Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Sup Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

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This is true
Christian threads are Sup Forums heritage threads

Jew worship is anti-Sup Forums in all forms. You are a slave. You are brainwashed by old Jewish brainwashing tricks. Grow up. Become the Overman

It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


Why do you people spam this?

I hate modern christianity, but christ, if he even existed, hated jews

Because It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


Because it's true
And 50% of jews are atheist

Fuck off with this retarded shitposy.
>b-b-but you don't understand



Ah, Sup Forums, how can I believe? I do not have the faith.

"...recoil before the sons of voltaire"

this sounds fagheavy as fuck.

tfw you realise Voltaire ultimately allowed you to say this in the first place instead of being told what to say

>how can I believe?
just do it.

>I do not have the faith
what does this mean?
if you want to believe something, and there are no defeaters, then believe it.
is there some contradiction between the belief and what you already know that you can't reconcile?

Yes, it has to do with the relation of Christians to the Old Testament Law. I have been wrestling for some time whether the Catholic/traditional teaching is correct, that gentiles are not obligated to observe the Law of Moses/Torah, or whether Jesus meant to provide a new/correct interpretation of the Torah, and that Christians have been getting it wrong for 2000 years. I grew up Protestant, so I never gave much credence to the church fathers.

who are the sons of Voltaire?

I guess part of my difficulty is that, it seems that Catholicism is a complete different and invented religion rather than a 'fulfillment/completion' of Judaism. I suppose it could also be argued that after 70 AD, the restructuring of Judaism into its Talmudic, synagogue based version is disconnected from historical Judaism due to the destruction of the temple, but they at least seem to be more connected to it.

tfw you realise that the crusaders allowed the kebabization of south-east Europe

this seems like more of an in-house problem, rather than something having to do with belief in God in general, as i thought you were meaning.

have you read the new testament? the epistles?
romans specifically is laden with passages that tell us we're no longer subject to the law, but rather grace
>14 For sin will have no mastery over you, because you are not under law but under grace. (Romans 6:14)

i'm not a fan of catholicism.




Yeah, I've been reading some articles about it here
And why not? Like I mentioned, I was raised Protestant, but I cannot honestly believe Protestant teachings after being exposed to even a modicum of history.



Truly sad.

>Believing the (((Bible)))

It was literally written by jews.





>protestant teachings
protestant is a category, you'd have to be more specific.
the only teaching that's common among protestantism is a rejection of the primacy of the bishop of rome

Read the bible and take the time to understand what is is saying. Look within you because that is where the answer truly lies. Listen to some JBP if you haven't already. Read some Jung or at least familiarise yourself with his ideas including his exploration of alchemy. Eventually you will start to find answers and may even experience powerful moments of spirituality and connectedness and you may see the kingdom of heaven from which all beauty man creates has flowed from.

For the most part, the invasion of the Moors was welcomed by the Jews of Iberia.

Both Muslim and Catholic sources tell us that Jews provided valuable aid to the invaders. Once captured, the defense of Córdoba was left in the hands of Jews, and Granada, Málaga, Seville, and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors. The Chronicle of Lucas de Tuy records that "when the Catholics left Toledo on Sunday before Easter to go to the Church of the Holy Laodicea to listen to the divine sermon, the Jews acted treacherously and informed the Saracens. Then they closed the gates of the city before the Catholics and opened them for the Moors."

Christian? Pretty sure you mean Kekistani.


Wow, what a (((coincidence)))

Christianity is dead and dying everywhere. It has ALWAYS been fat, flabby, and pathetic. And it is going to be replaced by something strong: Islam.

Oh you mad? Just remember it took white men 500 years to get off their fat stupid asses and start the 1st crusade. By that time the Spanish and Portuguese had been irreparably destroyed by the Muslims and they have NEVER recovered. Their muddied races probably had an across-the-board IQ drop of nearly 40 points or more.

You are not Crusaders. You are not strong men. You are mental weaklings who continue to repeat the mistakes of your ancestors as we have seen here in America as the left has won EVERY battle for the last 100 years, while white men continue to LARP and cry about "fighting fare".

Still mad?

Trump and the Republicucks aren't getting a fucking thing done and they never will.

Sola scriptura and sola fide are usually held as being Protestant doctrines, no? Neither of which appear very well sourced.


atheist can feel the amazing jew's banana up their butts all the time and be also pleased of the uselessness they receive in exchange.
Sorry /r/ but I prefer being a human.
Deus Vult.

Jews as a whole aren't the enemy. It's the edomites. Read your bibles people.

I am curious.


Answer the question, it's a simple one. I am curious as to the results.


>atheist movement

I've never read or listened to any of those people except Larry David, and I don't remember any anti Christian propaganda in curb your enthusiasm.

I just don't belive in magic or sky daddy



>Sola scriptura and sola fide
can you define what you think these mean?

Hey man I didn't say any of that, that's a different dude. Just because you're part of a group of people that all believe the same book is 100% perfectly true, doesn't I mean I have to defend the random nonsense said by everybody who happens to be atheist

>any anti Christian propaganda in curb your enthusiasm.
doesn't he piss on a portrait of jesus in one episode?
and then imply christians are gay because they're worshipping a man instead of a woman in another?
>I just don't belive in magic or sky daddy
how is your relationship with your father?

