>College """""educated""""" liberals

>I didn't even graduate highschool but I'm actually smarter than people who dedicate years of their life to learning a subject to their fullest because my opinions are more trendy on Sup Forums
alright whatever helps you cope brainlet

Just more proof that college doesn't teach you anything

>I am well studied on a subject matter! Now let me be your superior on everything.

Educated and liberal are two words that should never be together in the same sentence. Liberals exist in an information vacuum and I'm surprised their heads haven't imploded yet because there's nothing inside their skull.

>Left wing """liberterians"""

>tfw never did my homework
>tfw I dropped out of high school
>tfw I learned 2 extra languages and how to model and animate in 3D all by myself

Autodidact mustard race, school is for retards when the internet exists.

College educated liberal= socially retarded

The liberal posting the "science isn't a liberal conspiracy" shirt on her Facebook has an art degree. I pointed this out and mentioned my science degree. We apparently aren't friends anymore. She had the fish mouth anyway.


But how much money do you make?

College is good, but not always. It's not neccessary to be successful but for most people it's the easiest way to start.

This. Schools are just indoctrination centers to make good little globalist goy.

>Read some college-level textbooks to find the truth about white people

>t. someone who thinks having a degree makes them smart
You're the kind of person I replace when a company realizes they hired an empty diploma with no real skills. Enjoy your debt.

>im smart but lazy


I wipe my ass side to side.

2 months from finishing my master's degree

feels good man


>people with jobs are lazy
Whatever you have to tell yourself to justify the money you spent. The difference is while you were busy piling up debt I was already out of school, working, learning far more than I could in school, building marketable skills and experience. I'll be five year ahead of you by the time you get out. A diploma is just a piece of paper, user. One day you'll learn this.

I do one inner cheek at a time

t. Broke college """educated""" liberal

>learning far more than I could in school
yeah, far more than you could.

Christ how hard is it to have better bantz than a fucking leaf. Kill yourself senpai.