
>filled with bitter, shut-in virgins constantly complaining about women and not getting laid
>hourly threads bemoaning Chads, promoting MGTOW, REEEing about girls
>a few months ago, Trump "pussy grab" tape gets released
>Trump dismisses it as "locker room talk"
>all of a sudden, Sup Forums is magically filed with bros who know all about locker room banter and sexual dynamics and when and where it's fine to grab pussies
>"Yeah, man, that's how all men talk. Lemme tell you about me and my bros shooting the shit about banging chicks..."
>this continues for about a week, normie bros everywhere outta nowhere defending Trump
>tape eventually drops off the news cycle
>jump forward to now
>/pol9k/ strangely back to bitching about women again and never getting laid
>normie bantz thin on the ground
>locker room bros have disappeared
>very odd

Back to normal then, lads? Another Saturday night spent in?

kek wills it

Sorry, dude, but every guy who isnt a creepy weirdo knows about "locker room talk" and has done it themselves. Has nothing to do with pol.

I bet OP is the kinda faggot who changed into gym clothes in the bathroom stall because he was insecure

nice trips, now check my 3

The_Donald came and made this place alpha.

thoth you actually did it you madman!


I'm a woman and I it's not like what they say is false. But, I do blame them for looking at the hot/average women who does have the position to be a filthy slut. It's not really her fault she has a harem to choose from.

Whilst I hate leftists, you are completely correct. It's the same on /r9k/ when convenient for an arguement everyone turns into a turbochad. Like if there's a thread about women cheating everyone claims to have slept with 100 married women. In reality most men are not that attractive and not swimming in pussy everywhere, so the idea that a highly autistic internet community populated by abject and self confessed losers is actually crawling with highly attractive, socially skilled men is laughable.

tits or gtfo u dumb roastie

Thanks for tell us your life story.
brb, my wife is calling me

>I'm a woman so what I'm about to say has meaning in a certain way
tits or gtfo

>I'm a woman

TITS or kys

Yeah, it's true. A lot of Sup Forums users are just pathetic nerds who are just bitter they can't get girls and lash out at different ethnicities as an easy scapegoat as to why, without realising that it's because those particular guys are actually confident and they're not.

>i'm a woman
>no tits with time stamp
stopped reading right there

it's like Sup Forums is not one person

You know the rules and so do I

Although some of what you say is true, I deny it categorically because you sound like a shill.

You would find a lot of people here are really cool. They just dont like being manipulated by modern society. Most pol people have girlfriends and steady jobs and are not stormfront types. You need to talk to people more, and not be such a faggot.

Yeah I think the slight majority are cool, but I just see way too many posts that are just way too bitter about that shit and it's pathetic.

I wholeheartedly agree. I think most are young men who are still going through pon farr, and as all men know, it really is intense. Others feel jaded from being overlooked by a society with an out of touch liberal agenda. Others are asshole stormfront fans who dont have a damn clue. I agree, it is pathetic. Pol is awesome, but it definitely has its problems. I love the freedom to be myself here, though, and there are some genuinely good people, which is quite shocking!

You're letting achmeds run up and down your streets doing whatever the hell they want britcuck, so you aren't in position to say shit.


Checked hardWhy the fuck would I do that when I get attention either way?
Men are retarded.

>First words: I'm a woman
Here is your (you), m'cunt

MGTOW is redpilled.

whatever happened to that fat Cartman bitch?


Sup Forums is not /r9k/ you queer
Stop this

I hear the phrase "punchable face" around here every now and then, but I've NEVER seen a face where me first thought is to beat into jelly until I saw the video that girl/thing is in.


I might be a bitter shut-in, but I'm no virgin

no one has a reason to believe you're a women without proof.

moreso, the only reason to mention you're a women is to attract attention.

however, by saying you are a women and attracting attention to yourself in such a way, you diminish any value what you say has, due to tainting its value by attention seeking.

therefore, in order to regain your and your arrangements/comments value, you must give men something they value in order for us to even pretend your argument/comment has any value, and if you dont we have no reason to not think you are simply lying and thus not trust anything else you say.

by mentioning your gender, you give yourself two options:

give us tits and nudes, and continued to get the attention you wish to have


dont do this, and be labeled a liar and be disregarded.

t.increasingly nervous leftie

I got my attention from you already, so cry more burgie :3

You dumb son, not everything is a conspiracy

Ever stop to think that all the "normie chads" (spoken like a true autist btw) stopped posting about locker room talk because it stopped being intressting

To be honest me and my friends never talk like that and if any of us started they would get the piss taken out of them for being so insecure they need to brag about their sex life and probably just making it up anyway lmao.

Fug yeah

I don't like modern feminist culture either, but yeah, the women hate is over the top here. There will be no "saving the white race" if white guys won't breed.

Kek proves this belief to be law.