Be honest, Sup Forums

Did we fuck up?
Trump promised up winning, but it's been nothing but losing
>no muslim ban
>hillary isn't getting locked up
>mexico isn't paying for the wall
>still no tax cuts
>iran deal staying as is
>obamacare is the law of the land for the foreseeable future
>russian scandal isn't going away
He sounded like he was on the verge of tears in his speech from the Oval Office about the failure of Trump/Ryancare.
Did we goof?

Other urls found in this thread:

You dun goofed by posting this swill. Saged.,

wtf i HATE drumpf now

>filename imagined by shillfag

shut up theres already a dozen other shill threads saying the same thing you faggots, you arent swaying anyone with your shitty bait threads. Sage goes in all fields

No we've been winning winning winning. I mean Trumps done a lot of stuff like... Ummm.... uhh...

I'd rather Pence took over at this point. Trump's charisma was necessary to win the election, but in light of his cabinet, there's not much need for him anymore.

it's almost like he's an incompetent old fuck who was totally unqualified for the job

if only someone had warned us

>you arent swaying anyone

maybe not but we can at least rub it in

>TPP dead
>NAFTA to be renegotiated
>wall incoming, Mexico will pay for it
>deportations of green card overstayers way, WAY up
>zero NFZs over Syria

all of my most important issues and he's doing splendidly. 9/10 so far although I understand why other Trump voters might be unhappy if they really hated Hillary

bump for keks

This. The media is controlling the narrative and shifting attention away from issues that can't be used to paint Trump in a negative light. Trump also banned lobbying within the executive branch.

>The media is controlling the narrative and shifting attention away from issues that can't be used to paint Trump in a negative light.
Correct. But Trump/Ryancare was a massive failure and even right-wing media is taking Trump and the House to task over it, as they rightfully should.
Trump has had some minor successes, for sure, but his first 100 days have so far been, on the whole, an unmitigated disaster.


We've had real progress under Trump than we have had from the past few presidents. Fuck these shills they can suck my dick.

its really hard to change laws in this country even when there isn't a war going on in the government. most presidents took years to get together their biggest promises, its only been about 60 days for trump.

Trump is now a lame cuck president.

He has the largest complication of any president in the history. He's acting, there's a war right now within govt the ic is resisting loss of power.

Trump is so dangerous to them that a news article said trump is not safe in white house.

He's in Mara Lago for a good reason.

The impending war is likely taking much of his time. Dealing with the saboteurs from the left tripping him every step.

I think he's doing great.

>the left
The left has zero to do with his failures considering the current state of Congress. Trump's ego, his Cabinet, and his inability to divorce himself from his relationship with Russian interests are his downfall.

I didn't support trump in the primaries. I wanted Rand, then Cruz. When trump took the GOP nom i was disappointed. I think Rand and Cruz would have both made better presidents.I think only Trump could have won the general. Only trumps bombastic unpredictability could have beaten the media collusion. I don't know that Cruz or Rand would have had the ability to face the media. Republicans are pussies. We lose because they call us racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic, literally Hitler nazis. The worst thing we call them is liberal. Trump also knew how to use a narrative unlike the others.

Would you say antifa, blm, sjw, are working towards social unity or away from it?

>did we fuck up?

No, hillary isn't president. Fuck off


Nobody believes you, nerd virgin. It's time to stop crying and accept the fact that she lost.

>We lose because they call us racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic, literally Hitler nazis.

Yet Trump is president.

Fuck off you shills


>only argument for having made the right decision is that hilary isn't president

I mean surely that's not a very good sign as to trump's presidency thus far...

literally none of this true you fucking shill


Don't you guys realise how obvious you are? You simply make a post full of semi-true but misleading statements and try to make it seem as though many Trump voters are regretting their vote. Every post is the same.

Fat useless fucking loser

>no female president
>no Hillary
>no corrupt president

why am I explaining american politics to shills


They don't care, they get those sweet sweet Sorosbucks either way. Gotta feed their wife's sons somehow.

bump for drump

In Europe, right-wing parties probably don’t face the same dilemma; they’re preaching herrenvolk social democracy, a welfare state but only for people who look like you. In America, however, Trumpism is faux populism that appeals to white identity but actually serves plutocrats. That fundamental contradiction is now out in the open.

BLM is necessary even though I disagree with how extreme t hey've gotten.

same thread
same shills
same shit
different day

He lost a big battle you shithead.
Your president is over, he is powerless against the will of the people.

so many shills

Ignore all the people saying: "LOL SHILL".
They'll either see the error soon or be shit forever, either way, yes, you were tricked.
Now, we either suffer through it, or use the power of memes to destroy the danger we caused.
Come on Sup Forums. Focus your power on something important. Save America. Save us all.

>not fixing 30 years of fuckery brought on by obongo, clinton and bushes in 2 months

well i guess he did fail you fucking shit head

he's your president too so quit being communist obstructionists and start doing something for you country

people like you would whine if everything were perfect, that's just the type of people liberalism attracts

begin supporting your countrymen first by slitting your wrists

The only good point you have
>Thinks the wall is gonna happen and Mexico will pay
Lol, have you heard his plan? Thats a flat no, sorry.
You know I hear a lot about this, never saw any proof...
>no NFZ
Who the fuck cares, Russia wouldn't have declared war anyway, they're not that stupid.
Stop trying to delude yourself.
You've been had, its over.
You lost.

