/AZG/ Arizona General

Thread for discussing the superiority of state forty-eight.

All posters from Arizona, and former Arizonans welcome.


>euthanasia bill on governors desk

>our senators helped shoot down obamacare lite

ITT we discuss how to establish Greater Arizona and what it will ecompass

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Chandler reporting in

Our senators are still shit though. Helping to sink Obamacare lite doesn't change that

McCain is literally a senile cuck

He's also a homo with Lindsey Graham

but hes our homo, thats what matters

Anyone catch the armed commies in pheonix? I heard they pussied out..

Armed commies?

They weren't actually armed. The guns were fake, unsurprisingly enough. Commies hate guns

There was some riot where like 40 commie/anarchists were walking with guns.

it was top of page 1 for like a couple hours on sunday i think

Oi vey, has Soros expanded his grip to our state?

North Phoenix tuning in

How's the situation over there?

He already did with Penzone getting elected as sheriff

Arizona is gayer then fuck New Mexico is the capital of the south west

>hate McCain
>only opponents are literal open borders cucks
>have to vote for him every year

Wat do?

Really? if thats true im not supprised.

i was suspicious on how they got like zero response from the police.

Heres an article about it, its a leftleaning paper but theres more to it than their view

T.Butthurt New Mexican

How are you stupid Southwestern faggots going to stop yourselves from becoming a blue state? Trump only won your desert shithole by less than 5%. Four more years of spic immigration = East California

How far north?

New Mexico is almost as bad as California

Wait for the cuck to die I guess

The wall+deportations

What if I'm white hispanic and voted Trump?

I want to move to AZ bros but no jobs are calling me back.

Flagstaff reporting in

The wall, and deportations. However I'm concerned that the Phoenix metro area is growing too fast (it's actually the fastest growing in the nation), and big cities always attract liberals. Flagstaff is Blue, and so is Tucson. If Phoenix falls we're fugged

Search for the call centers. There's tons in the Phoenix area. Typically 2-3 weeks training before you're actually on the phones, and a lot of them use temp agencies to staff the call centers so you get paid weekly.

Come Back comrade

We're red and very pro-business. This always attracts people who want jobs. But the worst part is that it also attracts people who want to latch themselves onto the public purse.

>he thinks strong borders help him personally or indirectly

The fastest growing places in the Phoenix metro area are also the most consistently red-voting, and the growth hasn't changed that trend yet

Seattle by way of Copa standing by. Deep in the heart of cuckistan. Plox send sonorran white choc ale n san tan brews.

Phx reporting.

>another california
>bad thing
do you read anything above 2nd grade literature???

But they absolutely do. Immigration drives down wages and places strain on all public services. The more immigration, the less I get paid and the less I'm able to receive healthcare and education.

>wanting degenerate lifestyle over /comfy/ Arizonian living

Leftist militias forming that go beyond antifa hooliganism disturb me a little bit. I initially dismissed anticom but I'm thinking if the violence continues the movement might gain traction. I dunno. Are any arizona bros here in any kind of militia? What's it like?

>that billboard is by Grand Ave

Figures. Grand is the biggest shithole of a street in the valley

Their guns were fake.

Verrado reporting.

Were they just spraypainted airshit?

>having fake guns in AZ

This. I'm pissed as hell still, especially when the cuck said he looked forward to working with the fucking ACLU.

Go to the gun clubs and shooting ranges and make friends. There's zero antifa/leftist faggotry there.

Remember that those guys were LARPers with airsoft guns.

People who actually keep their shooting skills sharp don't pull shit like that. They're practicing.

They're commies, what do you expect?

Yeah grand and central man, I was at the art museum and figured I would swing by.

LHC reporting in. When do these spring breakers leave :(

White mountain fag reporting in.

Learned George Takei has a summer cabin in my town m8s.

Noice, I love that area. If I could live there I would.

Raid it lad

do you know exactly?

I think it needs to be made great again.

LHC, huh?

