I understand the economic arguments that socialists make. I may not agree with them, but I understand them

I understand the economic arguments that socialists make. I may not agree with them, but I understand them.

Here is what I do NOT get: why is it that people with socialist views, always seemed obsessed with destroying and undermining the dominant culture? Why does it seem like they always have a problem with the society's traditions, holidays, pasttimes and dominant ethnic groups? Why can't they have their economic ideas, but still keep the respect for the culture? Why do socialist ideas, and hatred of one's own nation, always seem to go together? Does anyone have any insight to this?

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You should check out Georgism.

Its sort of an American socialist system that doesn't seek to burn down any traditions and is opposed to Marxism

In fact its founder Henery George once described Marx as the "prince of the muddleheads". Marx hated George.

Could I get a quick rundown on Georgism?

from wiki

Georgism, also called geoism[1] and single tax (archaic), is an economic philosophy holding that, while people should own the value they produce themselves, economic value derived from land (including natural resources and natural opportunities) should belong equally to all members of society.[2][3][4] Developed from the writings of Henry George, the Georgist paradigm offers solutions to social and ecological problems, relying on principles of land rights and public finance which attempt to integrate economic efficiency with social justice.[5][6]

from wiki

Georgism is concerned with the distribution of economic rent caused by natural monopolies, pollution, and the control of commons, including title of ownership for natural resources and other contrived privileges (e.g., intellectual property). Any natural resource which is inherently limited in supply can generate economic rent, but the classical and most significant example of 'land monopoly' involves the extraction of common ground rent from valuable urban locations. Georgists argue that taxing economic rent is efficient, fair, and equitable. The main Georgist policy is a tax assessed on land value. Georgists argue that revenues from a land value tax (LVT) can reduce or eliminate existing taxes on labor and investment that are unfair and inefficient. Some Georgists also advocate for the return of surplus public revenue back to the people by means of a basic income or citizen's dividend.

We are libertarians who make the classical liberal distinction between land, labor and capital. We believe in the private possession of land without interference from the state, but in the community collection of land rent to prevent monopolization of land.
We believe that all government activities should at least be limited to those which increase the value of land by more than what the government collects, and that government should be funded entirely from the land value increases it creates.

We oppose direct state monopolization of land as well as state-sanctioned private monopolization of land, and advocate that state and federally held land pay land rent to the communities the same as private land.

We advocate that government be allowed to spend only what is authorized by voter referendum or similar device and that it take for itself the minimum it is authorized to spend. Those who advocate collection of the full rent stipulate that the proceeds be divided among community members on a per-capita or similar basis, for the land, and the rent, belong to the people, not the state.

We condemn the taxation of property improvements, and of all activities, productive, consumptive, or recreational, as invasions by the state into the private affairs of free individuals.

I agree with you, but it's hard to say.

However, during the Cold War, there was A LOT of anti-Western sentiment spread by the Soviet, particularly in the West. They backed organizations meant to infiltrate and demoralize, and there was no better way to create unrest and discontent than autistic psychopaths calling capitalism inherently sexist towards women.

Some very thought provoking questions that I've never really perceived or ruminated on before.

I really can't wrap my head around a mind corrupted enough to believe some of the horrendous shit people think should be allowed to happen nowadays, so I can't quite give any insight.

I honestly feel you may never be able to find a proper answer to these questions in a place such as Sup Forums.

Many leftists are psychotic in their self-loathing and externalize it in a fucked up form of righteousness that has no moral solidarity whatsoever.

The answers as to how a mind like this operates cannot be found by a sane and rational(at the very least) person.

There is a third way.

Yes their is but its not German and it was made in America

Just spitballing, but calling for a worker's revolution creates an Us vs Them dichotomy where everything that has to do with the rich capitalists is inherently bad. As such, in America you'd say "Fuck Rich, White, Anglo-heritage baby boomer home owners and their churches and roast meats and two point five children" and strive to be as different as possible (tattooed to hell, communal living huts, cats instead of children while mocking 'breeders' etc.)

I've got a better 3rd way for you

It just doesn't make sense to me. Most working class people, for instance, probably would like higher wages and more vacation time. Makes sense they would want those things. But at the same time, they are human too, they like celebrating their normal holidays like Christmas, they like going for a beer after work and watching football, they like raising their kids in typically American towns.

So why does it seem like socialists want to destroy all these things? They attack American culture, they attack white people, they attack the traditional institutions that most natural citizens love. Most working class people, despite seeing the benefit of some social democratic policies, seem to sense that socialists want to completely undermine the culture and thus feel an immense repulsion toward them. Socialists seem to have a psychotic obsession with hating everything that people enjoy about their lives...

Very simple. They are the peeps who are losing under the current system, therefore, they want to change the current system and hate anything that's connected to the current system. Ain't rocket science...

I've thought about this some and my theory is they believe under socialism a different culture would have formed and also that culture is what drives the economic system.


Well, most advocates for socialism in America aren't working class citizens, but rather college age kids and professors who'd like to see radical cultural changes.

It doesn't help that people in poverty are a minority here. Sure, there's a lot of working class citizens, but they tend to be pretty well off, and there's always that sense that you can run your own business if you work hard enough and take the risk.

Because life is a game that they've lost, or are losing, and instead of accepting defeat or facing defeat head on, they get mad and throw a tantrum.

Liberals are mentally children, regardless of age.

I'm a communist, but hey, maybe I can say something about socialism. I understand where you're coming from OP. The first thing that comes to mind when you speak about breaking traditions and cultures is the American idea that the government shouldn't end-user one culture or religion over the other, and if it does, we have failed as a democracy.
Liberals who yell, "cis white scum," are similar to the neo Nazis who yell, "Hitler did nothing wrong, the Aryan race is superior," etc.
An inherently socialist idea is that everybody should be equal. There shouldn't be a "dominant" culture, because they leads to the dominant in society accumulating "privilege" (legislation that benefits the dominant and takes away from the lesser cultures.) I.e., gays being refused the legal right to marry.
Many socialists are also very irreligious and, frankly, uncaring about whatever "culture" and traditions are. I, for one, don't think that culture and tradition are real things. I don't care about your tradition of eating together at the table after saying your prayers. I don't care about the idea that it should only be man and woman in a marriage, or the crazy man in the sky who says so. Those ideas are not meaningful in any way. Love, equality, and welfare on the other hand, are meaningful ideas, because they reduce suffering.
As for the hatred for your own nation, in my case, I hate aspects of America. I don't hate my country. I refuse to not see the problems of my country, and I want to fix them. A few if them are: the deadly two party system that we have that stifles real democracy, the continuing wars that we perpetuate for oil money, the huge budget for our military, the idea that the president can force something on an entire nation(executive orders), and the propagandas forced down our throats that communism is bad(times square billboards about how communism kills).

>communist taqqiya

top jej fampai

You're referring to marxists, which are really just secular Jews. They adopted "socialism" as one of their memes in order to prevent national socialism from becoming popular.

Btw I'm a white cis male lol