Are credit cards a jewish scam? Reminder that americans have racked up over a trillion dollars in credit card debt...

Are credit cards a jewish scam? Reminder that americans have racked up over a trillion dollars in credit card debt. All to buy the latest (((iPhone)))Sup Forumsother garbage.

i needed comforts for my masturbatorium

>not just defaulting
Why are Europeans so stupid? The brown ones are even stupider.

Only if you use them as (((they))) intended you to.

I use them to pay my bills, then a day later when the transactions are done, I pay off what I charged.

No interest, no debt, massive credit score.

Come at me Jews.

they are just entry level lines of credit, you're supposed to only use like 9% of the max balance to get maximum credit score boost

>use credit card
>get cash back
>pay the bill
>no interest
Wew some jew scam.

Defaulting is literally nigger behavior.

Only retards drown themselves in credit card debt.

Psychologically, using plastic instead of paper makes you buy more, and buy more useless crap.

Few people use their cards to only pay bills.

Credit cards are a scam, but debit cards are fine

Obama, is that you?

I work for a credit card bank as a loan officer (person who approves or declines, and closes or lowers your credit card). Ask me anything.

They're useful for smart people and a scam for dipshit. A lot of people shouldn't have limits anywhere near as high as they do.

I pay for stuff on mine, then at the end of the year I get $600 in Amazon cards. No annual fee... debt limit.

What is the lose here?
Oh that's right people lack discipline.
People are trying to fill in the gap that a loss of community has created through the loss of semi-homogeneity with stuff.
All those trips to Costco, all those Red Robin burgers are their Norman Rockwell.

Can you give me a loan of a million bucks?

Who do you work for?

who is the scam victim when we all die without paying them off?

t.eightythousand in debt

Debt is slavery.

Realize now that international banks loan money to entire nations. USA, China, Russia, UK... no country is free of debt. We are all slaves to the masters.

Ah, classic information gathering thread. I hope you fuckers are behind seven proxies instead of posting from your phone like the dipshit that is me.

Nope. Only americans and only can give loans upto $30,000

Not a super big one like Chase, Cap One or BOA. The department I work in is small enough (about 50 people) that I dont want to say which bank.

Easy credit given irresponsibly is a jewish scam, if by "jewish" you mean english protestants in the late 17th century and continued by american protestants in the present day. The jews are more into shit like doing leveraged buyouts of countries and fixing entire markets; all of the really bastardly, bullshity, fuck-poor-people types of innovations come from the anglos, especially the scots and the puritans.

they'll try to foot the bill to your family.
i just got a letter like that for the debt of my deceased uncle who i saw maybe 10 times in my entire life.

oy vey I hope you tore it up.

They are a trap for people who don't know how to manage their accountability and think of them as free money.
They are a useful tool for those who do. A pity they are a small percentage of population.

I don't use mine though, I only use debit cards. Not having any debts feels extremely good.

Wow so racist, looks like your bosses need some diversity training

any stories about blacks wanting gibmedats?

And you're suppused to pay it? What if you just tell them to fuck off, have nothing to do with that debt or whatever was made with the money? Unless of course you did sign something

i don't

Well I only talk to people over the phone so I can only guess based on accents, names and where people live. But I still have been called racist a few times which I always find funny.

To be honest my biggest nemesis are Armenians. Fuck those guys.

Only retards bite more than they can chew

Only retards get jewed by credit cards.

>spend money (e.g. online purchase)
>access bank account online
>pay sum paid on card
>never get jewed
>build good credit in the meanwhile

I have around 3k in CC debt but I also have no student loans and own my own home outright.

Meh whatever

Yeah, i have to go to court for it so i can distance myself from his debt in a legal sense.


any tips of the trade? , be good to know, If I ever wanted a loan,but I would all ways try asking friends/family before going to bank ,

(((Good credit))) is a scam, but only because so much shit requires it

Credit cards are otherwise just convenient, if you use them properly and pay the balance at $0 every month without living outside your means they work fine

Not sure if bong credit works the exact same way but you should make sure dumb shit doesnt sneak on your report. Cable bills, medical bills and other stuff can go on as collections and drag your score down.

Also if a human loan officer is asking questions don't be afraid to lie as it suits you if you really want a loan. If you have a lot of debt you might get asked how you got it. An answer like 'I was fixing my house ' is much better than 'paying for groceries' for instance. Theyre asking because they don't know the answer and explanations help sway decisions.

I fell for the plastic jew.

>get 1.5% cash back on all purchases
>far safer than debit (in the case of a stolen card)
>dont have to withdraw $1000 everytime i want to buy something big
