Antifa BTFO webms and pics

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The campaign trail is over yet trumpets need to hold rallies bc his support is so fucking low



yeeeee get emm, GET EMMM

Nah, it's to lure in the Antifags so they can be identified and get their asses kicked :^)

Fuck commies

>Battle of Sacramento

so this is what happens with the larping generation

yeah why is that DJT still is running his campaign efforts a few months into presidency?
people like you obviously will say for support
anyone else wondering if Donald is trying to do more than bolster support?
let's speculate instead of spread negativity that derails conversations


Nah I was at the Chicago rally with a bunch of losers limp wrists as back up and not one of the piss babies despite talking mad shit in provoked even stepped to me.

Talk game and back it up. We didn't even threaten anyone and you guys chimped out



bro I wanna see a journalist get wrecked so fucking badly
there always running into the thick of it with their expensive cameras surprised it hasn't happened

Because we're done with you, your days are numbered faggot. From here on out it's on site, no exceptions.



Again on site yesterday I was with 3 gays and a tranny and no one from the 25 trump supporters despite talking shit even attempted to rumble.

It was old piss baby men and one 23yo dude with pepe sticker.

You guys are weak. I know that pepe piss baby posts here too

It speaks volumes how in this act of indecency and violence, instead of trying to defuse the situation and calm the tension, everyone just takes pictures of it. How far have we strayed from God's path...

oh its the minority who only knows the terms piss baby from that other thread that cant even into english.
what's your endgoal?
if shitposting: 3/10, i replied


why is sean bean so violent

Trump Street team Chicago

Lmao pathetic


I can't really make out what's going on in this video

>you guys are weak

Says the guy hanging out with a tranny and literal faggots. I suggest killing yourself before we have to do it for you.

I showed up alone because again you piss babies don't scare anyone and they showed up after.

No. One. Cares. About. You.

the tall guy swinging the stick is a white nationalist. they were holding a rally at the state capitol in sacramento when antifa showed up and attacked.

Antifa came in with hundreds vs maybe 30 at most from the WNs.

and yet antifa got their asses handed to them. Up to 10 hospitalized with stab wounds

We sent them home with bloody heads piss baby. Don't bias the story

yo nigga why you tryin so hard
not good looks homie

>maybe if I try ghetto speak he'll understand me

Ah, thanks

Group of Trump supporters standing there
doing their thing

While every other post is some star bucks cucklord getting his shit stomped in, yeah, you keep thinking these people are pathetic


The evidence is right in front of you yet you refuse to believe it. Like I said, kill yourself.


Wow cool crew, can I join?


hmm these character traits do correlate with leftist ideology given my personal experiences.. wot gives?

You showed up alone with a tranny and a couple faggots?

Are you all four people? Use your brain idiot.
This is why no one takes you seriously.

And they sent you to the hospital. Even when outnumbered 10 to 1.

Lol fucking animals

That is from Europe and the damage was done by the police

typical antifa always relying on the police.

I'd love to see them hold the line.

>Piss baby

A new CTR/Shareblue word?

You guys are morons.

Hah good one

Nah I'll be around homie.

You didn't care about us until we put on the masks

ANTIFA has Been around for decades and will always be around. Enjoy being triggered

That fashy haircut and jawline.


>p-police pleaae help i was being an antifascist and some nazis beat me up ;_;

>ANTIFA has Been around for decades

yet they still can't get anything accomplished aside from toppling oppressive trashcans.



>implying medieval warfare isn't the most redpilled form.

This is a masterpiece

>thanks for protecting me police

The Battle of Dover.

The thing is; we don't need masks because we're not FUCKING COWARDS.

Stay weak, pussy.

>ANTIFA has Been around for decades and will always be around

Starbucks windows and trashcans are terrified.


better video from it


We don't operate in chicago anymore. I of those 6 people is the only active member of the South Side ARA. The other guys were college kids who frankly shouldn't have shown up

They rest were posers. Anyway we'll be in Indiana coming up. some neo fucks along the south western borders are about to get crashed on South of Morrisville.


Nah you are.


why do these people hate their own countries so much? why are these lefties so self-loathing?

Capitalism kills friendo

If God didn't want us to fight, he wouldn't have made commies.

ha ha ha lets hope the cops are there to save you lad

Yea, we know once you were called Bolsheviks, then liberals and then progressives. Fascists calling yourselves antifacsists.

Nice rebranding.

oh shit he dead

Zing, nice come back

Explains why you pussies get your shit kicked in at every event

And here we have the horse shoe theory mini brain.

Great job you can played yourself

>implying American fascists are anything like these faggots


Gives the Red a slap without spilling his pint. Legend.

there were some brief clashes in Oregon yesterday as well

Crashed, and painted red with commie blood, I'm sure

Why go out if you don't even have the numbers?



>this machine
>its a piece of cardboard

>says the proponent of an ideology that killed 100 million

Frances Wang is fucking hot
>would racemix

We have yet to see any significant opposition from trump cucks in the region.

Stay salty

imagine the what the police must be thinking through all this haha, they honestly probably see both sides as retards


>counter-protesters don't want their faces show

I wonder why....

One Punch Fash


>says piss baby in three posts in a row
This says two things:
#1 - you're really bad at insults
#2 - isn't using words over and over one of the signs of autism?

>we must fight fascism, which is where the state controls everything, by adopting communism and giving everything to the state
>we can't have fascists blocking freedom of speech, we need to have communism dictate what people can't say
>we can't let the fascists turn us into a police state, we need the police to help us protest the police by rounding up all fascists, police-state style
Horse shoe theory is real, but communism really is fascism with a different name over it.

not true, i was at the chicago rally with a bunch of my limp wristed friends and we all got sent to the hospital by the don himself when we tried to fuck up the rally.


>In this region

Oh no, one area in the whole country
where Trump supporters don't kick your ass!

I'm sure your safe space will be rallied, and stomped like all the others soon, fag

yo nigger your poor english is really starting to fucking piss me off.

any Sup Forums fags wanna scrape metadata off the picture this guy uploaded?

Nah we won't.

White suburbanites are piss scared of scary Chicago.

why do edgy 15 year olds come to Sup Forums

>piss scary of Chicago

Man you aren't a troll, you are seriously this retarded?

I feel bad for you, honestly.


>portland rally when?