GET IN HERE! Obamas defense deputy accidentally admits Obama white house spied on Trump live on TV! BUSTED!


who gives a fuck? they spy on everybody all the damn time,and still are .

shill please


I don't know if it's such a big deal to begin with. As Trump is being spied on, you begin to feel very tired. You notice your eyelids growing heavy and blink, and as you blink the blinking becomes heavier and you let the force of sleep flow continuously without end. And this feeling is good. Nap time user. Grab a pillow why don't you?

BUMP this is huge. Spread this shit. Download so it doesn't disappear.

There is no need to download when you can enjoy a satiable nap; a nap that flows through you like a never ending question, "are you NOT tired?".

>lose argument

oh fuck
save this shit. Also in other big news i just masturbated and came alot

That's not what they said. Besides, they already spy on you anyways. Focus on real problems like your Internet history being available to private corporations and soon the public?

It's literally nothing.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep. *YAWN*

Who else is tired?

lol fucking hell
I'm still not tired of this meme

the truth is shilling? you dumb ukrainigger trump embraced the nsa,and the patriot act which piece of shit obama expanded on from bush. so no i don't feel bad for him when the rest of us peasants are still being spied on.

Lmao that did the exact opposite, made me kek and now im awake

they were investigating russian hacking....of course trumps name came up



Kys nerd virgin

Do you need a safe space, Drumpfy? Sure sounds like you do, now shoo, shoo.

Bumping with Sup Forumstans

also is no one going to congratulate me or what?

She didn't even say they spied on trump, they merely inquired for an investigation.

Did you guys watch the video even?

I guess politically incorrect does nothing but hash out #fakenews

can't wait until this place gets shut down for good
april 3rd can't come soon enough

don't you mean blumpf?

Wtf I love spying now

What happens on April 3rd?

Once she says the word "sources", "methods" and "intelligence" she's fucked imo.

Why do shill threads always have this same format?

Trump administration had contacts with people on 'the sanctionees list', that's a felony
the government job is to watch and stop felons

fbi user said something big would happen


god her eyes are crazy

You know they get special eye surgery, so that it makes it easier to spy.

Those bugged out shifty eyes and Mika's body language says it all.
She dun goof'd

bump while I watch vid

Old news

The whole Russia thing was a made up ruse so that had a reason to spy on Trump and his campaign

The real intention was just to spy on Trump and find dirt to ruin his campaign or to learn his agenda after he won so they could subvert his agenda once they all left office in January

You can't do anything because they'll say they collected it for Russia stuff