Personally not in any but there are a few respectable ones out there

Doesn't Grand start at 7th Ave and Van Buren? I didn't think it went to Central

Nah, But there are only a couple gated neighborhoods here. Don't think it'd be too hard to find. It's a small town.

the search begins

Lmfao idk. I'm never down town. I'm west phx. Its grand and Taylor st. Someone should raid it.

>west phx

Do you mean actual West Phoenix or Glendale/Peoria/etc?


Tucson here

send help

I'm so sorry

How did you end up there?

Death squads on the way

Uni isn't worth it m8


Give me imperical data showing how immigration has directly affected your income and household. Give me an anecdote on how your life has become objectively worse because of lax immigration policy, then tell me the specific job opportunities that you were stripped of due to the evil aliens seeking refuge in a comfortable and safe environment. Once you manage to do that succesfully, tell me how losing those SPECIFIC job opportunities made your life worse in general and why you deserved it beyond any doubt more than the specific laborer who took it from you.

>Californians dont objectively have one of the highest standards of living and development in the nation
Also, they are not anywhere near communist in Cali, they just try to accomodate for the people they occasionally skullfuck with their vicious (and admittedly ultra productive) cap markets

I'm from AZ, wish I could go back.

Actual west phx

Kingman, here.

>tell him that it lowers wages
>tell him that it puts strain on education and healthcare
>he tries to strawman

You need to go back.

Try getting any education grants in predominately Hispanic areas if you check the "white" box.

Mexicans work under the table and send the money back, then show up to emergency rooms and demand free healthcare. So yes, it does in fact up my costs for healthcare and limits my access to it.

And if you have ANY understanding of economics you would understand that with a glut of supply of workers, wages will fall.

Paco, go read some fucking books.

Rated #1 best gun laws by the NRA like 5 years in a row.

We're better than Alaska, Montana, Florida, New Hampshire and every other state for gun owners.

Oh shit, Maryvale?

Reporting in from the suburbs of Tempe.

How does it feel being kept alive by California

I'm here right by ASU senpai

Nevada is better, minus Las Vegas. Reno master race here.


Pick one.


weak bait

St George master race reporting in

West valley reporting in


This is the only time AZ will ever be proud of CA

On ASU here

also chandler

best city az

Ya west maryvale by banner Estrella.

Is that area as much of a shithole as most of Maryvale is?

>tfw Tucson

Send help

Dorming still? Bet you're a Barrettfag

Lived in Tucson for a few years, next to the University.
There was a hobo in my garbage every fucking morning. Sometimes multiples.
Walking home at night some insane person muttering to himself moving a garbage can. Making it echo for miles. Tried to talk to me in his gargling speech

A super hobo lives right near me. Had an 16wheeler grocriey cart filled 10m high with trash. Had a generator attached. Took a picture one time, dunno if I can find it anywhere.

Found it. Love dropbox.

Central Phoenix reporting in

holy fuck I've seen that in tucson. Why didn't you just close your garage?

You're telling me he hauls around all that shit on that little ass bike? Sick

Also Chandler. A lot of Sup Forumsacks here.


This university is fucked. I'm tired of everyone from Crow down cucking for illegals

Lived in an apartment right outside of the university grounds when I went there. Didn't have any control over the trash. It was just a large dumpster for all the residents to use. You have to walk by it every morning to get to class.
It comes and goes. I've never seen it in motion.

McCain was so dumb he couldn't get rich being a senator. So now he takes money from Soros to do his bidding. Send McCain back to Vietnam.

whats up faggots. missing my slice of suburbia

I'm getting out of the military and going back to Flagstaff to finish my degree. How fucked is it these days? Anybody?

>hobo mad max

Also witnessed

if anything Cali is another anchor baby we can't get rid of

We keep California alive. We let them have colorada water and we have the biggest nuclear power plant here that Californians buy power from. That's because Cucklifornia doesn't like nuclear, coal or gas power. Fuckheads.