RIP Internet

> House Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, by a margin of 215-205, to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, issuing a sweeping rebuke of Internet policies enacted under the Obama administration. It also marks a sharp, partisan pivot toward letting Internet providers collect and sell their customers' Web browsing history, location information, health data and other personal details.
> The measure, which was approved by a 50-48 margin in the Senate last week, now heads to the White House, where President Trump is expected to sign it.

Fuck you Republikikes you peace of filthy corrupt shit motherfuckers, nobody is gonna sell my data, this is now personal...

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Trump didn't sign yet, but I am sure he will.

What browser are you using?

>because your information is already being sold

This is what you get for listening to libertarians and neoliberal scum

>waaaa now everyone will know I whack the pogo stick to 2D anime girls on the interwebz

Keep larping from your basements while I stick my dick in pic related



This is so based!

Praise KEK!

Vote Republican!

Get fucked

Firefox + tons of add ons and configs. And now I will also have to pay for a stupid VPN so I can have some fucking privacy.


Believing in democracy is the ultimate blue pill. Realizing the inevitability of a few completely authoritarian states or a world government is the ultimate red pill.

Good thing I'm using incognito mode

Are you shitposting now or just really stupid mate? Either way I don't care, if its clearnet then its perfectly alright.

>world government

To the gallows roach

Lol topkek

>health care plan stays up
>internet privacy goes now
Nice. Seriously all the cucks that think anyone regretting trump is an secret shillary, how much longer can you keep saying that?

Roach is right. Monarchism / tyranny is the ONLY redpilled form of rulership. With a council, with patriotism, with nationalism, a benevolent tyranny yes - but a tyranny nonetheless. NO fucking democracy or lobby groups etc.

I can't trust the source because its fake news. If Breitbart or Infowars tells me this is the case I'll believe it.

215 republicans voted yes; 15 no.

If that's not overwhelming for you, then I guess you're the type to actually think blacks wuz kangz.

What the fuck is wrong with you

I'm not sure if this poster is cucked swede or a mudslime but it is said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried. And I'd be damn fool to let a fifth column tell me otherwise.

We've known this for how many decades now? And yet 95% of Sup Forums still shilled for their redneck messiah?

You know, the same guy who ripped off contractors and had multiple failed businesses (which also ripped off people)?

Yeah he's a real outsider, a true man of the people. Nevermind that he has his name in gold branded on everything, he cares about the neckbeardy NEET that can't get laid

>browsing the internet

its your ISP you fucking mongrels

the VPN of your choice

your ISP knows that you are using ALL OF THESE SERVICES.

when you send a packet to a TOR node?

Your ISP knows.

They also know the MAC address of your cable modem/router (in the US, 90% of the time thats because you are renting it from them, but generally speaking its because the MAC address on your modem is the unique identifier that is used for your account.... That is how you can pick up and move from one location to another in many ISP markets in the US without cancelling your service: its tied to your modem)

This is why ISPs should be a policy restricted blind, hands-tied public utility

such a fundamental change in organization would not prevent the type of surveillance and monitoring needed for security and optimization of services, but it would protect against abuse for power or profit.

This shows very well why anglos control the World.

Yes, Nordics are tall and blonde but they don't have what anglos have as a Unique feature.

Anglos are always critical of power entities that control them.

They use humor ( I'm not joking ) and have very high mental strength as a people. The luftwaffe was amazed how Britain couldn't be conquered.

Brexit and Trump are another example of this. Too big corruption / shady politics and they revolt.

All other people ( Nordics very much included) don't have the ability to withstand big internal power

Although I'm amazed brits are so passive towards big goverment nowadays

I have a very superficial knowledge of China. Still, what I know was enough for me to understand that massive and historically turbulent country is the microcosm of all humanity. We're all just following behind.

The entire point of all this was to switch oversight of ISPs to the FTC instead of the FCC because the FCC literally has the power to restrict what can and cannot be communicated within the USA.

You dumb faggots believe everything the media tells you at face value and then wonder later why things are so fucked up.

>Trump vetos bill
>media proceeds to chew Tump's ass because he didn't allow ISP's to sell your browsing history to Scientologists

I can already see it.

