What his stance is on the perfect penut butter ratio required to get a good time from a dog in your country

What his stance is on the perfect penut butter ratio required to get a good time from a dog in your country.

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huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living

Honest question. How does it feel to "act" like a prime minister while having absolutely no idea what you doing?

He was an "acting" teacher.. I believe.

Another one:

How come people voted for you to get their hands in some pot but got a load of refugees instead?

What would you say you do here?

All seriousness though, this is pretty much my question. What the fuck is he doing?

Ask him if he likes diversity so much then why is he importing a bunch of inbreds

I made that photo on day after election

You are ok at shopping penises

Nice try faggot. I am the one who originally photoshopped this.

Wrong colour.

>How come people voted for you to get their hands in some pot but got a load of refugees instead?

this literally is the only question that needs to be asked. even though asking this cuck a question has been pretty much deemed useless at this point.

rip my leaf land.
((((fuck mass immigration)))) just give us legal weed pls

>Given the crisis in the US, it is a near certainty that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of underprivileged hispanics will flee persecution into Canada as the weather warms this summer. What are your plans to ensure the safety and well-being of these down-trodden minorities?

But say it in a less spergy way. I'm bad with words. The point is to pressure him into saying he'll take all our illegals.

Checked and keked

He was a math and French teacher.

will he submit to a DNA test to see if he is the son of Fidel Castro.

Almost positive he was a substitute drama teacher

Ask him how he's pro gay whilst being pro islamic. Then say they're incompatible at a fundamental level and that one side has to give. Which is it?

>What should I ask him tomorrow?
>child-care center

Nothing. Just tell him
''Thank you for caring so much about the future and well-being of our children mr Prime Minister.''

Ask him how he expects the white population to respond to their replacement of 100 million immigrants.

Or ask him how the Liberals expect to reduce Canada's greenhouse emissions despite rapidly increasing the population via immigration.

Or just embarrass him about how excited you are for electoral reform, and pretend like you're unaware that the libs back out of that promise. Be super hyped and thank him for finally changing the archaic system.

It's a gym with a child care center in it. DESU I would expect a selfie before I expect an answer to a real question.

He taught a variety of subjects, including drama, but he mostly taught French and math.

>expect an answer to a real question

I agree, hence why after the selfie my ''Is it sarcasm or not?'' comment seems to be the most viable option to fuck with his head a bit.

I stand by my suggestion.

Or ask him if Ivanka was a good lay, and if he screamed LEAF'D when he came

Don't ask a question, just thank him for implementing the end of whites in Canada and thus his role in destroying racism and oppression forever. Be 100% serious.

Do you really expect Trudeau to retain or think about anything you say to him that is longer than 3 words?

If you've seen him actually speak to someone before he was PM, you'd know how silly you sound.

I have. He doesn't think before he speaks and ends up saying the dumbest shit. Unless you are so braindead that you think anything that comes out of his mouth is gospel, which considering the average leaf thats not surprising.

How to red-pill 25yr lib-voting, politically-uninterested parents?

They think I hate muslims when I bring up refugee problem. for which my mom claims they are peaceful people with jobs, and the white trash on the other side of town is more of a problem
They love every celebrity, every new TV show, every new trend -- while I plainlly see the narrative pushing
They hate Trump because of his tone and anti-PC talk
They fall for every fucking emotional news piece that portrays some sob story

Maybe I need to start appealing to their emotional side and leave the economics and cultural facts out of it.

How fucked are we?

Ask him why the 150th feels more like a funeral then a party

I saw him talking to a woman against cannabis legalization and he made good arguments while the woman sounded like a retard.


Oh, I thought you were actually somewhat serious and not just a shitposter.

Al baghdadi is elliot shimon and some Islamic countries accept transsexual surgeries for homosexuals. More than even you do but you're a fucken idiot so what can you do. I don't even know their opinions on abortions but when it comes to headscarves you don't even know Corinthians. Racism to Isaiah. The whole Bible to any other kind of judgmental mood im which you find yourself

>Do you really expect Trudeau to retain or think about anything you say to him that is longer than 3 words?

I think I do yes.
But if you are right, this bread is pointless. Ask him ''how are you today'' and that's it.
No wait even that is 4 words, fug.

If you want a serious argument about fucking weed then here

Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults
Cannabis Dependence
Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'
Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence
Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind
Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity
Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications
The Health Effects of Marijuana
Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use
Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living
Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults
Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks
Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer

Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife
Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome
Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains
Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says
Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample
Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia
Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use
The Terrible Truth About Cannabis


The thing is he will actually think this is a good thing and be happy about it.

Ask him about clubbing seals. Duh.

Ask him about his father.