Why do so many left-leaning men seem to love cats more than dogs?

Why do so many left-leaning men seem to love cats more than dogs?

The answer is simple:

Dogs are pack animals. They will only follow a strong leader. An Alpha.

Cucked numales get triggered when their dog realizes that they are actually the alpha in the dog/human dichotomy. The dog shits on the carpet. The dog doesn't allow the human to touch -- it growls and bites. The dog doesn't come when called. In fact, the dog doesn't listen at all. Why would he? He is the alpha. He doesn't answer to the numale.

Numales hate dogs because the numale goes out into the world and throughout the day is made painfully aware of his beta status in society. He doesn't want to maintain that beta status in his own home. He gets a cat.

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a cat will just be a disobediant asshole, also just smack the dog and take dominance don't be a pussy

I actually hate dogs because I don't like taking care of totally dependent lifeforms. I don't even like watering my houseplant all that much. Walking a dog every day and dealing with it ripping everything apart and needing constant attention is not a happy prospect for me.

What about pot bellied pigs?

The generalization doesn't hold up, unfortunately, lots of libs love their dogs.

I live in NYC and all the liberal nu-males own dogs because they're emasculated and it makes them feel better to have a slave animal that they can replace their masculinity with. Dogs are only good if you're actually using them for something or if you know how to be a fair owner who treats it as a friend rather than some dick extension. Too many faggots around here don't realize that and I hate them.

>walking a dog everyday

You are a beta. Betas hate exercise because they lack all sense of dedication, discipline, and self-respect

>dealing with it ripping everything apart

You are a beta. Dogs do not rip apart the belongings of an alpha.

>needing constant attention

Dogs do not need constant attention. Some breeds are more energetic than others but provided that it gets enough exercise a true alpha can keep it in check.

animals smell i dont have any and thats why. but i enjoy cats better for company and dogs to hunt

I am actually an intermediate level weightlifter. This is a photo of me.

You have obviously never owned a dog. They do not control themselves if you are "alpha." They constantly misbehave and crave attention like children.

truly redpilled i had one when i was young

right-leaning chad here. dogs are alright, they need too much attention though. it's kind of annoying. i prefer cats cus they don't give a fuck and are chill af. own both.

Dogs smell like shit
Dogs roll around in shit
Dogs shit in your yard and make it full of shit
Dogs come inside and put their shit paws all over the house
Dogs drool everywhere and it's gross and gets everywhere
Dogs breath smells like a corpse
After you pet a dog your hand smells like shit
Dogs sniff girls crotches and it makes them feel awkward so you don't get laid because of your retarded dog

Dogs are for work, they're not pets

Cats are masculine companion animald

Lookin pretty good. Even though you are sitting at a relatively high bf%, your core still has visible form. It makes me happy to see people not neglect core work.
Guessing you deadlift for it primarily?

First, this is pathetic and you aren't fit at all.

You have wide child-bearing hips too lmfao

I have had dogs my entire life and they never misbehaved.

>Cats are masculine companion animal
Sure thing darling.

>cats are masculine companion animal
>this is what beta males actually believe

>Dogs are pack animals. They only follow a strong leader. An Alpha.

Confirmed to be bogus bullshit perpetuated by hypothesis that was spread to pop culture.


Or maybe I buy a dog because a cat isn't quite as much of a companion?
Or maybe I buy a cat because a dog requires too much of my attention?
Or maybe I buy a dog because I live on a large piece of land and have plenty of room to walk it?
Or maybe I get a cat because I live in a small flat and have no room for a dog?
Or maybe I buy a dog because I don't want to deal with cleaning up small dead animals a cat would bring in?
Or maybe I buy a cat because I don't want to clean dogshit out of my garden every week?
And so on, and so on.
OP is a nigger. What a useless thread.

I do deadlift for it, yes. Maybe I shouldn't, because as the childish brat in this thread who is trying to neg me so he can get me to cum in his mouth is saying, I do have wide hips that don't flatter my form. I look fat around the middle even when my face is described as "gaunt." I had someone worried for my health at 188 lbs, but I still couldn't slip into a size 34 waist.

>qaballah poster
>thelemic poster

What are you a fucking kike pedophile or something? Thule is the only acceptable esotericism. The rest is child raping "muh living God" memes.

>childish brat
>gets so triggered when he is called a cuck beta that he feels compelled to a photo of his shaved chest/armpits and flexing his flabby bicep


I like Dogs and Cats. I grew up with dogs and love the devotion and obedience they had but hated how disgusting and dirty they were.

I recently got two cats and I'm surprised at how much I enjoy their company. They are only about 5 months old but they get up to all kinds of shit, really independent animals and affectionate too when you let them come to you.

The main problem with cats is that they are annoying little cunts and if you let them get any degree of dominance over you, they will walk all over you. Every day is a bit of a power struggle.

And what do you call a man with chihuahua and other small dog breeds?

