Where is the 'alt-right' politically?

Where is the 'alt-right' politically?

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On the right side.


why weren't our warnings headed

alex jones daddy


Yeah, Spencer and Duke aren't really that authoritarian. They don't really believe in a method of forcing people to comply with their ideology. They're probably both centrists if you don't put a ton of weight on their pet race issues.

I'd probably considered alt-right and I was right in the middle of the red square when I took this

Middle blue.

no such thing

It really depends on who you're talking about specifically. The "alt-right" isn't even necessarily "right wing" in most of their stances.

Where richard spencer is, which is funny cause he is not that authoritarian, and I'd say he's farther to the left economically than Sargon.

Sargon is alt right now?

The definition is really unclear so pretty much any position can be alt-right.

Kim jhong Un is Alt right now?

>putting donald trump that high up

what the fuck? he's near the center.


And Stalin

>hillary farther right than Trump

wew lad

I am alt-right, according to the left

now stop pretending the label actually means anything other than wrongthinker

Help me here pol:

Socialism - Capitalism = Communism
Capitalism - Socialism = Facism?

If this is true, what is then the socialdemocrat, an international socialist?

That's absolutely retarded and pretty much invalidates the political compass entirely if the staff are that illiterate

It's called the alternative right not the right. It's clearly to the left you fucking dumb ass.

wut, substraction has commutative property you shithead.

Trump and Webb were the only reasonable choices in my opinion.

It is not true though. If anything, fascism is socialism without class warfare and egalitarianism.

Webb for Democratic Nom 2020when?