>Breaking news:

Youtube autodetects swasticas now inside the video and bans them!

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Take that, you racists

What is to be done about the big tech companies?

Why do Youtube hate Buddhists?

starting with Swastikas, will continje with withe males

some east asian Sup Forumsack should put up a buddha sign wearing a monk dress and when it gets blocked sue the shit out of youtube

>Pigment Detector
I.. can see that coming

it's probably youtube (((heroes))) in action

That man is my hero.

This... it is not done through autodetection, it is done manually by useful idiots.

Well, there goes free speech.

source? this guy seems based and the buddhist geddup is fucking dope

But gay scat porn Is ok.. hahahahahahah


holy shit what if we can get youtube to auto-block some buddhist vids that could cause some backlash

lol theres a filter for LGBT shit to so its not that in my opinion.

>relying on corporations to give you free speech
haha, capitalism am I right?

YT never had that.
As soon as YT & Google started sucking record company dick for burgers, that's when they began to degenerate.

it's educational gay scat porn you fascist nazi.
We need to teach your kids about it because you won't.

They are a monopoly and need to be broken up, same as power and water.

Never let a tragedy go to waste. This is how the Kek flag spreads across the digital land. We're the Nazis now.


Not news you idiot. Was news in 2012.


What is deep learning. It absolutely could be done automatically, wouldn't even need to be deep-learned - the swastika is a simple shape.


At what point have the joos pushed too far? They are gradually jewing shit up, eventually enough people will be annoyed and something is gonna happen.

How long? I think the majority of people are stupid, but not that stupid, besides, i dont see a point where the jews sit down around a table and say "yea niggas we got all we wanted so lets not push more retarded shit". They are gonna keep going forever


The monk is called "Ashin Wirathu"

(not sauce, but related: youtube.com/watch?v=GtAl9zJ3t-M

One source that I found


we need to make this vid viral

Europeans are fucking retarded if they think banning things will make people stop doing anything

Who knows. It will take a good leader with a good message and maybe a clean background

sauce youtube.com/watch?v=hoi5On6hq68

PJW put a Swastika in his last video. He's getting kicked off soon, I bet.

Do it

simple shapes are the worst to detect since shits everywhere, you will still end up filtering detected vids manually

Banning anything makes people more likely to try it or at least want to try it.
First thing you think of when you a button that says "DO NOT PRESS!", want to press it. Humans are naturally inquisitive so when you tell one they can't do something they want to do it just to see why they're told not to.
We're even going through that now with the explosion in degeneracy that was "banned" in previous years. Unfortunately for them the pendulum is swinging back at a faster rate than when it left.

damn. he had style..
such a shame how ww2 unfolded..

oh no the beta uprising is failing.

who would have thought.

>Only ever have one ally
>Shit all over them with subversion so only you can remain as the master race, sorry, God's Chosen People, even though everything you have is from the doing of your allies and not you
>Allies find out they aren't allies after all
>Get pushed back to your own country where you wage a nuclear war
>From your country the size of Rhode Island

They're fucked and it's that simple. It's going to be fucking glorious.

"""I am so surprised that something like this happens"""

Anyone else genuinely considering becoming a buddhist after watching this?

Actual Tibetan Buddhists hate Muslims. Disregard white American new age leftists masquerading as Buddhists.

It's been in place for a while, yo.

Forgotten Weapons had to blur out Nazi flags because they were getting autodetected.

Myanmar the mislim genocide
This guy is the leader of the 969 movement
Budhists saw what happened to the other Budhist countries that got invaded and they started genociding muslims and arabs in general

Depends on what the endgame of the Islamic invasion of Europe is. Any one of Britain, France, or Russia falling to Islamists would be potentially lethal to a Jewish conspiracy since it would be giving a nuclear triad to people who want to exterminate Jews as a religious calling.

>nazi signs

that guy is such a fucking faggot

as opposed to somebody hitting the report button? get out of town

What's point

I have no idea.

But they are definitely adding powder to the powder keg right now. All you need is a flame.

Drumplshitskins absolutely #btfo

> keep going forever

It's kind of their plan.

>Red on black tilted swastika isn't a nazi icon

Are you retarded?

That's going to backfire horribly.

How can there be WWII documentaries or antifa vidoes if everything with a Swastika gets taken down?

Can someone also check if the filters only target swastikas or also ISIS flags?

you retarded?

no because i am not easily mystified

>blocked in israel and germany

You're a non-white aren't you

This is fucking retarded.

JonTron dropping redpills here

i would breed her so hard.

The irony if posting Ivanka isnt lost on you, right?

That's only in Germany and Israel everywhere else they won't be banned

To make things fair Youtube bots must auto-block every video with a jew or nig face.