Blocks your path

Blocks your path.

What do you do user? Are you mentally and physically prepared to beat him in a game of wits and strategy?

Other urls found in this thread:

Idk. maybe.


I don't play chess.
I challenge that guy to feather bowling.

We shall see how his limp wristed BS stands up against wood wheels.

I call him a nigger, and with one word I completely invalidate all of his achievements, relationships, and complex thoughts by boiling him down to that one sweet combination of letters. Fucking nigger



e4 c5


dat negro's nose is worse than most


>Be me
>Be White
>Don't know how to play chess

Am I even White?

Does he want to play yugiho?

>pull out my cock
>piss on the board
>walk away


You know, this is really something I think a lot of people on Sup Forums don't get. There are plenty of African-Americans out there who have the minds of white people. That is, they've got the greater emotional depth and range that whites have, as well as a normal IQ. But that's not something you see in Africa, no matter where you go. Africans are all dumber than a box of rocks, and have the emotional intelligence you'd expect from something like a rodent or livestock or something. This is because a lot of African-Americans have a good bit of white DNA. Mulattoes, the result of slave owners fucking their slaves, were far more attractive than undiluted Africans. So they were sexually selected for by other slaves. By now, 95% of African-Americans have some white DNA, meaning that they are to Africans what spics are to indios. This is why American blacks aren't always totally retarded, while Africans are universally

>pull out my cock
>piss on the board
>"I win"
>walk away

I just say that I want to challenge his father instead.

Look his nose!

its boring

I always knew Hannibal was a chess player

Whites go first, so I beat his skull in and leave



Is that racist?


The Asian kid snapps his pencil and stalks off. kek.

I don't know how to play chess.

I know how each piece moves, but I don't know what to actually do with that.

I just move them however until I see a piece I can take, then do that until I lose or it becomes a stalemate.

Not sure I've ever won a game.

I'd look at him with incredulity, and say, "Ive got weed if you wanna play and smoke dude."

Would win!

I'd split that Uncle Tom in half.

thus hurling the young scholar face first into an unrelenting quest of folly as he scurries in vain to locate his father. nice work.

Kek. Didn't take long for We wuz chess playas.

Play. Lose.
Then challenge to a tea brewing competition.

I said it once, I will say it again.
There are only 3 black Grandmasters in chess worldwide. That is out of 1500 Grandmasters. The title is mostly dominated by Russian elites. Blacks truly suck at chess because they play street chess.
It would be like getting a professional NBA player to 1v1 a street basketball player. They are gonna get their ass raped.

>nice cup of tea.jpg
>milk in tea
>cup is only 2/3 full
Roastbeefs don't know shit about tea.

I'd crush him. I'm a fucking massive American, I would slam his head into my gunt until he was unconscious. I'm filled with steroids from shit American meats and food, I would land vicious fat fuck haymakers to his dome while rubbing my balls and thinking of incest porn. He has no fucking chance. He is finished.

2. c3

It's literally the exact opposite. Nigerians are black as night, and they're 100x better (and more Catholic) than caramel-colored American gang-bangers.

>pulls out two PS3's and two copies of Dark Souls because chess is for fagoots
>Let's play a real man's game
>beat the game in under an hour because am pro
>look over and see he glitched the game and beat it in under 30 minutes
>fucking niggers

>Take a piece and move it two spaces front
>Don't release it, keep holding it
>Keep eye contact with him
>"What you doing men? Let go so I can have my turn"
>"Niggers never get a turn"

He's a chrater.

But even without cheating he's probably above 2200, and so would wreck me.

>"excuse me sir, but is this path your property?"
>"then I must inform you that you are currently violating my ability to walk to work, which as I'm sure you are aware is a form of aggression"
>draw my Sig and put 2 in his chest, 1 in his head
>Cops come and arrest me

Is this the new "What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?" copypasta or something?

ancaps btfo

>this path
It's called a road.

Game on, faggot

muh dik - checkmate

nobody here is really racist. its just that a vast majority of blacks are dangerous and violent.

oh wow, a smart black guy, welcome to being a normal citizen who will be ignored.

