Whats wrong with Americans?

Whats wrong with Americans?


>Parents are beginning to take baby boxes home from hospitals along with their newborns. A Los Angeles-based company has partnered with health officials to give the boxes away for free and an online initiative offers advice aimed at reducing sudden unexpected infant deaths. New Jersey and Ohio were the first to participate statewide in the program.

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>be baby
>get boxed

>tfw put in a drawer as a baby

wow its almost like we're gonna be living worse than our parents. also, a crib is a fucking box with a comforter/bedspring. put a bedspring in a fucking box and its comfy.

just fuck us all why the fuck do we care

Well they're probably right.

That box is probably safer than most cribs.



>no fries

You got tricked Burger

It's so it can double as a coffin if the baby dies


>copying finns

She was lacking In modesty. I fixed that

nothing wrong with this

>To go boxes

So I assume none of you have had kids. The biggest threat just after birth to babies in the modern age is SIDS due to suffocation. A lot of mothers think its natural to cosleep so the baby can feed as necessary, this is fine except mothers just out of pregnancy are a lot more tired than normal (obviously) and may suffocate the child due to sleeping too deeply.

At this age a baby had trouble turning its head and is unable to lift head, so if it is in a position where it cannot breath it just dies. In addition beds are often not permeable enough and a rolled over baby can suffocate.

Another common problem is cribs with "bumpers" or a soft cloth to keep the baby from hurting itself. Not only is this completely unnecessary because the baby can't move, but if it somehow does it can suffocate.

I presume baby boxes are mostly inner city for blacks and city whites who are unable to be not retarded and follow basic instruction.

Tldr babies a shit can't not suffocate.

>his parents never put him in a box
lmao, literally a richfag

It's a good idea, no different than when you have young pups. Containment is how you prevent accidents.
That and it's probably safer than most cribs out there.

Yes Goyim be complacent that your standard of living is getting shittier. Make sure on your free time to use your car and be an Uber driver and drive me around. Be sure to dedicate 30% of your living space to rent out to strangers on AirBNB. You are living in a shared economy system now Goyim you have to rent out your free time and space to others. Just make sure to leave a little space for your babie's box crib.

the wealth is not tricking down.

>sheeeeeit u mean lil shaniqua gets da box too?

honestly, this too. extra space for babies is deadly. those little shits move around and kill themselves in "luxurious" cribs

They are conditioning children to live for third world conditions.

The box is there for comfort and protection.

Think about it on scale and also the child's lack of intellect.

Thanks be to God Sup Forums is mostly virgins because they have 0 parenting skills

Norway already does this

>Thanks be to God

Whew, I needed that


>people think babies really just up and die from something called SIDS
Asians have the lowest rates, and natives and blacks have the highest rates. It's post-term abortion.

I had twin boys (one blond hair/blue eyed, other red hair/green eyes) about two years ago. I had my crib from when I was a kid and got one as a gift. We have a large house so wanted a second set of cribs downstairs, so I built them. When no longer needed I gave two away because so many poorfags cosleeping.

People just dont know how to do anything on their own anymore. Building cribs is fuckin easy yet people cant even do it.

Also shitty boomer parents throwing everything away instead of saving it for kids.

>Be burger baby
>Dad hasn't shown up to the hospital, I must be half black
>Dr. shekelberg culls my baby dick
>Get thrown and packaged in a box like a big mac
>mom has to pay 6 gorillion dollars to the hospital
>tfw I was born to fight for Israel

i dont believe its a "syndrome" or any bullshit, but yes, babies flip over on to their stomachs and fucking suffocate.

do you think that's a myth, or a disease or what have you?

Having a baby in an American hospital costs so much all you can afford afterwards is a cardboard box.

H-hey! S-sh-shut up you!

SIDS is either congenital problems, a druggie parent, or suffocation. Due to the modern age we live in suffocation really isn't SIDS, its negligent homicide.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

That 'baby' looks muzzie senpai.

It goes down as SIDS so mommy doesn't go to prison.


This country needs better maternity leave so you can watch the baby when its at its most retarded. After a couple of months it develops better control of its body and is harder to kill itself in stupid ways like SIDS. I mean yes you have to watch it still obviously but not to the extent of the first 3 months.

>sleepy mummy accidentally suffocating kids
That's sounds like a bullshit excuse for postpartum depressed cunts to smother their kids

does the box come with a lid?

Two full term twin boys with a c-section because one didn't want to come out (both ~8lb) with three days total in hospital came to 70k. Insurance covered anything and our gap coverage we paid 500 for paid us back 2000. Overall I made 1500 + 6k that year in taxes.

To be fair, to balance shit out the law gave men cruise ships to "accidentally" push their wives off the boat at 3 in the morning when no one is around.

its hurts, master. when do i get to have mine?

>put babies in boxes
>start a major human trafficking operation

You are wonder if the need for a c-section is natures way of attempting to abort the kids? Like the body detected a defect in the baby and attempts to prevent it from living?

Eh. My wife was working the day before delivery and went back to work after a two month break. We kept them in cribs in our room until a year to make sure we got past the SIDS window.

We had it easy because my work was lax. As long as there is a dad in the picture its not an issue. I do kind of feel bad for the single mothers - but between WIC and other benefits they can receive getting by isn't too hard.