Sola scriptura
> Sola scriptura (Latin: by Scripture alone) is a Christian theological doctrine which holds that the Christian Scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice. The Scriptures' meaning is mediated through many kinds of secondary authority, such as the ordinary teaching offices of the Church, the ecumenical creeds, the councils of the Christian Church, and so on. However, sola scriptura rejects any original infallible authority other than the Bible. In this view, all secondary authority is derived from the authority of the Scriptures and is therefore subject to reform when compared to the teaching of the Bible. Church councils, preachers, Bible commentators, private revelation, or even a message allegedly from an angel or an apostle are not an original authority alongside the Bible in the sola scriptura approach.

Sola fide
> Sola fide, or "faith alone", asserts that good works are not a means or requisite for salvation. Sola fide is the teaching that justification (interpreted in Protestant theology as "being declared just by God") is received by faith alone, without any need for good works on the part of the individual.

If you have a disagreement with either of these definitions, please let me know. But essentially, the crucial reason why I think the Protestants are mistaken is that sola scriptura is itself not supported by scripture, and in fact, Paul makes explicit instructions for early Christians to hold onto the traditions which he has imparted to them
> So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. (2 Thessalonians 2:15 (NIV)
Unless you want to go down the source criticism road and argue about whether 2 Thes. should really be in the Bible, at which point I would have to get back to you

>all believe the same book is 100% perfectly true
have you talked to every christian on earth? ora are you merely guessing what others believe?


degenerate discord rife with drugs and anti-nazi sentiment

To me, atheist just means not a theist. I don't believe in God, which means I am not a theist, therefore I am an atheist. I don't mean to tell you that you shouldn't believe in a god, but I do not accept your reasons for belief. If the term atheist has become contentious and associated with obnoxious, know-it-all fedora tippers, then I would be fine with disassociating with that stereotype, and instead identifying as a non-believer, or non-theist.

I haven't seen every episode of curb your enthusiasm, but that one sounds pretty funny

My relationship with my dad is pretty good these days. We've both changed a lot, it wasn't always good.

Apatheist seems to be the term you are looking for.
Gnostic atheism = I know that there is no God/gods
Gnostic theism = I know that there is a God/gods
Agnostic atheism = I do not know, and act as if there is no God/gods
Agnostic theism = I do not know, and act as if there is a God/gods
Apatheist = lolwhocares

> Sola scriptura (Latin: by Scripture alone) is a Christian theological doctrine which holds that the Christian Scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice
>the crucial reason why I think the Protestants are mistaken is that sola scriptura is itself not supported by scripture
it's mostly a negative claim, it doesn't need to be supported by scripture.
it's saying:
• There is no other infallible rule of faith
to defeat it, one would just have to show some other infallible source for rules of faith and practice. i don't think pope francis qualifies

>Paul makes explicit instructions for early Christians to hold onto the traditions which he has imparted to them
> So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. (2 Thessalonians 2:15 (NIV)
this is the meme definition i was wondering if you were operating under.
sola scriptura doesn't deny that historically God's Word came in other ways other than the written form.

>I don't believe in magic
>except when the atheism fairy exploded nothing into everything and had it magically form sentient life

I don't believe that, nice try though

Replace atheism fairy with God, and that's literally what you believe as a theist

It's well accepted by modern Christians that God caused the Big Bang. It was first devised by Catholic Priest and Physcist George's Lemitre you understand.

Fedoras of the day hated the idea, because it points to the idea of a creator. All the cool atheists back then thought the universe was eternal. They had maths 'proving' it and everything. But then they realised LeMotre was right, and have spent the last 50 years trying to show how a Big Bang can happen without a creator. They gave up in the end as said 'well it's impossible to know how it happened, but we know what happened 0.0000002 seconds AFTER, so obviously it doesn't matter how it happened'

Can you see the irony?

Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

May God our Heavenly Father pour out His Divine Mercy on the Church.
May the Presence of Jesus Christ, Son and Redeemer, be made known in the hearts of all men.
May those in fear and suffering find eternal salvation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

May our petitions, prayers, and thanksgiving be granted full intercession by all the Angels and Saints, most especially...

Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God.

Saint Joseph, the chaste and earthly father of Jesus Christ.

Saint Michael the Archangel, Commanding warrior in the Army of God.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, Messenger of the Word of God.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, Guardian and Healer to the People of God.

Saint John the Baptist, great prophet and baptiser of Christ.

Saint Simon Peter the Apostle, the first Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Council, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God.

Saint Andrew the Apostle, Saint James the Apostle, Saint John the Apostle, Saint Philip the Apostle, Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, Saint Thomas the Apostle, Saint Matthew the Apostle, Saint James the Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddaeus the Apostle, Saint Simon the Apostle, Saint Matthias the Apostle, Saint Luke of the Gospel, Saint Mark of the Gospel, Saint Paul Apostle to the Gentiles, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Jerome, Saint Augustine, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Clement I of Rome, Saint Leo the Great, Saint Nicholas the Great, Saint John Paul II, Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Clare, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Patrick, Saint Anthony of the desert, Saint Cecilia, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Valentine, Saint Kevin of Ireland, Saint George, Saint Stephen, etc...

It just seems strange that Dispensationalists tend to believe in Sola scriptura while non-dispensationalists think the teachings are still evolving.