Hacı am lazım düz duvarlara tırmanıyom

>Fuck you Republikikes


PIA ad was payed by CIA, becasue CIA is PIA.

such wow..

This the what the alt right shills powers that be are going for.

Except it will not be benevolent, that much is easy to see from what already happened and happening.

Enslavement. No privacy. No rights to anything. Not even the right to remain alive.

And now these fucking shills blab about how its the real fucking redpill.

>hurr its cool to be enslaved, I'm right wing and a fucking cuck, fuck yea

>ISP has to follow privacy "regulations"
>Consumers think because of regulations they have privacy so they don't take further precautions like using a VPN
>NSA can lookup the internet activity of any American
Now, this regulation is no longer going in effect
>Americans wary of ISP analyzing their browsing habits become more likely to purchase VPN
>VPNs getting more consumers means better VPN technology and easier obfuscation of your own internet activities.
>NSA bangs head on keyboard as VPNs make their own jobs harder.

What's amazing is shills can't debunk my argument.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, basically any social media site has 10000x the amount of sensitive, personal information than any ISP like Comcast or Cox will EVER have-- why the fuck do we need to hand over control of everything to the FCC, when ISP's aren't the problem in the first place? And these same rules tilt the playing field for these data mining corporations, basically ensuring that they will never go under or face any kind of stiff competition, not when the FCC can swoop in and shut the door in their faces

but Obama taxed the net tho

Trump would never veto it. He's all about the $$$

>government has less overreach
>this is somehow bad


I hope you're right

No more porn :( Nothing gets me off like a good ol fashion tranny but I won't have my internet history out there for any faggot to buy. What are we going to do Sup Forums ???

With HTTPS, per the current standard, only the IP address is known: TCP packets are sent to an IP address, but the contents of HTTPS, including the header which includes the method (e.g. GET) and the domain (i.e. Host: domain.tld), are always encrypted.

Other wise if what you say is true then this was already possible any way and botnets like chrome have already been doing this

None of those companies sell PII. You really have no fucking idea what your talking about

$$ for america that right slope pay up

a business has the right to do this. there is no expectation of privacy in your car, let alone the internet.

>there is no expectation of privacy in your car

Search engines are super guilty of collecting your information, selling it, and using it against you. See FBI showing up for pressure cooker. So now our ISP can do what we already knew was possible. I am willing to bet this is all feigned outrage orchestrated by the pissed off serach engine tech companies not being the primary source of users meta data.

If you think the ISPs would let the FTC regulate them, you're fucking dumb. Their game plan was to piss and moan about the FCC and claim that the FTC is the only real way to do privacy regulations right and then start their autistic screeching about "MUH INNOVAYSHUNS" and "MUH INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT" when the FTC starts to even lift a finger on the issue. If I had a dollar for each time AT&T or Comcast posed and moaned about how a rule would mean that they couldn't stay "innovative", I'd be rich enough to start my own fucking ISP.

Google is not a data broker. Check pic related for instance.

If you write it in all caps doesn't make it more true.

Trump never pledged alliance to Sup Forums or promised security. Memeing Trump into office goes over a platform or some cucks feeling threatened by muah internez rights. Those relevant are not in any danger as it was sure for a long time that this happens


Last week, the Consumer Technology Association, which represents companies including Facebook, Apple and Twitter, said the privacy regulation “threatens to undermine innovation and competition in the internet ecosystem.” (Gigi Sohn told us that’s a “stock line they use any time they get regulation they don’t like.”)

>If you think the ISPs would let the FTC regulate them
What the fuck is that supposed to mean. Of course they will be regulated under the FTC because the FTC regulates trade and commodities and since ISPs are selling you something then their commodities are regulated under the FTC.

That's like saying that your employer isn't going to pay FICA tax because they switched tax oversight to the Department of Labor from the IRS. He will still be required to pay the taxes.

This only ensures that the federal government won't be able to circumvent free-speech via utilizing the FCC to block what can or cannot be conveyed through the internet.

Please stop spreading disinfo, read point number 1:

Comcast is not your friend user

kek and what are you going to do spend the rest of your life on the tor to avoid your data being caught ?? i mean have fun guess btw companies have already been doing this for years but k cry more then . :/

Start watching interracial porn like a good cuck so they leave you alone.

