Reminder that Stormfags will lie to you just to get you to support them. Just like Muslims

Reminder that Stormfags will lie to you just to get you to support them. Just like Muslims.

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You're on Sup Forums faggot. No amount of JIDF stormfag posting is going to subvert and change this board from being aware of the Jewish issue. That was the whole purpose of this 'containment board' in the first place.


Okay Mr. 60%

Jew detected

Fuck off

>But goy! Muslims hate Jews so why would Jews be behind the great flooding of Europe?

Simple, they just get the military to protect their communities/temples/stores and this doubly ensures that angry goys can't ever put them on community trial. It's happening in Quebec where the kikes flood us with third world scum and then get preferential treatment and full time security for their enclaves by Montreal Police. We've already seen it in France and or better yet Palestine where it's 90% Muslim and yet Jews have almost no fear of being attacked by the people they are colonizing. This police state is coming to the west courtesy of Jewish sponsored mass immigration.

Its not about there Jewish issue. Its about there totalitarianism and broken economics.

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.

I didn't mean jews. I meant the storm front users them selves. They are a big threat to everyone's liberties as the jews are, if not worse.

>implying free market can't coexist with nationalism and monarchy
Get out.

if you identify as a nat soc does that make you a stomfag?
>vid related

> Just like Muslims.

And Jews, liberals, socialists, college professors, nerds... well, maybe not nerds, pretty much everyone.

Except conservatives. People become conservative BECAUSE of other peoples lies.

No, they just sit in front of their computers and type angrily.

Jews and liberals are the dangerous ones. They can't stand other peoples different opinions, jokes or laughter, and they appeal to authority/government to make them illegal.

Fuck off (((You)))

Change the license plate too lol

>muh freedom
>muh enlightenment
>muh america is based

Kike and kike apologists go back to /r/the Donald reeee

t. the_donald (((civic nationalist))) Judas lover

Stormfront would gas this guy for being black. Most NaSocs are not like this.


>muh america is based

Compared to Europe letting in all those mudslimes, -it- -is-!

stormfags are heroes. death to israel.

Guess who caused those muslims to come in the first place as well as who caused europe to be cucks in the first place?

back to plebbit, hypocrite

reminder antifa thinks they can manip us like they did cripple chan

> reminder antifa is bawling their eyes out over us impersonating different antifa chapters

Liberals and Jews.

I'm a republican. I get pissed off when people say my jokes about minorities and Muslims(not a minority) are offensive. GOOD! I hope their snowflake feelings are fucking bleeding.

Jews were behind it but the american populace in broad supported it. America has been a globalist country since like 30 years after it started and its been a jewish puppet for over 100. Republican/Democrat doesn't matter, both have major jewish forces behind them. Bombing Saddam and other middle eastern countries and involvement in things like nato lead to both of the end results i said earlier.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

So wait , are you trying to tell me 6 gorizillion really survived the gas chambers with wooden doors ten times in a row and that nazis were evils?

>the blame and problem is of white nationalist
>some white nationalist wouldn't gas a black person

When are you going back to plebbit, retard?