Popular vote

What does Sup Forums think about the popular vote? I was for Trump and all, and I think he won fair and square in this election. If we had done the popular vote, it would have been a different ball game and Hillary may or may not have won.
Regardless, if more people in the country as a whole voted for a candidate, shouldn't that candidate win? This gives more people an incentive to go out and vote so we can see what the country as a whole would like to see what the next president should be. Everyone's vote therefore is equal.

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Clearly, OP is a massive faggot

The whole point of your system is to prevent the terrible fate that has befallen every other democracy, which is, the high population cities totally dominate politics and rural people have essentially no voice.

When you have voter fraud on any level or you allow people to enter the country and gain voting rights through registration drives such as in CA where they can get a license and thus can register to vote with said license, it creates inequality. Wouldn't expect a massive faggot like OP to understand that though.

They do have a voice though. It's just not as strong because there are more people that disagree.

The voter fraud is a different issue, don't ya think?
I am imagining as each state running its voting registration as the same.

But a national popular vote will just create a system of ballot box stuffing. We have seen this in the past. You are so fucking dense it hurts your mother and I to see you this way.


voter fraud is not a different issue. You cannot separate them in a popular vote.

We use the electoral college to prevent fraud and carpet bagging from being an issue.

No need for the insults, this is a discussion.

Anyway, the ballot box stuffing sounds like another issue. What past are you referring to? I'm wanting to know more about this issue.

Shill and derisive arguing.

Another issue, another issue, another issue,

This isn't a discussion, it is you being ignorant of how the electoral college works and how it is designed to work.

You cannot treat them all separately as if they do not have an effect on the outcome of the vote.
You are either Underage or Undereducated.

Not until and unless the voting registration and ballot-casting processes are standardized to prohibit states and localities from allowing non-citizens to vote. As long as certain states continue to allow aliens to vote, the electoral college must remain.

Literally this.

I am 18.
I am saying if we solve the problems like said, and we fix these issues, then would the popular vote be better?

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

You see, the founding fathers knew that eventually some fascist fucks would come along and decide that they know what is best for the country. these fucks would try to stuff the ballot boxes by having massive voter registration drives, and they would do it by opening the borders so they could get more people on the voter rolls because their shitty policies and their shitty candidates would never garner votes from real Americans.


Read this and then tell me that Hillary and pals weren't trying to do just that.

18, so you've been here since last summer?

the popular vote will NEVER be better. it will NEVER be viable. popular vote will NEVER work. it might work at dinner time with the senpai, but it will never work in a national election.

I know you have dreams about taking over your school with a popular vote, but truth is that it is best left to the administrators, just as the Electoral college is the best thing for our national election.

you can popular vote your local selectman if you want. nobody cares who you vote in for dog catcher, etc...

I've been lurking the chan since I was 14-15 years old.
I didn't know about the electoral college v popular vote argument, so that's why I made a thread about it. For some education.

I am not for Hillary or illegal immigrants coming in here and voting.
I just thought that if we fixed all the issues with ballot stuffing and other registration issues under the popular vote, that it would be better than the ec.

> some poor farmer in Utah should have more of a voice than me
Fuck off.

move to utah if you have a problem with it

You're seemingly from the US, assuming you went to and graduated from a US school, I'm going to assume you either had shit grades or they are no longer teaching the fundamentals.

Someone that has no idea how the system works thinks that a popular vote would be better?


A sad day for the Republic.

I graduated with a 3.7 at a public High School. Given that the issues were solved, like ballot boxing, explain why the popular vote is still worse.
What's with the ad hominem arguments?

The thrust behind wanting a straight democratic election system is the mistaken belief that any decision that garners 51% is the wisest one. Democracy is an institutionalized fallacy and the Founders knew it. Yet people nowadays speak of it with such reverence its fucking alarming.

So then you acknowledge there is a problem then.

That's the first step.

You haven't acknowledged a problem with the electoral college, but I have explained several problems already. i.e. carpet bagging, fraudulent votes, illegal immigration, and then there are organizations like ACORN. I don't believe your 3.7 GPA argument. You came here to shill for something and are doing poorly.

