Good Lord! Is this literall communist kike going to have even more power in Europe?

Good Lord! Is this literall communist kike going to have even more power in Europe?

good ridence Cuckrauts! Good riddence!

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nah he wont make it.

germans only activate during crisis times

we needed to 30's to become the once we were during the 40s

we need schultz to become what we might be able to become Nazi 2.0 internetbogallo

is he a candidate for a position in germany or wherever? I cant belive that the guy is actually gaining power, how is this possible in post-trumpocalipse world?

also is this a fucking pineapple on your flag?

tough luck pal .....

It's a coat of arms u dumb kraut

Hes running for PM. Its a sad day when I want Merkel to win the PM race

>left wing social demo party
>literal kike
>pushes for more immigration all the time
>threats countries that oppose immigration
>dat NOSE

>has a chance to win


Vote for Martin (((Schultz)))

he is the choosen one for the 99% of the media like clinton was

Why did you make this thread if you don't know anything about Schultz? Either way, he doesn't have any chance. People haven't forgotten the last time SPD had power, yet. Well except for the younger voters who don't remember Schröder, but those never really matter.

if digits he wins

Its overhyped. Media made hype that is non existant. You remember Geert wilders? i do..

>What's wrong with his No...

If I were a betting man I would say Germany will be the first Western European country to have a nonwhite leader. Your liberals masochism reminds me of ours.

where are these so called neo-nazis and why haven't they tried to assassinate these people?

i hope that he's only a media pipedream like HillDog

while i agree with you that a SPD government would be the worst case scenario (especially rot/rot/grün), you have to cut Schröder's government some slack. Their policies saved our asses from becoming a failed state (even thought everybody regrets doing them)


Sarkozy and Cameron had small Jewish ancestry

> obongo

not really, newfriend.

>you have to cut Schröder's government some slack

For what? For fucking up our social/welfare system? For leading Germany into the first war since WWII?

this is what they want, neo nazis know the "if you kill your enemies they win" thing.

1. No, he won't win. Everything points to him actually driving former non-voters and AfD voters towards Merkel.
2. We'll get another grand coalition under Merkel unless we're lucky (we won't be) and FDP goes strong.

I don't get how anyone can fall for the lies of this EU establishment power politician.

>unless we're lucky (we won't be) and FDP goes strong

i like him-

I've heard that he threatens countries that oppose getting enriched by his migrant good boys.
What would happen if he gets in and declares war on Hungary/Poland for not accepting cultural enrichment?
Would Trump become the Hitler we need him to be and declare war and conquest the EU?
Would Putin help him?

Anything to keep Martin "open borders for sub saharan africa" Schulz and Heiko "legalize murder and illegalize online anonymity" Maas away from the government.

I'm probably going to live in Germany this year, I don't want to live in Germany under this kike or Merkel.

FDP is shit.

and WTF is this MEGA? Merkel is cucked but Schultz as leader of Germany would be a cartoon example of cuckoldry

for keeping us out of Iraq and being a huge saving factor during the economic crisis with their cuts.

like i said everybody regrets these decisions, but they were the last competent government, unlike today's SPD that want to ban "hate-speech" and restrict the internet because they're afraid of a Trump-esque backlash

He will be long remembered as the George Washington of Europe. The man who united Europe and the first ever President of United States of Europe.

No, Schulz is just a scare tactic to get Germans to vote for Merkel (which is the farthest right party Germans are allowed to elect without severe repercussions).

You seem to have forgotten who delayed the construction of the surveillance state from 2009 to 2013. Pic related.

putin funds pro right parties, to desolve EU. so if eu becomes nazi jews panic and nuke EU so nato is gonne. ploblems sloved.

chine funds leftists troug many proxies to get more niggers and arabs to make revolts and desolve nato.

russian supports donald trump in usa and china supports mexican drug cartels to kill usa.

Britain, usa and Russia are uncucked, perhaps France too, should be enough to neutralise the faggot.

Can you say : "RIGGED ELECTIONS" in german?


I swear this is the actual reason. There is literally no opposition in German politics.

Why did Wilders-sama deliberately blow his big chance?

What happened to the bags full of mail ballots that appeared in a University elevator?
Last thing I heard was Lügenpresse telling "there is no indication for fraud" and Germs were like "oh, ok".

Never heard of that story.

Your days are numbered krautroaches

Because he didn't campaign due to personal safety issues and because the right-leaning parties copied Wilders message.

>we need schultz to become what we might be able to become Nazi 2.0 internetbogallo

The European Leaders fucking know it.
This is why they're bringing other ethnicities to your countries you dumb fucker
>had a result
>result is faulty, so redo the counting
>official new result
>bags of mail ballots appear
>nothing to see here, goy! Go back to wörk.

>for keeping us out of Iraq
After sending "us" to Afghanistan to suck Bush's cock. Fuck Schröder and fuck SPD.

>W-Wilders j-just couldn't help it.
Or maybe Tel Aviv phoned in and told him to shut it down.

That's what happens when you embrace pacifism and moral vanity.

We've had a surveillance state since RAF.

And fuck white people.