>Roastbeefs don't know shit about tea.
That's fighting talk, lad.
Watch your step.

He's a nigger. They cant comprehend wits or most things.

Don't you know the reason Switzerland is able to stay neutral is because they have an army powerful enough to kick anyone's ass who tries to fuck with them. You lost before you even started this fight.


they don't have nukes though, do they faggot?

fine, i'll play the blacks

>implying your nukes would even be noticed when we all live in mines deep beneath the alps.

>Fischer made numerous anti-Jewish statements and professed a general hatred for Jews since at least the early 1960s.[481][482] Jan Hein Donner wrote that at the time of Bled 1961, "He idolized Hitler and read everything about him that he could lay his hands on. He also championed a brand of anti-semitism that could only be thought up by a mind completely cut off from reality".[215]

>From the 1980s on, Fischer's comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks.[484] He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards".[485]

>In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him.[486]

>Fischer's library contained anti-semitic and racist literature such as Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The White Man's Bible and Nature's Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen, founder of the World Church of the Creator.[488][489] A notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as "8/24/99 Death to the Jews. Just kill the Motherfuckers!" and "12/13/99 It's time to start randomly killing Jews".[490]

I tell him Laura will never love him.

"In some areas of Nigeria, ethnic groups speak more than one language. The official language of Nigeria, English, was chosen to facilitate the cultural and linguistic unity of the country, owing to the influence of British colonisation that ended in 1960."
Listen, we got a problem.

>street chess
stop this nonsense immediately

I'm not sure about what language has to do with what I said, but that guy in the video is dead on. There needs to be more self-criticism in the world.

It's a real thing.
If you were to go to New York city, a bunch of blacks will be playing 5 minute chess. They all gamble and everything. They call it street chess down there.

>If you were to go to Jew York city
Well, there's your problem, buddy.

>I don't know how to play chess

Or.. You learn?

That's an actual thing user. Not just shitposting.

I can't tell if you are agreeing with me or not...
Where are you getting at?

Tell him to solve this puzzle

They're half decent players, but the only reason they play fast is to cheat. And they don't actually gamble, they swindle yuppies into betting $5 on a game and then slight of hand the pieces while fast-talking them. It's actually fucking hilarious.

t. Jew Yorker

This nigga knows whats up

>blacks using stolen bread and milk crates to set up their chess

Shoot him with my concealed carry, sprinkle some crack on him, and tell the cops he was comin right at me

Bring it! I love a good game of chess.

doesn't seem like anybody is really missing those crates

No I wrote that while rubbing my balls and thinking of incest porn.

nope can't be late for work

Initiating battle in chess isnt always the best move. You have to kinda think ahead for every piece to become a "master"

Nimzo-Indian is danker

Chess is a game of memory

>then slight of hand the pieces while fast-talking them
You are right. I love how slick they think they are sometimes.

>choose black pieces
>pull them all out of the game
>wez boycottin this whitey ass game
>block his hand from moving pieces around
>argue with him over every single move he makes
>accuse him of systemic rookcism
>change my queen's gender
>flip the board game and punch him out

Low energy

>take a seat
>"whites go first"
>proceed to whoop his ass

in brazil you can't play chess since all the pieces are gray

Chess: no
Chessboxing: yes

What did you meant by this?

miscegenation joke ;)



What's the easiest way to learn/understand chess?

Not understanding chess.

Do tactic puzzles.

Dat some buddhist level shit there mayn.

probably not, i'm not very good at chess and he seems like hes in the chess club or something

>I'm a pleb

Chess takes minutes to learn and a lifetime to master.

This jewel of a comment has gone unappreciated for far too long. It's just more proof that nu-Sup Forums is uncultured filth fresh from plebbit.

just learn what all the pieces do dumbass

stfu leaf its not even a good post u retard

I agree. Sup Forums should be deleted.

Stand back nigga

I beat him at chess.
Because I'm good at chess.


Damn mane is dat a astroniggicist?