Kansas - pronounced Kansas

Kansas - pronounced Kansas
Arkansas - pronounced Are can saw
Explain yourselves Burgers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Google "dialects"

We do what we want.

>be British

To make things worse: Arkansas City is pronounced Ar-can-zis

We're going need two walls.

I'm astounded that you didn't accidentally write "Are can Sawr", considering how your kind L O V E S to just throw 'r's in wherever they seem to fit

Just wait until you find out how to pronounce "Arkansan"


>invent a language
>irritated by how annoying it can be

really makes you think



>your kind L O V E S to just throw 'r's in wherever they seem to fit

what are accents

What do I look like, a fucking dictionary? Alex Trebek?

>Pronounced 'Pakistan'

Can't explain that shit



>Worcestershire sauce

Dictionary writers got paid per letter so added in a few extras to words.


I spent way to much time searching for a state called Arecansaw on the map before I realized this.

>Complaining about how anybody pronounces anything

Arkansas is the Indian pronunciation.

Kansas are just faggots.

Arkansas name was originated by Native Americans.

Pronounce Worcester

there better not be any welsh faggots in this thread

Arkansas-"Down River People" in Quapaw (Indians)

Grosvenor pronounced groves-ner, not gros-ven-or
Leicester pronounced Lester, not lee-Ces-ter

Arkansas and Kansas are named after two different tribes, pronounced in different languages.

sounds like an aien race name

Grosvenor is Gro-ve-nor (gros venor, the s is silent because it's French).

>complains about pronunciatin


In Arkansas! marrying your sister is not against the law!
In Arkansas! Where every girl wants to have sex with her Paw!

>Initially, Hugh was called Hugh Lupus. Lupus was portly, and his townsmen gradually changed the appellation from "Le Grand Veneur", "the Master Huntsman," to "Le Gros Veneur", "the Fat Huntsman", and Hugh wore the epithet with pride.

But why the s sound at the end of the grove? They say it groves-nor

We don't need to explain shit to a bunch of retards who pronounce aluminum "aloo minium"

Missouri here.

It's Missour-ee

NOT FUCKING Missou-rah

Also, fuck Arkansas


>London- Pronounced Mecca
Explain yourselves Bongs

Cousin marriage is banned in Arkansas and most "flyover" states, but perfectly legal in California, New York, and most of New England.


Down in alabama, we have a lake called lake Purdy. I shit you not people actually talk like that down here
>pic related, it's actually a pretty big lake

no one cares
find better bait


'Ere I'm going to the store, me like

What's with the me like


Maybe because it wasn't necessary for those states to even put that in the law?

I've never heard it pronounced that way, only as Grove-nor or Gro-ve-nor. Must be a regional thing.

tbf Purdy is also a normal last name.

probably :^)
Jews have actually tried to repeal the ban in Minnesota because the new shitskin friends are really into it.

leicester - pronounced lester
St. John (the politician) - pronounced Sin Jin
Worcestershire sauce - pronounced wuster sauz

neck yourself britfag

>pronounced "Körnal"

Sweden - pronounced allah akbar

What the fuck is with calling people with the last name of Doherty "dock-a-dee"
Pete Doherty always heard as Pete dock-a-dee

What's with pronouncing T as tch.
Bitumen - bitchumen
Tuna - tchuna

Really? I've always pronounced it like; Cull-on-ell

fucking kek

Why is something pronounced as summit or summat. I could see sumpin', but sum-mat?

0/10, you could've said "pronounced Somalia" or something of that nature and it might've been funny.

That's because you're an autist.

This is your Limey language we use, Explain yourselves!

'some of that'

sound right desu. when you look at the letters

It's "kernel."

Where do you live?

Why is this the Swedish national bird?

>eleven and twelve
>not "oneteen and twoteen"



Spell icup

Sofa King Wee Tod Ed

Fucking burgers: it's alumin*i*um, not aluminum

english is a shit language, you should know
these words only make sense in the beautiful language, spanish

Why is this the average American 15 years from now?

>americans pronounce Zed as Zee

Arkansas was bought by French. Used to be pronounced like Kansas. French people don't pronounced last letters that are consonants. Add in a southern twang, and Are-Kan-Sah because Are-Can-Saw.


Hebrew plus diacritical signs is better.

I always found it funny.

Don't worry you'll catch up. 90% becomes 80%, which becomes 70% and so on. I just read that this year mixed race births in Sweden were higher than White births. You're fucked. soooo fucked. I remember when I was in Sweden, all I had to do was ask girls to have sex over coffee and they would say "ok sure." That's what all these ahmeds and Mohammeds are doing with your girls.

It's the same tribe, the Kansa. The "ar" is there because in Arkansas the Europeans got the name via the Algonquians, who prefix the names of tribes with "a"

>magnesia -> magnesium
>platina -> platinum
>thoria -> thorium
>alumina -> ???
"Aluminium" is completely wrong. "Alumium" would probably be acceptable, though.

>Pronounce it erb for no fucking reason

because the jews crushed us?

Also the reason the "s" isn't there is as this chap said

Water - War - Ter
Grass Gra - rse

Literally saying that out loud right now, I can feel WHY they say it that way. The "City" hard on the "sas" makes it self-evident.


>wolfram - tungsten

Arkansas is named after the Quapaw (or Arkansas), not the Kansa.

Doherty - dock-a-dee

Posh cunt.

Massholes say Woysta

Says the guy from the country with Leominster and Glaucestershire

Didn't a burger name it? You stupid bongs are just so shit at your own language you butchered it so it would fit with the rest of the periodic table.
Even though it's wrong

Feels good to have a crisp southern accent

Might be the most confusing map ever

I live here
Fucking full of poos

That one's indefensible.

It was named by an Englishman but they changed it because most of the other metals end in -ium.

Hmm, seems that the Quapaw are related to the Kansa and so the Algonquians gave them the same name

Hey fuck u goy


>River Thames
>pronounced "tems"




If you've ever been to Kansas you would understand why Arkansas is pronounced different. Kansas is a flat boring shit hole, with shit BBQ and Walmarts on every other street corner. Also the amount of Jews is mind boggling.

>I just read that this year mixed race births in Sweden were higher than White births

Sup Forums isn't a legitimate source kiddo, it's hilarious that you'd believe that's in any way true. I legit saw more interracial couple in a day whilst visiting the US than I have my entire life in Sweden