Those smaller dogs are assholes, always raging (antifa behaviour), just like their owners.

There is no use for them except kicking them when they try to bite you.

Those are simply cats pretending to be dogs. This is why they are almost exclusively kept by women and gay men.

IMO dont worry about form. Bulk up until the external obliques fill in the space more while working on primarily your back to aid in the V-taper.

Be proud of your wide hips. They may not be as pretty but they are much better for functional core strength.

>hated how disgusting and dirty they were
Muslim detected.

I am rightwing and I love cats and dogs. I love all animals! Why do people push the cats vs dogs meme so much?

m8 I'm no prude but when I think anyone would get nauseated watching their dog eat the same puke 4 times.

Not to mention their obsession with eating and rolling in faeces.

Dogs are disgusting but that's just part of their charm.

Cat's are really clean but they are also annoying little assholes who never do anythign you want them to.

>disgusting and dirty
>dogs are forbidden in Islam because they are considered to be unclean.

mudskin go home

if your dog eats and rolls in shit then you have a poorly trained dog

its a jew thing

Dogs are cucks. They'll follow anybody who can give them free shit just like niggers. You have to earn the trust of a cat. They don't have to be treated to a fucking 30 minute walk twice a day, they just shit in some sand. Cats are the redpilled animal

you've never own a dog

>not demonstrating your masculine authority to women through your impeccable dog training skills
>not exercising in unison with your dog, running it through your neighbourhood/dog park while simultaneously attracting the attention and adoration of women

whatever you have to tell yourself, cuck

Just worry about being strong as hell and having a utilitarian physique capable of. Icing heavy shit. Lifting for appearance is pleb

I love big dogs because they're a legal weapon. Never had a break in and I don't think I would because I have a 70lb rottweiler in my apartment. She does everything I say, doesn't need a leash, and lets me fuck her whenever I want.

>Those wide ass hips
>Under developed chest
>Skinny neck, where are your traps
>No discernible muscle striations/ vascularity. etc.
3/10, pretty pathetic that you'd think your body is worth showing off whatsoever




This is now a dogs of Sup Forums thread

Actually i like dogs but don't own one because they require too much attention. They constantly need to be walked played with petted fed etc.

It's like a baby or something.

I can leave my cat alone outside with nothing but a food despenser and a bowl of water for 2 weeks and it will still be there when i get back. Good luck trying that with a dog..

this only demonstrates your lack of dedication, a quality commonly found in beta males

You rank dick sizes for a living and latch on to the stinkiest ones because you can't lead your own lives nor anybody else's and need a big daddy man saviour. Like a fucking animal. Cats are independent. You want a little helpless baby like a woman

it holds up well enough. Pick any lib on the street and you'll smell cat piss. Go to any lib house and there's too many cats to walk around comfortably.

Im more beta than your wife's son and dogs flock to me whenever they can because I am a living pet machine.

Dogs are bros. but true I could never have one. I just couldn't bring myself to teach it any discipline when I don't have any

Typical leafcuck.

You want something that requires no discipline to train and no responsibility to care for.

Women see cat owners for what they are: pathetic, unambitious beta males.

If you want a non-companion that requires absolutely no effort you might as well just get a fish. It'll be totally fine while you're away getting your sex change.


Pigs are absolutely based
>anti-Muslim and anti-Juden
>take care of themselves
Winston Churchill once said that cats look down on you, dogs look up to you, but pigs see you as an equal

every1 is a beta cuck, bla bla bla. maybe this kiwi lost a relative in that water ride that went upside down

tfw my neighbor thinks I shot his liberal cat (that would roam my property) with a pellet gun. I wish I did, but alas, I didn't.

That was Australia. I have no Australian relatives. My family doesn't breed with those mongoloids.

This. Dogs are for fags that want a stinky dirty animal that is totally dependent on them. Passive aggressive nu-male beta cucks who buy a dog because they are scared of guns and they want a stupid animal that will growl and bark at the scary people walking down the street in order for the nu-male to feel safe and secure. And who need to use the dog as a prop in order to meet women because they aren't interesting enough on their own.

cats have been mans best friend for thousands of years as well. they have been more beneficial to humans.

-took care of vermin when agricultural civilizations started
-took care of vermin aboard the ships
-lived with cats all my life, barely seen bugs and have never even seen a rat/mouse in my house
-they are independent creatures that dont look up to you for their survival
-they are great hunters
-were literal gods in ancest egyptian culture
-they can survive in pretty much any climate/geography just like humans, dogs cant.

This is why dogs hate spineless nogs, chinks and arabs. Dogs really hate arabs, it's like a sixth sense. When I walk my malamute, sometimes he'll start tugging and looking back at me to set him loose, that means an arab is nearby. Sure enough, around the corner an arab will magically appear. Dogs are superior beings.

