It's over, Flynn will tell the world about Trumps Russian ties

It's over, Flynn will tell the world about Trumps Russian ties.
Say it with me: PRESIDENT RYAN.


>Hey guys Flynn flipped on Trump


>Still trying to make H's emails seem like a small deal when they are in fact a huge huge fucking deal

They'll look tiny compared to what Flynn is about to expose.

Let's see some evidence. The unsubstantiated testimony of a documented liar has absolutely no value.

>A documented liar
This is a man Trump juggled for VP, he was a top advisor during and after the campaign.

And he was fired for being a liar. What point were you trying to make? That he was a successful liar, who was eventually caught? You're not strengthening your case with your inane posts.

Every time something negative happens to Trump you people deflect. The healthcare bill, "Trump is just playing 4 d chess to fool Ryan." Now suddenly he's stupid enough to trust an ex democrat who had known Russian ties?

Apparently so. He was fired for lying. As far as claiming that anyone ever having spoken to a Russian for any reason is a crime...that is just ridiculous. Please take your low IQ elsewhere.

Impeachment will never happen for the simple reason that the country will be torn apart if it goes through.
It will be the death of the nation all together and something new would rise up.

>Impeachment will never happen

It's funny, you should google for Flynn and look at all the shit the left was saying about him late last year and early on this year.

Didn't like him, didn't trust him, "angriest general".

Now he's cooperating with the FBI (that is literally all we know -- "cooperating with") and in their mind he's the new patron saint of the left.

Most likely the FBI are interested in Flynn himself, since he was literally fired for his connections with Russians.

Hillary won, you fucking Drumpf shill

do you realize how literally no one believes you and yet you still come here to shill this horseshit which is proved wrong shortly after. Seriously if you're working for CNN and happen to see this, respectfully kill your self on camera and make CNN atleast noteworthy in history and not just a complete laughing stock.

You getting used to the taste of disappointment yet?
You'd better if this is the way you're going to live your life.

>President Ryan
y'mean President Pence?

>let's blame the other party for my own party's fuck up




Shills should just stick to sleepy, nothingburger and *sips tea* posting because you faggots can't meme for shit. Do they pay you an extra .02 shekels for spending 30 seconds in MSPaint?