Polish embassy in Ukraine was shot wit a grenade launcher tonight

I have no clue why on earth they would do this. Ukrainians seem to be friendly

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whenever in doubt, blame everything on russia

Russia needs to defend his friend Poland by invading and anmexing all of Ukraine
It's the only way to save you guys now.

Hey russia bro listen to spain, I want some more livleaks

I'm not sure but right now we are not so friendly with Russia and their politics ...

But also
>ukraine seems to be friendly
Let me rephrase. I mean that the grenadier was a typical hohol maddened on historical grievances about Russia, Judea, and Polonia, and that the alcohol issues are entirely with OP.

we told you

It was probably caused by that Polish cunt bragging about fucking all the Ukrainian whores yesterday.


russian antics and false flags

It was Russian hackers, I tell you

I was about to say false flag but if you insist...

Isn't that technically attacking the country?

>Ukrainians seem to be friendly

Matherfucker i fuck your
family,your BITCH mather
suckdick in petrolium,your
father suck and lick dick again
for your grow up bestard.Say
hello to your BITCH mather
because i'm with blacks fuck her
too and she almost died like a
Street dog.
I want fuck your grandmather
and grandfather too(of course
with blacks) but they are already
dead but i can fuck their tombs
Be assure this time we will fuck
again your mather but this time
she will die like a BITCH in the
After all your homo fag father will
suck many dicks to bury
your BITCH mother.

It is.

Well, technicaly it is


I say fuck em' up

>EU invades Ukraine
>Ukraine beg Russia for help

If only


This, Ukraine isn't a real country take this "Ukraine'" to >>>x


>TFW no GP30 for ur 103.

feels bad man!



Rally Polish bros, make them regret poking the sleeping monster that is Poland.

Ukrainians are the dindus of slavs

You take Western parts, we deal with Eastern.
Operation Slavsandwich HASHIN!

Today grenade launcher in ukraine costs less than central heating, angry western ukrainian peasants took grenade launcher and shot polish embassy because they want poland to GIB them money and easier entrance to EU.

How about we join forces and just take over Europe. We'll give you Germany and France if you give us Switzerland, Finland and Norway.

>I have no clue why on earth they would do this


Polish people love russia right now. What are you even talking about. It's your jewish puppets who shit on russia.

>I wouldn't exclude the possibility that this incident is a Russian provocation, says Michal Kaminski,

*Lip smash* So you be sayin...
Zat we can become...
Allies 'n shiet?

Guilty as charged :^)

nigga not again give me a rest

"This shit in our shaovares is not our. Evil moskales dump this shit to our sharovares"
Lol! Cockholes must be henocided.

If digits Poland turns into Pshek Reich, unites with Russia and we both attack Ukraine

> proletariat wet dreams

> Can't handle a little bit of banter

Wtf, i wanted to make a shitpost, not a pan-slavic coalition

double checked.
Its gonna be an interesting time Senpai

lol I hope you faggots get steamrolled for this

Can we have a USSR rebirth as well then?


No more commies.

>D I G I T S
Kek has sealed Ukraine's fate. Now I will patiently wait for the fireworks from my comfy American home.


probably Russian false flag.

they do a lot of this shit.

It's nothing. You don't have to worry.
Probably russians.

> Digits, son. It all started with weeb shitpost on Mongolian bee farming forum...
> ... And so we went to war.

No, that's what made Russia poorfag. No more commies.


False flag?
What are the poles up to?

Fine, I'll check myself. You kremshills have no sense of humor. Sheesh.


Lviv is Ukrainian city.
They are not getting anything.
In fact they should give Zakerzonia back!

A real life Hohol? How are you enjoying your third-world European experience?


Fool me once...

Kaminski would eat a bucket of shit if eurojews would tell him to do it. That nigga is a prostitute.

Ukraine is unironically the last country in Europe justified in getting more clay.

they missed the fucking window



no fuck off, take those slav niggers yourself

Isn't it funny how russian hackerz, russian assassins and russian saboteurs are everywhere and behind everything and are given legitimate responses from governments and mainstream media, but when you point out there's a flaw in the supposed holocaust or that there's undeniable facts that 9/11 was an inside job, you're ridiculed, branded a conspiracy theorist and thrown into jail?

Nice psy ops KGB, we know it was you.
Russia can gain a leverage by spoiling Polish-ChochoĊ‚ relations, but I despise those maggots with all my heart. As far as we know it might be CIA doing some dirty work to show how Ruskie are bad of something.
I dont belive in that either. It might be even our ops since they shot it one and in night when there is like 5 guys in the building.

Just dont try anything funny after Ivan and we all will be good friends.


Please, i like Poland.
