So, any Hildawgs here?

So, any Hildawgs here?


Sorry you're in the wrong timeline







This feels like something out of [s4s]
Is that quality


probably one of my favourite memes of the election tbqh

It's insane how CTR makes a few pro hillary memes and you lot respond with a tidal wave of ironic yet some indistinguishable memes


these memes are pretty bad, it seems like you just took alt-right memes and copy pasta ronnied them for Hillary.

Pretty cringe.

Every time someone posts a Hilldawg meme, a child gains an extra chromosome.
Don't give little Timmy an extra chromosome.




90% of the U.S. sided with Hillary and she still lost. SAD!



you covered up Beanz's name you fucking fuck stick






You know it
Hilldaug 1 drumpf 0

amen my white brother


meant for


Ironically the unsightly blemish on S&W revolvers made during and after the Clinton administration is known as the Hillary Hole, an eternal reminder to wheelgun enthusiasts of how cucked S&W is and how democrats are serious about gun control

What are you doing here?
Only cool kids can party with hillary


So this is how low grade commercial memes look like


explain, how is S&W cucked?


Quick gestalt please,

Did somebody make these memes to make fun of how bad Hillary's team was at making memes?

Or are these the official memes of Hillary's campaign?


Hillary Clinton is a pedophile.

wtf is a hilldawg, some sort of vile, sacrilegious pro shillery pepe?


¡¡¡Nice trips sister!!



I bet all of you would love to watch a nigger cuck your girlfriends so you can pay your fair share of slavery reparations


the first one, theyre insanely ironic to levels even i cannot comprehend



Well that's a slight relief. Looking at these gives me hypertension and I want to throw up.

You seem lost kiddo this is Sup Forums and when we look at the polls we know you are gonna go poo



I mean... Look at the wonky eyes. It's obviously to poke fun, champ.


Actually these lazy eye hillary pepes were made by the person who created pepep

reddit drumpfsters pls go


heard podesta has a russsian connection he didn't disclose

>c'mon everyone do tha hilldawg






Tempted to gorepost to derail thread- but got banned last time. Cuckchan mods! Sad!

OMG is that a Hillary supporter? :DDD??? pic related

What the fucking shit?! How many of these things are there? They're so bad, who spent this amount of time making these, who would do such a thing?



I almost feel like the Hillary memes were made to be bad intentionally, so Sup Forums would support Donald who had better memes.

Who ever has the spiciest memes, wins.

>that projection
Stay mad Drumpfkin


Lol you lost the election


w e w

>inb4 autists don't see this as a satire.

a super butthurt drawfag from malaysia probably


The shit edit made me
laugh my ass off, have your
(You) you fucking faggot!

>let me tell you about the origin of my le memes xD





I've missed the shitty hilldawg memes since her election night humiliation.


I really like www.reddit/r/the_donald
What other communities would you recommend?

>I'm moving to based poland


what does the rest say under the mexican?


Umm no sweetie
Hillary won the the popular vote by 6 MILLION
Are you mad drumpfkin?
Sorry not sorry




This looks like a kids menu at a chain restaurant

Ah theses are the CIA meme engineers I've heard about
