Friggin southerners

If hicks are against tyrannical governments like they say, why do they say "wut in the heil?" to things they don't understand?
Checkmate sisterfuckers.

what's wrong with Nazi pride?

>it's just a flag lmfao triggered

Nothing. At least they are honest about their beliefs, unlike Texans.

Whatever you say, retarded plus sign.

Almost all the pro government Posts are made by the government.


n-no u

>wut in the heil
I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything

It's a cross you heathen

Texas is getting an overflow of nu-males and queers from commiefornia. They need to go the fuck back.

fucking dumbass

>justifying your actions to others
I have a confederate battle flag, and I don't even need to justify why.
Get woke bait fag.

Your ID says gay, your opinion doesn't matter.

Your flag is that of a traitor's, you can't love your country and support the separatists.

People love this shithole?

Southerners don't care what the rest of the country thinks just as the white folks in the rest of the country don't REALLY care about the south (or those poor, poor black people who live here), but simply use this kind of topic to virtue signal to one another.

I defend the flag because I hate blacks and other minorities, saying that is just an excuse

retard i was making fun of liberals defending flag burning but the image didn't upload. go back fucking your cousin john

I found some of these fucking nazis.

Nazis, especially outside of Germany, are cargo cultists and should be treated like mentally ill people.

Niggers deserve death and nothing more.
Literally EVERYBODY understands this but you.

I'm not a nazi, I just wear a nazi symbol.
I'm not a southerner, I just wear a southern symbol.

Wait, but I am a southerner. Am I supposed to feel bad about being southern?

>Slavery is evil
>Having children work for pennies a day while they cant afford housing or food while they lose limbs is ok though...
fucking carpet baggers.

Fantastic thread OP.

nobody should be ashamed of being southern or german

Jokes on the, people are getting more comfortable with being Nazis in public

Reminder: The rebel flag is a battle flag for the democrats. The reason they want it gone is to hide their connection to a shameful past.

Disgusting, good find.

n-no u

Aren't the Confederates traitors as well? What happened to that American pride?

It's gotten to the point where I just embrace the term "Nazi" Down here. Im good with it. Hitler did nothing wrong.

1/10 for making me respond