Why is Christianity so comfy bros?

Why is Christianity so comfy bros?

>Tfw you know Jesus loves you and you love him too

because it's true

Unconditional love is best love.

Because it appeases one's soul of all its needs.

It's a very comfy thing to have in your life.
Whenever I fuck myself into a mental corner and can't think of a way to raise my morale, I just remind myself I'm one of God's children. It never fails.

Im at a point where I dont think God even cares.
Something bad has happened to me a few months ago and I was in a pretty desperate situation.
I prayed for help but I dont think I received any. Only my friends and family has helped me out through it.
Im starting to think Im in this by myself and everything I do is up to me, good or bad, like an normal, logical person

We can't possibly understand his works (in us) until they are done. I'm sorry you're going through a hard time but that's why it's called faith. nobody said it would be easy. hang in there.

Feels good
My favorite Christian painting by the way

>Also on the table are some jewels, pearl necklaces and a gold chain. On the far wall hangs a painting of the Last Judgment (right) while: on the left wall facing the woman is a mirror. The contrast between the valuable objects on the table, the Last Judgment and the scales, symbols of the Judgment itself, are intended to remind the viewer of the importance of resisting the temptation of earthly riches and living moderately in order to obtain salvation. The calmness of the young woman's feature's indicates that she is capable of living according to these principles.

>Only my friends and family has helped me out trough it.
Maybe your prayer was answered, but in a different manner.

If he won't bother to explain his plan why should I waste my time following him?

This has happened to me a few times, whilst working night shifts, alone, reminding myself that no matter what, God loves us.

Because you want to be truly fulfilled.

How did he feed the 6 gorrillion with just a fish and a loaf though?


It not like that for me, I believe in God but can't discipline myself, Always sinning, faping, praise kek etc, it make me feel terrible.
(I'm started being Christian recently)

look, here's the deal. God does care, but we are living in satan's world right now. when satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit, he convinced her that 1 - God was lying to her about dying if she ate the fruit.
2-that if she ate, should would be like God herself, knowing good and evil.
3-convinced her that she didn't need to follow Gods commands.
this in effect was satan calling out God saying they don't need you, they can do fine without you. Adam followed suit.
God said okay, I'll let yall have it for a little while and we'll see once and for all. and shit has been messed up ever since.
Satan rules over the earth (for now). God steps in all the time, but he still let's satan rule it for now. Satan wants you to believe God doesn't care and to refute Him.

Digits confirm the greatness and joy of our lord saviour Jesus Christ.

This is a very soothing thread

>Sup Forums proper thread after years
You don't even see Protostants, Catholics and Eastern orthodox fighting.

Read the story of Job, he lost everything but did not lose faith in God. Keep that story in mind when this world constantly assails you with barbs.

Christ never promised us an easy road, but a worthwhile one.... Sustaining your faith in the face of an enduring satanic assault will strengthen your bond with your creator, but you need to empathize through the suffering of Christ on the cross.

Empathy is key, bear your pain for his sake, it's your cross, just as he had his, just as you have yours.

"You shall wander far is safety, though you do not know the way.... be not afraid, i go before you always, come follow me, and i will give you rest."

"""""""""""""Something bad happened so God isn't real11!!!1(one)"""""""""

have faith, youll be taken out of it

Same with my dog, but I don't make a religion out of it,

Not a Christian but was raised one, still like going to church
Good songs and fun holidays
Comfy prayers with the senpai
>inb4 rotting in hell meme