>Cats are masculine companion animals

Delta level cuck shit

You drink estrogen because you are a clammosexual. Stinky animals. Stinky sex

Nice doggo. Golden Retriever/Collie?

i have a dog about 100lb and a kitteh too :0

also dogs are faster than cats, have supersonic hearing, and have nightvision. also their claws allow them to climb tall things

i mean cats*

the cat instinct is pretty bad ass.

Pic related

House cats are not barn cats. House cats are for lonely people to simulate relationships.

Your argument is equal to giving the chihuahua credit for what a hunting dog can do.

What do you call 2 cats fucking on video?
"Kitty Porn"
I'll be here all week!

(1 kek)


in the wild, wolves/dogs live in families
the alphas are the parents
the betas and omegas are their children

Dogs and cats are equally acceptable choices and the most important thing is that you choose the companion that is right for you.

Spoken like a true under-achieving, unambitious, undisciplined, boring cuckboy.

If your dog is stinky and dirty it is your fault for not caring for it properly.

If your dog growls and barks at random people it is your fault for not training it properly.

A dog is not a prop. It is a companion. You do not get a dog to meet women. Women are simply a positive side-effect. Also, what makes people interesting? It is what they do in their spare time, their hobbies and interests. In many ways, dogs could be described as a hobby. You exercise with it, you train it to do cool shit, generally spend time with it actually out in the fucking fresh air instead of cooped up in your shitty apartment with your cat. Dogs supplement your personality, they don't create it.

>Cats are masculine companion

Brought in a dog that was going to be put down for aggression issues. Trained him, kept him busy, kept in charge. He lived well and knew he was a dog, never ripped our shit apart. He died a few years ago, but he was a good boy while he lived


all a cat needs are its claws. and put it in a barn, there now its a barn cat. youve clearly never owned a cat. cats arent really domesticated creatures

I don't trust anyone who doesn't love dogs. Seems to work pretty well as a personality test.

LMAO I'm a red pilled cat lady tho

stand aside fucking shits!

Lmao who the fuck walks their cat???????

you got absolutely rekt.

It isn't about ability, it's about a reasonable investment of time.

Notice you didn't post a pic of a little rat dog.... I like most dogs - the big dogs are great. It's the little dogs that are terrible. Cats are way better than them.

You people are retarded, good thing I get off to retards I jack off to comments like this every 4 hours.

That's our guess

I don't think that is how you care for turtle

WTF is wrong with your neck? It looks like it's 14" and tapers at your shoulders.
Dogs will behave the way that you train them. My dog is 130lbs, and the only problem I have is the shedding. Has never broken or chewed anything at home and will never get on the couch or bed.

I'll just leave this here:

Also, the killing of all cats in the dark ages due to being associated with witches, caused the Black Death which we all know decimated Europe.

Please don't follow shitty bodybuilder advice. Just make your body balanced and strong.

And don't let your body fat get too low chasing a chiseled look.

beta males who lack the ability to train dogs and so settle for a cats who are easier to handle

>I'm entirely right wing
>I prefer cats

Am I a cuck?

that was a disease from asia carried on rats you fag. maybe if the cats took care of all the rats the plague wouldnt have spread like it did.

Its funny having betas over at my house, I have a German Shepard who only listens to you if you speak above a certain decibel. The beta will never learn this though.



Wrong, numales don't have dogs because they don't have room for them in their big city apartment. If they do have a dog it's something small and trendy like a shiba or corgi.


i just read the article "In the United States, people are much more likely to become infected through eating raw meat and unwashed fruits and vegetables than from handling cat feces."

yeah we dont live in brazil where cats shit on stuff then people eat it.

I should add: Because your cat is sure to leave it (toxoplasmosis) in your house that smells like cat shit and piss by the way, while my dog does his business outside like a good boi. >Enjoy the bacterial infection taking hold in your cerebellum ya ding dongs

Pigs are pro-Muslim. The fuckers don't want to eat them.


>Not only do dogs seem to love us back, they actually see us as their family. It turns out that dogs rely on humans more than they do their own kind for affection, protection and everything in between.

>The scientists found that dog owners' aroma actually sparked activation in the "reward center" of their brains, called the caudate nucleus. Of all the wafting smells to take in, dogs actually prioritized the hint of humans over anything or anyone else.

>According to Andics, dogs interact with their human caregivers in the same way babies do their parents. When dogs are scared or worried, they run to their owners, just as distressed toddlers make a beeline for their parents. This is in stark contrast to other domesticated animals: Petrified cats, as well as horses, will run away.

>"Bonding with owners is much more important for dogs than other pets," said Andics.


Reminder that dogs have been with us since the dawn of human civilisation, and have earned their place as man's best friend.

Why do you care how you look? Just get fit.


does your dog do this? oh wait you have to pick that warm shit up with your hands.

Why??? If your cant get home by itself, it doesn't want to come home. A cat needs to go apeshit and hunt stuff once in a while even if it's a housecat, you putting a leash on it and walking it is retarded.