>Hates pro-Multi culti Merkel
>Votes for a Commie Jew as alternative


civilized people call it chancellor you fat stupid burger

>proceeds to jumping off a bridge
>for extra measure shoot yourself in the head

Germany, pls.

>pacifism and moral vanity

NO, bad burger. BAD!

it's socialism and moral nihilism, yes.

Clearly nothing came of it.
inb4 le bane meme x D

hey merica
can you dronestrike brussels for us?
you would be europes savior again!

>spend billions on denazifying and brainwashing them into extreme self hatred
>why are they so cucked now?!

I'd rather they used more.. convincing.. methods. I'd be "radiating" glee, so to speak. The "fallout" would be hilarious.

"you should start to shout martin"

The translation doesn't capture how pathetic it was.

>be German

>watch Merkel invite 1 Mio robbing and women- molesting arab invaders

>vote for a guy who wants to bring in even more of them

Belgium is filled with old nuklear power plants in ridiculous condition
a icey snowball is propably enogh to destroy the country

/deutsch/pol/ ist mitte-rechts und wählt CDU/FDP.


vote the guy who will cut the free handouts and the fugees disappear

die fdp hat ne ampel ausgeschlossen du retard

I'm voting Afd even though purely for strategig reasons. They are too watered down, in an ideal world you would vote Pro Deutschland or the NPD if they were for real and not just a honey pot.

Nice flag. I voted Trump btw.

I am a German national. Austria does not hand out citizenships just for showing up like certain other "nations".

true !

dude you know there are germans with a german passport living in austria

Spreng Dich weg Bahnhofsklatscher

Wer so selbstgerecht ist um Bahnhofsklatscher zu sein der wählt sicherlich Grün.

Its funny when i tell ppl how germany is going to be the new sweden and they just stare blankly at me. Most have no clue.

niemad braucht diese oportunistischen, korrupten steigbügelhalter.

der punkt von dem bild ist das sie lügen, denkbehinderter shill.

möllemann war ok, danach kam nichtsmehr.

when your party programm is a number

>Austria does not hand out citizenships just for showing up like certain other "nations"

thats so racist of austria! kek

die afd wird sicher das flüchtlingsproblem lösen und damit die daseinsberechtigung für die ganze partei vernichten

Why would you want a party that changes a running system just for changes sake after fixing the problem?
That's just asking for trouble.

>die afd wird sicher das flüchtlingsproblem lösen und damit die daseinsberechtigung für die ganze partei vernichten

das ist wirklich einer der dümmsten sätze die ich zum thema afd bashing bisher gelesen habe, kompliment, nicht viele sind zu solch ausgedehnter gehirngymnastik in der lage, aus dir wird mal was später!

>die afd wird sicher das flüchtlingsproblem lösen und damit die daseinsberechtigung für die ganze partei vernichten

und deswegen geht Deutschland unter.

Because despite what Sup Forums believes, no one has followed the Britain/US example, in fact the opposite has happened (EU tightening cooperation, EU support increasing in most member states, pro-European or at least moderate candidates winning elections all over the continent)

I wonder how deep the denial will go when Le Penis eventually loses in France

i dont but i don't believe the AFD will do something usefull at all
they will do some right wing virtue signaling send the military at the borders close some refugee centers and so on but they woun't fix the problem.
cut their handouts and they will go home like they did in denmark. but no fugee problem no afd voters

Lass uns die Logik mal nachvollziehen:

>die afd löst ggf das flüchtlingsproblem
>dann hat die afd möglicherweise keine Daseinsberechtigung mehr
>Logischer Schluss: Wählen wir doch lieber weiter die Parteien, die Deutschland mit Orcs fluten


they spd doesn't fix social issues for the same reason but invites millions of uneducated young men

hab ich gesagt du sollst öttertürk oder wagenknecht wählen?
wähl ruhig afd aber versprech dir besser nich die rettung deutschlands davon

>cut their handouts and they will go home like they did in denmark. but no fugee problem no afd voters

What makes you think, that snot part of their plan, brainiac?


"Flüchtlinge sollen kein Geld und nur eine „medizinische Notfallversorgung“ bekommen."

Selbst Wagenknecht ist bei der flüchtlingsthematik restriktiver als Merkel du retard

wenn du glaubst die afd macht das wirklich wähl die (is immer noch besser als die grünen, linken, cdu, und spd)

sure bc people would not appreciate it and call them useless afterwards... lmao.

the people would be like "okay afd has solved our problem now lets vote FDP!"

I start to be fascinated by your logic... give me more please.

ja sie bekommt aber trozdem nen helikopterrundflug spendiert
merkel is einfach jehenseits von gut und böse
und die linke im allgemeinen steht in der frage nicht wirklich hinter wagenknecht

vor allem machen die keine koalition mit jedem der sie fragt nur um an den futertrog zu kommen und dann alles durchzuwinken.

weil sie keiner fragen wird
das is mit das haubtproblem
die cdu arbeitet eher mit der linken und den grünen zusammen als mit der afd

aber nette dreier

das hat man damals bei der linken auch gesagt..."niemals werden wir mit der linken koalieren!" dann so "ja aber nur auf landesebene" und jetzt "wählt schulz für r2g!"

