Alt-right now more popular than ever

>alt-right now more popular than ever
>now don't want to be a part of it anymore because of my inherent autistic contrarianism

does anyone else feel that way?

Other urls found in this thread:

Loving Turks is very unpopular in both alt right and left. Just saying...

>does anyone else feel that way?
Yes there are tons of fickle autisitc babies on Sup Forums that feel that way. If the mainstream media was conservative you'd be a liberal. If apples were popular you'd like oranges. You're all spineless hiveminded faggots spewing your memes in unison.

Must be a coincidence.

is Jennifer Lawrence alt right??


Sage and disregard.

This is what's getting buried: ⇶

>"Plebbit goes down IMMEDIATELY after /r/conspiracy post reveals who TeaLeaves is"


brunette looks a little retarded

>You're all spineless hiveminded faggots spewing your memes in unison.
feels good man

alt-right will probably be remebered as a joke in a few years

The alt right aren't that popular, don't kid yourself

It's anti pc, anti cultural marxism that's popular

I feel exactly the same.

There's always Zionism faggot, everyone hates those heebs.

Welcome to Sup Forums new friend!

> In a few years

>tfw you didnt fall for the alt right meme

>everyone hates turks

am still lovin this here meme

>Universally hated


>my inherent autistic contrarianism
>does anyone else feel that way?

No you're just an ASSHOLE (unsurprising given that you're a Leaf) who likes to argue for the sake of argument.

As if you wouldn't suck her shit dry.

Nice try, roacho.

Oh Canada

I really hope you don't think Sup Forums is alt-right. Because if you do, you haven't been here very long.

bretty popular desu, he gets knocked the fuck out on youtube viral video and he never goes outside to do interviews again.
>Lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Dunno if there are many like that on Sup Forums, but for me it's just that I don't care much about ideology (probably because I'm too weird). I still consider myself pretty leftist but the liberal party went full retard. Both the left and right can be made to work I believe. And Trump probably can make things a lot better, just not in the way I would have preferred to.

The liberals are the ones most attached to their ideology though it seems. They just cannot accept that Trump might be a good thing. He's clearly fighting against an entrenched deep state, which they now defend.

Liberal brainwashing is real. They are very closed-minded. Most conservatives understand why someone might be liberal. Liberals keep assuming that conservatives are stupid and their opinions unworthy of considerations. I used to be like this.

If Trump manage to reform the republicans, the democrats will have to reform themselves too and do better the next time if they want to stand a chance of ever winning again. Fixing the republicans (which were the worst) should fix the democrats. They should be rooting for Trump for this reason alone.

I mostly feel that way because of the literal faggot mascots and cringy we have.

haha gee I wonder why.

*cringy youtube personalities I mean.

Also the reason is because these newfags are trying to form a kind of "community" around this. It's cringy as all hell.

>muh time lines
>muh lord kek
>muh meme magic

Fuck no. I want total Aryan victory. We cannot stop until the entire population has been redpilled.

kinda looks cute though. Maybe that is why retards exist today.

I was fighting jews before the term 'alt-right" existed.

I will continue to fight the jews long after the term goes out of style.

gas the kikes

that's all that matters.

Thinking like that is completley fine when it comes to shit like Music and TV shows but not political ideology. You think those muslims are giving up cause of they're autism? no way.

>girls laugh at me
>at least I have a shirt on

>labeling yourself alt-lite
Hating jews is still just for the cool kids

I like turks but pleasse stay in your country.

OP I feel the same way..



It's already a joke. The biggest voices on the movement have already been wrecked.

>alt right will be remembered only as controlled opposition

Ah yes, the liberal manufactured enemy identity that nobody really aligns with.

>1 post by this id

I literally have nothing else to add.
Here's your (You)

Pretty much this.

the "left", sorry feel bad for people like Sargon and shit like that, have gone insane and everyone even remotely right leaning needs to stomp these commie scum out. Freedom of speech has been passively aggressively under siege along with many other American rights and these people need a good dosage of zyklon B

Don't worry no one is going to emigrate to Chile lol.

Give me one too, leaf.

Not yet.
But I think the alt-right is starting to let themselves be seen a lot more that Trump won. People are now conscious that the left is not as big as they thought they were and are not afraid of being shamed anymore.

Hey half moon and star flag, I have an uncle who's 90% turk. What are your turk's weaknesses? I know you're resistant to radioactive waste and nuclear bombs, so how do I go about manually killing a turkish gipsy?

I don't understand how a person can deconstruct the glaring problems with modern progressives and still identify as being left without recognizing these internal contradictions are foundational to their ideology.

The second we allow ourselves and our general ideas be qualified by any label is the moment when we allow those ideas to be compartmentalized and dismissed. What Sup Forums promotes is reality, not some social theory constructed in an ivory tower.

Can't you be a little more concise? I understand perfectly what you said, but it's such a chore to read through it. I mean you write like your university teacher just told you right now to sound academic or flunk classes.

Awww nu/pol/ is becomimg Sup Forums. How cute.

Basically, the stuff that's making people grow distanced from the left has always been a part of the left, it's just become really loud, really obvious, and really hard to denounce without being called an alt-right nazi.

Depending on what others think, go fuck yourself or /thread

whos on the left?

I wish we had a name for both in-between liberals and right-wings.

what's the difference between this alt-right meme and the "old" right?

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Centrist. Or, you could nut up and go full Third Position.

Alt-Right in the US effectively refers to a new branch of right-wing that fucking hates Neoconservatives. In general, it's been applied to many right-wing populist parties, and everyone from libertarians to ethnonationalists.