You've given a 3.7/10 effort here.

Only landowners should be able to vote.

Please explain how you'd go about fixing all the issues with the popular vote.

Do you plan to somehow magically get Democrats to agree to change the way that they handle immigration? To get them to handle Voter ID differently? Do you just think that if magically things were completely different that we could somehow have a popular vote? Please explain.

you're being irrational. If we go by your logic, then we could have a utopia or garden of eden with no crime because we could just *fix* all of the ills we have with society.

I wasn't making 3.7 GPA as an argument, I was telling you that because you said I must have had shit grades in school.
I told you about why the popular vote sounds better than the ec in the creation of the thread. I said it sounds better than if a candidate had more people voting for them, then they should win.
So, given that the problems like carpet bagging, fraudulent voters, etc are solved, then doesn't the popular vote sound better than ec?

I don't know how to solve those issues. I'm sure there is some way to fix them though, no?

You're never going to get rid of the electoral college, commie cityfags. The less populous states will never agree. Why would we hand over power to your treasonous pieces of dogshit? We hate you and we will never, ever do so.

Define *sounds* better

What sounds better about it?

sounds to me like it would be ripe for abuse. sounds to me like it would lead to massive problems because people like you don't seem to understand that there is no way to actually control it

There is a way to fix it, but that includes a big beautiful wall with a tight immigration system, and voter ID laws.

Do you think Democrats would go for that?

Electoral college it is.

I lived in rural Kentucky almost all my life.
Now I live in Louisville.

What state do you live in?

Is it the state you were born in and have you always lived there?

This p much, landowners, net tax benefit heads of households, veterans and business owners. Everyone should get to vote for the House because everyone pays taxes so everyone has the right to be represented in the process of the raising of revenues, but thats pretty much it.

Democracy is literal shit and no serious philosopher at any point in history has ever considered it anything but. Republicanism is as close to working democracy as you get. If you support democracy and have the remotest bit of self awareness you just want a dictator like Hitler or Caesar.

Oh, god.

I live in Maine, I own 2 houses and 40 acres. Last thing I want is you faggots voting me out of my rights.

>There is a way to fix it, but that includes a big beautiful wall with a tight immigration system, and voter ID laws
Ok, I agree with all this. I am not a Democrat.
Let's do all that.
What I mean by better is that under a popular vote wouldn't everyone's vote be equal?

No, everyone's vote would not be equal, because not all states and municipalities are equal.

>you faggots
I voted Libertarian, Gary Johnson, in the election. I would be helping you to keep your rights.

What I mean by that is We here in Maine cannot control CA or KY and their voter or immigration laws.


Wew, laddie you dun fucked up

I'll leave you with these words of wisdom:

The national popular vote is pure foolishness.

take care.

>because not all states and municipalities are equal
What do you mean by that? I would figure that just because more people live in one area voted against something that less people live in, that's fair to go with the choice of the majority (or plurality).

Election is a lie, anyway.

Trump won because (((they))) wanted that way.

>some Sup Forumsacks actually believe that democracy exist.

Take care, thinks for your input user.

Ok let's say a candidate says "if I'm president then I'm going to ensure everyone in New York and California and Washington get free money. This money will come from every other state"

What happens everyone in those states vote for them and other people move into those states to vote for them to ensure the free money. You can't stop it because more people voted for it than the other states because of the popular vote. It's not balanced.

>what are two round presidential systems

Fuck that. I don't want large, coastal cities to be able to decide an election all on their own. The electoral college was created to avoid exactly that.

>being this retarded
By living a in more densely populated area your voice is diminished in and of that locality.

We need a popular vote.
We also need ranked choice voting to make 3rd-party candidates viable.
Lastly, voting day should be a national holiday, so everyone has time to vote.

Such a law couldn't be passed the first place, but I see your point.
I still think popular vote would vote against that. I'm not too sure about it though. Didn't think of that. I'll consider that next time I have a popular vote vs EC debate.

brexit was done by popular vote and look at the whinging leftist cunts still, if they lose they hate democracy, no matter the system, they are fascists.

As long as you see the point about vastly uneven weighting of populations.