>be Mexican
>Have baby in US
>Can stay in US now legally
>Hospital gives me convinient box which I can use when I dump this baby in front of my local Catholic church



Dunno its possible. For us it wouldn't have been an issue because they would have come out fine had we waited, but the doc didn't want my wife in labor for much longer. Plus who wants stretched pussy.

that bitch looks like bill cosby

Meh, my family puts babies in clothes baskets with a pillow in it

Dad is great! He gives us the chocolate cake!

>sudden unexpected infant deaths.


God dammit my sides weren't prepared



For reference this is a terrible idea, your family must have great will to live because pillows are dangerous


>hmm what really simple product can I get the over inflated healthcare industry to shill out millions of dollars for
wish I thought of it desu

its funny but it also hurts.

>aimed at reducing sudden unexpected infant deaths
>have to keep baby in box to keep from accidentally killing it

Imagine you look at your itemized healthcare costs and it says like
>Hospital bed $15,000
>Sedatives $2,000
>Nurse $5,000
>Cardboard Crib Box $1,000

and they would totally do this and Democrats or Republicans wouldn't stop them.

exactly. And insurance would have to pay it.


No, it doesn't. It should be left up to the company. Women are already a net loss in the work force, forcing every business to pay them to sit on their asses at home is even worse, especially when affirmative action forces their employment.

Damn Russian hackers

Why didnt they give bernie baby a box?

A box on the floor or in bed next to the mother is much safer than a crib. Reduces the chances of suffocation, its also easier to breastfeed without having to get out of bed every two hours. Transition to a crib after three months.

ITT: idiot virgins who will never have children.

>feel bad
The majority don't deserve the benefits they receive.

>not having or wanting a kid makes you a virgin

>sudden unexpected infant deaths
Is this really just parents fucking up and killing their baby by accident just no one puts it in those words and we all pretend the baby had something wrong with it?

There's nothing wrong with this. Some parents think its fine to sleep with a newborn in their dirty, germ-filled bed. Some think you can stick it on the floor in the corner and it'll be fine. Some can't afford a crib. Giving people the baseline comfort a newborn needs is fine.

Yes, be a good goy and don't reproduce. At least I'll have someone to take care of me when I'm old rather than leaching off the state.

So? Our babies have been sleeping in boxes for 70 years


"Sudden Infant Death" is just an euphemism for "my mother smothered me with a pillow but everybody likes to pretend women would never do that".

>box on the floor
>get out of bed
>step into child

>feel bad

Not disagreeing with you. Majority of leaches are leaches.

>he thinks his kid will take care of him and not despise him and throw him in a home

Nigga, I love my parents but I have my own life too. I can't work 50 hours a week then drive to their place and watch them every day.

>What is SIDs

There's a ton of ways even decent parents can kill a kid. Some as simple as not tucking your baby in snugly and the baby managing to get some blanket over his face and his tiny lungs not being able to suck air through the cloth and he suffocates.

If you're going to do that maybe it's better if you never breed in the first place

>mfw a goy tries to take from the global kibbutz we're running

I remember playing with my little brother we were both young he'd act like a nigger and I'd put that nog in jail via upside down clothes basket with a weight on top hehe jailed for life lil nig. Shoulda been a cop

This kills the nation

> Working 50 hours a week instead of spending time with family.


you shouldn't breed if you can't afford a crib you dumb nigger

>SIDS is now Sudden Infant Decompression Syndrome

You didn't read the part about a smaller area with a hard surface is safer for newborns? Use the box then move up to the crib.

Actually you aren't wrong

The C-Section's commonplace factor nowadays would have lead to smaller people, because the big babies tend to not come out and suffocate, or something like that.

Basically, Americans are getting YUGE because our surgical standards means that the large babies don't suffocate on birth.

It's beleived that the fire retardant chemicals in mattresses can cause SIDS a box is an okay alternative for a crib. It doesnt even need to be cardboard it could be a woven basket.

Source? I'm pretty sure it's the head that's the problem, not the body.

>This kills the nation
I am living in the system left to me.

You are implying I have a choice. It's going to get worse for your kids.

My grandfather stayed in his own house until his dying week. My family would come up every so often to have lunch and help him keep everything in the house working because he was virtually blind. It's possible for old people to live outside of nursing homes. A lot of the time it's just not done because people today are busier and culture isn't as respectful of old people.

Here's a start: cut your spending. You know, like using a box instead of a crib or useless bassinet.

Correct, but head and rest of the body is kinda linked innit?


>implying I don't
>implying I don't invest wisely and own instead of rent
>implying I don't live in NYC where cost of living ass rapes you

>in b4 move
Yea i'll move and be even further from my parents who you told me I should take care of.

SIDS is just a coverup for the parent accidentally killing the baby or fucking up in some way

true story: a friend of mine had her second baby, the baby somehow died 4 months after it was born with no explanation. 1 month later she killed herself leaving behind her husband and first child. people think she accidently killed it and was guilty

Thanks for the link! I'm not surprised there's an increase evolutionary pressure from c-sections. I thought you were talking about heavier babies from gestational diabetes which doesn't affect head circumference (I think)

Jesus Christ woman are retarded
>kill your baby accidentally
>kill yourself and be a burden on your husband and living baby

it's all driven by being selfish and not being able to accept responsibility for your fuck up.

> Excuses

You are still a shitty son prioritizing money over family. Make it work, move somewhere cheaper, work less, spend a bit more time in transit to see them.