Trump is 20 steps ahead. He canceled the vote not because it would t have passed... but because he wants to use it. Not only will he be able to get rid of the democrats and republicans who apposed it when obamacare fails in the near future. He will also then have the democrats come to him with their hats in hand where they will agree to a new plan that Trump will control entirely and then be able to say it was a bilartisan plan, unlike Obamacare. This is all lart of a plan, and like usual the media is doing exactly what he wants them to do. Just look at his statements afer the vote was cancelled and you can see him laying out the road ahead for himself.

>It's all part of a plan to let people suffer for longer! Then he will change it!

>his inability to divorce himself from his relationship with Russian interests
pfffff hahaha literally nobody cares about this. It's a liberal media talking point. I guarantee none of the Republicans who voted against AHCA did so because of "Russian interests." It's a nonissue.

>Did we goof?


>We lose because they call us racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic, literally Hitler nazis
LOL! That offends you?

>The worst thing we call them is liberal.
I like to call them faggots. That rustles some major jimmies in their circles.

BTW, I know you're not from here. Fuck off back to Plebbit, faggot.

Liberals overhwleming oppose scrapping Obamacare simply because it is Trump who wants to get rid of it. He will let them choke on their own foolishness, say I told you so, ruin any chances for people like Schumer and Pelosi to win another term, then roll out a new plan the way he wants to that the reeling democrats will have to support and be able to say it was a bipartisan plan, not just a republican forced plan. It is brilliant.

daily shill thread

>Did we fuck up?
no. you wanted that mongrel in da house for fun. you've made it!

being a president is something completely different.

>no muslim ban
There is. Not his fault a bunch of activist libtards in the courts are trying to block it

>hillary isn't getting locked up
There's still plenty of time but yea that's kinda bad.

>mexico isn't paying for the wall
They will

>still no tax cuts
That's next up on the agenda

>iran deal staying as is
>implying we want to get into another war for Israel like good shabbos goyim

>obamacare is the law of the land for the foreseeable future
Only because Paul Ryan and a bunch of other RINO traitors backed away from AHCA at the last minute

>russian scandal isn't going away

Confirmed for shill.

I wonder when Pence will pull a Kennedy and make Special Service accidentally shoot Donald.

lol trumpfags

So Trumpfags, is that feeling you have in the pit of your stomach
"being sick of winning"???

lol trumpfags

>No muslim ban

You what?

>much concerns
>much regret
>much sadness

"Boo hoo! We lost healthcare because zero Dems helped us repeal Obama's signature accomplishment!!!"

Implying that the there is a "white race"
Implying that a "white race" would be worth saving lmao
How's getting knocked the fuck out going for you Richard Spencer? Go back to the 1940's, Adolf.

Awesome job of negotiating with your own majority party, lol!

IT'S A WAR SON! We all knew that it would be a hard fight, the MEME war was just the beginning, this war will not end until we are dictation peace terms in San Francisco!

You want somethin to rub in?

How about the fact that despite going against the a businessman/reality TV star with zero political or military experience/ the most """controversial,"""" crude, and crass US presidential candidate in history, hundreds of millions of dollars more in funding, the backing of almost all of hollywood and the media, the endorsement of Obama, and the support of the majority of the US voting age population, Hillary still managed to FUCKING LOSE. Get your kicks however you can, cause it's gonna be this for the next FOUR YEARS.

You all elected a clown into office as a prank.

your safe space is OVER



>did we fuck up
>alternative was hillary "muslims are not the problem and i'm controlled by corporations" clinton

>not so legal immigrants
>horsey thinks it's a good thing

>niggas still think anyone gives a fuck about hillary
can't hide behind that forever

and yet Hillary still managed to lose to him.

Yet you elected a fucking drama teacher do you really think you have to talk leaf?.

Damn pol, where did all these Hillary loving faggots come from? (mothers basement)

So how long does to take to prep the bull for Ahmed?

the dems had their chance, and they blew it big time by not getting out the vote enough.

did you know that you can just shove an aspirin up your ass and it'll aleviate your pain?

Define disaster here shill.

Do you expect him to fix everything in such a short time?

There's nearly 4 years for him to do his stuff, just chill and stop shilling, it doesn't work.

Thanks for the fact Sweden was that before or after Ahmed fucked Your wife. Mean You would know considering your country loves that shit.

I want to feel her sock-covered feet/ankles/lower-legs.

>and I don't ordinarily fetishize feet

as for Sup Forums's "n-no y-you're j-just a shill" attitude OP, Consider it the blowback butthurt from the Bizarro-SJW's (Right-Wing Idpol)

haha drumpf! and uhhh let's see...cheeto face right guys?? right?

this guy gets it

this is exactly what libshits said about obama for 8 years.
makes me really fucking think

Trump is a kike loving faggot

>his ego wasn't the reason why the bill didn't pass
>his cabinet has been irrelevant so far
>nothing conclusive about Russia has been found yet