They are a broker they get their data from data suppliers like Google and this point is irrelevant they are just one of the companies

> We do not sell your personal information to anyone.


>What are you going to do
Use multiple anonymous sims, prepaid plans, neighbours, open wifis, different hardware, make a new account everyday for every platform intended to use, Tails on an USB, VPN, Tor and having only a secured email linked to my real identity that is not linked with phone, name, accurate data about age, location, gender or anything else, which I only access with a phone whitout Simcard over one specific neighbours W-Lan. And a separate non Internet linked working laptop

So google doesn't collect your data and sell it back to you in the form of tailored ads?

Fucking kys autist

You can draft the idea multinet.

>no archive link

Someone ban this piece of shit.

>Comcast is not your friend user
And neither is the federal government.

Civil War when?

forget to add, having a bait PC wouldn't be bad either. Best operated with automatic schedules imitating a normie and packed with spyware

Sounds good to me Republican once again save the day instead of the liberal silicon valley

But the govt is people we vote for

Muh democracy reee

kek this but the amount of work it takes to stay annonomous online and truly hidden is ridiculous but desu what's point don't you ever just imagine when you're fapping one out that the man watching you from cia HQ or Nasa HQ be like wave high wink wink* nudge nudge * :)

>trumpshills are ALREADY defending this

Yea we dont have any privacy anywhere, ain't that right shillfaggot? Car, home, doesn't matter where, eh?

I'm fairly certain he was referring to the overall 215-205. Regardless of what House Republicans did, the overall house didn't vote in a landslide.

use a VPN you cunt

Name me a GOOD VPN thats free.

the free ones keep logs dumbass


So can I personally buy IP history on one person now? Like the senators who voted for this shit?

It was republicans faggot

I hope Sup Forums is happy because they're 150% responsible

>government regulation is always bad
>corporation will not violate my trust

Sure thing, friend

>But the govt is people we vote for

Cringed irl

Authoritarianism was a fucking mistake.

Whatever, I am still gonna look at porn and chat with my friends.

regardless if he was, the article was referring to house republicans, not the actual vote which i also referred to.

>To much amount of time
At one point it becomes routine
And the most important part set up is imo the bait PC. The man won't fuck something not being viewed as a danger and especially nothing that brings joy or could be an ally. Like a Venus Flytrap.

The Jews will be doing Deep Packet Inspection.
You can't hide your Sup Forums habit, goyim. They're coming for you.

>landmark privacy protections
>under Obama
>implying the NSA stopped at all


Wikileaks or some troll needs tomsandblast all their blacksonblondes and dogfart cuck porn, with names, addresses and pictures of the voters.

It isn't about the NSA. It is about Comcast selling your furry porn history to employers or blackmailing you over some chick at the laundromat

>implying this is the work of average republicans and not kikes


fuck.. you know what i mean

Why would you hide your Sup Forums habit?

Excellent example of a non sequitur! Now please go back to Le_Donald

Racism will be outlawed. Any 'racist' sites will be labeled hate speech and terrorism.
Guilty by association.

the problem is that the ISPs have no competition because local municipalities are run by absolute dumb fucks. it will never be a free market.

if you are 100% serious about fixing this problem we've got to nationalize our internet

and I fucking hate commies but there's no other choice without further perverting our laws and letting government play nanny






Why don't we just get on twitter and start bitching at Trump. Much as I love the old troll he probably doesn't even understand the bill (bro doesn't even write his own emails) He wants our votes again in 2020, doesn't he? Sup Forumss voice can be hard to ignore

After a bit of searching people already are setting up sites to buy the history of people who voted for it. Gonna be interesting

Just tell him SJWs will buy his history or some shit.

>while I stick my dick in pic related

so digging their graves you think it will be? You are aware of archives proving them wrong in the most easiest way to understand for any normie who likes to get hammered on a Saturday. I hope they do it, capitalizing on it would be a walk in the park over a failing state slowly losing it's power monopoly

e/b/in maymays faggot! enjoy getting assfucked by comcast and your zionist president

STFU cuck

Never been, wouldn't know how to navigate. Could you demonstrate?
Think of it as an anti-degerate bill then to get you to quit your tranny porn addiction.