
I deleted my account 5 years ago because I realized it was a useless site for me.
I was mad when I read the shits posted by my leftist aunt, never wanted to answer her to avoid to make a shitstorm in the family. I didn't care about what my job colleagues posted on FB, I never really liked this fake friendship from work, it's rare to find decent comrades. And for my non political friends, I often met them IRL, so no point to discuss with them on it.

But then there is a nationalist friend who ask me to join Facebook again (but with a fake account this time) to have serious discussions with him and others nationalists.

Does it really worth?

Or Fucking hell, really, what?

I am forced to have a fb because my clients want me to develop apps with the FB CONNECT button

A fake one? Sure its still cancer but alteast you can talk to people you like and that you know


I know that feel...

No. Sup Forums is the pinnacle of serious political discussion. I say this unironically.

Fuck facebook I don't use it.

Sup Forums is not your blog

Inb4 "Go back to Sup Forums" on /adv/.

this. facebook is shit tier discussion platform. there might be some groups with serious discussions. but in one thread you're called nazi for your arguments and in the other antifa for not just agreeing with anything.

Furthermore these lazy fuckheads can't keep discussions alive. Its very frustrating, if you made your (well researched) point and the other side just stops replying (and maybe blocks you), and brings up the same wrong arguments in the next thread.

Finally someone who also sees this. I made a jewbook recently with a picture of me and all. Up until this point I was used to intense discussion and arguing on the Youtube comment section. I did not expect the quality of discourse to be so low on jewbook and downright retarded. Posts rarely go past 2 sentences, people are infantile as hell with short attention spans and too lazy to read anything.

I got rid of facebook and there was no net change on my life

My employer once asked me to join facebook so i was more easily contacted when people called in sick etc. I simply told him "nope... deal with it".

Fuck facebook and everything it stands for.

Never made a FB profile. Don't support the data jew.

ask if there is any other platform to use

because facebook is (((facebook)))

I'm suprised there was no reprecussion.

DOn't do it.

also threw out my smartphone about a year ago btw. I just use pic related phone, family members and non-work related people only.

Quality of life went up 125%.

I mostly just Sup Forums and /sg/ on my phone anyway
Im in the same boat wondering if i should make a fake fb cause i havent had one in 5 years

But Is kinda right.

How easy is it to make one with all fake info?

I don't see the problem. If you absolutely have to have an account there for business purposes, then just use it for business and ignore all the bullshit. OP is talking about something completely different.

I have been thinking to do the same and get a Nokia or something. All I do on my smartphone is browsing Sup Forums (which is way better on pc). I almost never use my kikebook and other social medias.