T...there's nothing there

>T...there's nothing there

>D..Democraps are just sore losers

The FBI confirmed they're investigating Trump and his Russian connections.. More and more keeps being revealed everyday about the extent of these ties, and it doesn't look good. What will Trumpanzees be saying when he is forced to resign?

Other urls found in this thread:


>More and more keeps being revealed everyday
They are literally repeating the same dumb shit everyday and it convinces idiots like you that there is "new information" because you're too lazy to read anything.

You nigger tier retards are so stupid you let the TV and newspaper do your thinking for you.

We'll see who's laughing when Hillary and Podesta are behind bars.

>more and more keeps being revealed


grasping at straws now
keep trying, though



>Rogue CIA groups operate within the media
>Both hate Trump
>Have permission from previous president
>Colluding with ex-Secretary of State and presidential candidate
>Have access to the most advanced spying tools
>Have metadata collected on EVERYONE
>Find 10 year pussy grab tape, russian malware, 6 degree connection, and Sup Forums disinfo

Either our government is absolutely incompetent or Donald is a saint.
Give me a comprehensive set of events and actions other than parts of a conspiracy theory.

You have nothing. Hearsay. Gossip. Assumptions. Lies.

>mfw literally nothing Trump could ever even be accused of will ever be as bad as Hilldog selling US uranium to Russia in return for millions of dollars in "speaking fees"

no one cares fuck off

This russian connection is honestly the standard I set to see how completely panicked, brainwashed, or spiteful a person is when talking about Trump.

It's great because it sets a bar with how to talk to people.

I have been called a conspiracy theorist for years for talking about Contras, Tonkin, Mena Arkansas, Afghanistan poppies, NSA spying. Those were lizard people tier things to normies, but this for some reason is Pulitzer-prize journalism.

Not to mention it's an INVESTIGATION, why are they acting like he's guilty already?

>Those were lizard people tier things to normies, but this for some reason is Pulitzer-prize journalism.

fucking THIS

it's killing me how everyone is believing this absolute bullshit and think they're in on some sort of fucking inside track or secret.

>Those were lizard people tier things to normies, but this for some reason is Pulitzer-prize journalism.
Seriously. The best is Keith Olbermann. Since he is now relegated to making JewTube videos for GQ magazine it the cherry on top of an already towering cake of laughability.

His little "Resist! Peace...." with his hand raised in the air at the end of each video is mucho keks.

>It's a Liberals pretend to not know about six degrees of separation, episode.

what the fuck is business network? the fuck is that?

>some mobsters in russia bought some crap from Trump's business.

>meanwhile..democraps import criminals and terrorists from outside the border day by day.

The best part is most of the real conspiracies have been proven to be true, thus moving them out of conspiracy territory.
The government has and continues to commit false flag attacks to promote war. Presidents have tried to warn us and Kennedy was likely killed for trying to stop it.
McCarthyism 2.0 is just the latest plot that failed in an effort to start a war or at least another cold war with Russia. If muh Russia was a real thing we'd be ramping up the war machine for a fight against a military super power. All in an effort to usurp their oil as a spoil of war.


The part that gets me is Trump is both a moron and master spy capable of colluding with Russia, evading spy agencies, winning the election.

I mean I think Trump is a moron and unfit to be president, but this Russian shit is weak as fuck. It's conspiracy level crap. It collectively makes everyone look retarded.

Get some proof or move on, it's not like there is a shortage of things to attack Trump on.

anyone who has ever possibly profited from any of his investments at any point in history or possible future

>Either our government is absolutely incompetent or Donald is a saint.
Can't it be both? Reminder that it's been 6 months since the election. If they had anything on him don't you think he'd be out by now? Ain't shit to be had. Nigger tape never.

I think that most people who have bought into this stuff have never done any research on previous events. They don't understand the dominoes that fall into place.
They just want to look at Russia through a vacuum with no previous history or self-reflection.

Everyone remembers that Putin hates Obama and Clinton, but no one understands why. The bombings, the conflict in the middle east, the pushing troops and missles on the frontlines, the sanctions, the revolutions, etc.

No one remembers the absolute dicking Putin gave Obama in Syria back in 2013/14

No one questions the validity of the evidence coming from our intelligence agencies. These are people that have been involved in multiple military coups and overthrown elections.

Hell, no one even questions what happened to the Russian spies, oligarchs, and psyop campaigns after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

There are so many variables with much more compelling evidence, but normies only think in 2D tic-tac-toe



I don't know a single person who believes this Russia bullshit. The more the media keeps going the less serious people take it.

Everyone I know talks about it.
>In academia
>80% voted Clinton in county
>Blue State

Fuckin' echo chambers, man.

The man has an estimated iq of 156. He is very smart.

He is narcissistic which is his main hindrance, but it is his virtue.

I agree that there are plenty of other things to attack him on, though. I just wish people could be on the same page so we could even get to those points.