for kids.
We hunt them very aggresively here in Sweden because they multiply like fucking bacteria.
And judging from videos from the US it doesn't look any better.

Kill animals only for food, not fun. Karma will catch you up.

No user, the hogs are nigger tier. The video depicts a man ridding his homeland of useless wastes of life, like you.

we've been trying for as long as I can remember. I have on the order of a couple hundred under my belt and lots of my rancher friends who have been doing it 20+ years are in the 5k confirmed kill range.

What a terrible shot that guy is. Jesus Christ. Those hogs aren't even 5 meters away at some points AND he has a laser attached to his rifle.

This is the most American thing ever.

We're already there bud, and we're losing.
There aren't enough volunteers and poison is off the table.

Now I can finally sympathize with Aussies and their Emu War.

I think protecting the rest of the ecosystem by culling an invasive pest is pretty fucking good karma, Heinrich.

The shot is harder than it looks, try to consecutively hit the hogs while on the move, the hogs are going sideways to add more difficulity.