So what IS the full LGBT+ acronym?

Other urls found in this thread:

LG is the full spectrum. Everything else is just false or a mental disorder.

nigga im feeling genderless today

not sure if I'd prefer being skolioseual (WTF?) or OMNIGENDER

How long until they use Wingdings

women can be bisexual

men can't

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Delegates at an LGBT+ conference in London this month were told that the Bi label needed to expand to properly include those who are – for example – polysexual, pan-sexual or omni-romantic.

Delegates to the National Union of Students were invited to consider the motion “Bye Bi, Welcome Bi+” at a meeting of LGBT+ representatives for the UK’s National Union of Students on March 8th and 9th:

Also on the books was a motion asking the NUS to rename its black students’ LGBT+ campaign to instead refer to QTIPOC (Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour).

Another requested that Trans be replaced with Trans+, while another reminded people not to shorten the terms “polyamory” and “polyamorous” to “poly” because that could “erase people of Polynesian descent”.



I think it's spelled

Mental Illness

>using the same letter more than once
fucking retards

No that's just women being sluts

LGBTQ = Let God Burn Them Quickly.

;kjng;ejrbngf;kebrfg;abnf;gkfgn;kjfgnkds;fjgnjkfng;kjsdbnfg;ksdjnbf;kjnbf;kasdnf;kjsdnf;kjnf;kjns;'kgfh'orighp'owrjeqak;jn v'lnsg/'powienrfvf;kjabnl/sgkn;rknbgf'angkirnbalkgfns'dovbn'oeirngalkgbnoifghna'ighn;kjb;ldhnd';vlkjahnds'bvajn/jsd';oihnea'orig'lksnev;kjdcbngv'oashndf;gnja;ksdvjn'ag'oasdjfjkasdfg'oghsa;'ofhn'soighna'sinflhnasoikvjhnlkjanbfdo'iah'gfsolijhg'oihravlkjba;dslghnvap'ogfha'solvhn'aolsihg'\poaihfg'olashn'erfpoijha'lkigfhn'shdjf'aohfvlknas'oicvhs;kjng;ejrbngf;kebrfg;abnf;gkfgn;kjfgnkds;fjgnjkfng;kjsdbnfg;ksdjnbf;kjnbf;kasdnf;kjsdnf;kjnf;kjns;'kgfh'orighp'owrjeqak;jn v'lnsg/'powienrfvf;kjabnl/sgkn;rknbgf'angkirnbalkgfns'dovbn'oeirngalkgbnoifghna'ighn;kjb;ldhnd';vlkjahnds'bvajn/jsd';oihnea'orig'lksnev;kjdcbngv'oashndf;gnja;ksdvjn'ag'oasdjfjkasdfg'oghsa;'ofhn'soighna'sinflhnasoikvjhnlkjanbfdo'iah'gfsolijhg'oihravlkjba;dslghnvap'ogfha'solvhn'aolsihg'\poaihfg'olashn'erfpoijha'lkigfhn'shdjf'aohfvlknas'oicvhs;kjng;ejrbngf;kebrfg;abnf;gkfgn;kjfgnkds;fjgnjkfng;kjsdbnfg;ksdjnbf;kjnbf;kasdnf;kjsdnf;kjnf;kjns;'kgfh'orighp'owrjeqak;jn v'lnsg/'powienrfvf;kjabnl/sgkn;rknbgf'angkirnbalkgfns'dovbn'oeirngalkgbnoifghna'ighn;kjb;ldhnd';vlkjahnds'bvajn/jsd';oihnea'orig'lksnev;kjdcbngv'oashndf;gnja;ksdvjn'ag'oasdjfjkasdfg'oghsa;'ofhn'soighna'sinflhnasoikvjhnlkjanbfdo'iah'gfsolijhg'oihravlkjba;dslghnvap'ogfha'solvhn'aolsihg'\poaihfg'olashn'erfpoijha'lkigfhn'shdjf'aohfvlknas'oicvhs

>i think i got it all


>dyke on a bike

May the gods of bantz forever protect your island home

I get boners for girls and trannies
How do you explain that pal

>implying LG aren't also mental disorders

tfw i've stuck my dick in both men and women


I'm the Scatman!

Any acronym that does not include MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) is inherently bigoted.

Love how "Straight" is included.


That's pretty good.

>turn on capslock
>type LGBT
>slam face on keyboard
>post new acronym


you missed ANTISEXUAL

What's the point in having an acronym if they are just going to make it longer?

They should cut the bullshit and name it what it is;
>everyone against white men.

I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?

I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.

That means you're a faggot.




Traps fake your mind into thinking they're girls, if you see a trap dick and you still get hard you're a phaggot

Woah, i would of never imagined that people had lots of ways of saying mental illness.

You forgot a ß you fucking shitlord

Who here members when it was just LGB


something like that

They are just faggots. I refuse to call them anything else.

What they're apparently too stupid to understand is that by trying to include everyone in an acronym, they are being exclusionary. Their own acronym betrays their flawed ideology.

Max kek, kraut.


is that like where the person has a scoliosis fetish or what

I think they are forgetting one

>newfags think a copypasta is just copying and pasting random text they don't have an argument against.
copypasta is supposed to be unique and funny, you stupid fucking monkey. Get teh fuck out fucking faggot newfag

how about






>tfw used to be an SJW so know all about this shit

A few years ago the mainstream among SJWs was LGBTQIA, but the fucking retards didn't know what their own acronym meant so there was a faggot civil war. Some people said the A at the end meant Asexual, while others said it meant Ally (straight SJWs who support this shit). Some wanted it to mean both, but Asexuals said that showed le ebil straights were invading and taking over their identity

What if someone sexually identifies as a non-latin alphabet? We should try to get them to incorporate the triforce into their acronym.
>you identify as "triforce"?
>no, bigot. just
>▲ ▲

Yes, we need to get them to put non-unicode characters in there just to piss them off.

I identify as $\displaystyle\sum_{\mathrm{i}} \mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{i}}}$.

>women can like both genders
>men somehow can't
you're a retard. it's women who can't be bisexual since all women will have sex with other women if men allow/make them.







The forgot Pedosexuals, fucking bigots.

>it's like I'm living in an anime




it's like the number Pi

Rolling. I have no agency of my own and must use Sup Forums to make my life decisions

>no Axis

respect my gender shitlord!



Don't care, I want to be a xenocuck



fuck that already exists. reroll

W-what the fuck is this?

LGTB*Smashes face on keyboard*


welcome back

They aren't.

I came here to post this. FPBP. Though I'd add B because some people are just such dirty sluts they'll fuck anything that moves and that's OK with me as long as they don't try to fuck me.



here's a Goofykin.

Am I retarded? How is this suppose to work?



I will actually do this, just for you user.


>Two tries and this was all that came out.

Anybody who doesn't fuck the devil's sloppy seconds

easy, you're a fag

>clammosexual thinks he's special

you forgot transenescent, shitlord


>gay people invented the round earth theory rather than supporting the Biblical flat
Yeah eh. And the theories never stop coming

good one kraut

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Lgbtqia2+ is the standard in Canada



Once again the Bi-Omnisexuals are left out

It seems they left out bigotkin once again...

I love you, whoever you are


LGBTQIAP+ in aus
t. forced sociology units last semester

LGBTQ. The "Q" is enough to cover the incredibly tiny amount of people who arent covered by the LGBT.