
Whats her end goal?

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Might as well post a good e-celeb


She's gonna name the Jew. All of her videos are about the corruption of individuals/the youth in the popular music industry.
>she's done some moloch imagery, some other similar shit, 666, illuminati, a few meme conspiracies, etc.
Just wait

Evalion 2.0

dude slayer is fucking trash

to destroy capitalism and materialism in an capitalist platform

Exterminating gays

>Whats her end goal?
selling more copies of her album, which is on itunes

What is Titanic Sinclairs end goal?
He is the real genius



It's probably next level psyop shit. Listen to your gut and stay away.


Well duh but a picture of Titanic Sinclair isn't garner nearly as much traction on Sup Forums

Hey good on you poppy for marketing yourself to Sup Forums. If there's anyone that could make your personality go viral its 4channers. Did you post this to Sup Forums yet? Oh what am I saying, of course you did. However my dear, I'm too smart for your antics.


to get rich and famous

He's a chaos agent

>i like this gun because of the way it looks
she's your typical /k/ poster



is she white?

She's Portuguese. I'll leave it up to you to decide.

This man is the mastermind:

White enough for me
Is she dropping redpills or just weird artsy cryptic shit?

Seems like artsy stuff. I watched the gun video but everything else was pretty lame. Nothing redpilled thus far.

Feel free to correct me poppycocks.

Welcome to marketing 101

This cute shill is selling the red pill.

she's not an e-celeb, she's a performance art piece

>tfw POPPY IS /ourgal/ AS FUCK

I feel like "Poppy" is a double entendre, for pop culture and it being an opiate for the masses. Confirm?


woah, we got a real brainiac here

lol this is pretty good. gotta think some dude wrote this all out for her though. behind ever reasonably intelligent woman is some man telling her what to say.

To be the antithesis of Danielle somefuckin name the sassy bitch

She's an attention whore who uses her beauty to attract a fanbase. If this was a dude none of you would be watching it.

the guy who produces all her videos is a lightly redpilled /ourguy/ who drops Sup Forums memes on his twitter

can't figure out if he's satire or what sometimes

Thats correct, she does have a mananger, Titanic Sinclair, who does videos of similar style too and writes the stuff for Poppy.

See this vid from him, pretty gud

>Whats her end goal?
she s mentally challenged.


My nigga


Holly fuck, that guy isn't even trying to hide his power level

ya he's our lad

The 92 fs is indeed a qt

>its another Sup Forums tier thread talking about le epic "redpilled" e-celebs episode
redpill culture is such blatant normie shit at this point. fuck all you reddit immigrants

What does it mean?

the meaning behind the red pill video is obvious

she is dressed like a typical pop star aka retarded. She is basically portraying the liberal sjw pop stars like miley cyrus. After eating the red pill she becomes poppy. If you notice in poppy videos she is usually dressed conservatively.

It's basically symbolism of poppy being redpilled and not a degenerate leftist.

watch this to get it

I think sinclair aligns with Sup Forums in hating the mainstream shallow SJW scene. I don't think he is right wing.

He's a self-proclaimed "moderate"

Poppy is poppin pills. One of us.


moderate is still anti-leftist in today's world

anyone not blue pilled is on our side

as i said before

look at the clothes in this video compared to normal poppy videos

she normally dresses conservatively
in this video she is dressed like a hollywood pop star

That shows the idea is that the hollyjew pop stars like miley are blue pilled and she is red pilled

There is no such thing as "moderates". There are only Nazis, and the people who are brave enough to stand against them.

To make money off the exploitation of an in-fashion aesthetic (brainwashing, as proles slowly become aware of what has been done to them since the invention of mass media)

Ad revenue


he's obviously not an insane sjw

Carefull. What you say about moderates may be true but yhere are alot of pills in this world. Choose your allies more carefully.

nah, it's obvious moderate red pilled people are generally on the same coalition, see rubin the faggot and people like shillnovich

pretty much everyone not blue pilled can see through the bullshit and is effectively against them

>attempting to find all the symbolism in a blatant advertisement
>tfw when Sup Forums falls for viral marketing this easy


what the fuck is this
why can't I stop watching these videos
why do I have a boner

Poppy is just an art project of some guy named Titanic Sinclair who is /ourguy/. He writes and directs all of poppies stuff and is her handler essentially

Hes also a confirmed Sup Forumstard and likely goes to Sup Forums


Hes playing the long game with poppy and will soon name the jew.

look into it retard

poppy is basically a nazi SS guard at auswitchz in comparison to most music stars out of california

making top tier songs




Like I said Im with you on moderates but things are more complicated. there are more pills then blue and red. Best not be willing to embrace aren't blue unless you exercise caution.

I love poppy. Don't you?

this tbqh

She's the right wing Luna lovegood

Poppy knows all.

What did he mean by this

>caring about a popstar
>falling for the Hollywood jew with a real name Moriah Pereira
>not understanding the guy who fucking made this poppy character Corey Mixter aka Titanic Sinclair literally talks about how Poppy is just a made up brand looking to appeal to a target market

Kill yourself retard


the cucks arrive.


sir, are you from reddit? You seem to have figured it out !! how embarassing for Sup Forums

Drumpf btfo.


More stuff

>wtf I hate BLM now

youtube.com/watch?v=m8Lr2wO5V30 holy fuck

I love Ross. But for some reason I feel like he is a leftist.

Since when does Sup Forums mindlessly become "entertained" by a jew? And you don't speak on behalf on Sup Forums you stupid nigger

Like any woman, her end goal is attention.

Not that's a bad thing in this case.

>those thin fake eyebrows


Well i think it's pretty well done and unique. Never heard of her before today.

I'd like to pop Poppy in the pooper tbqh