Can we fix society by shutting the internet down?

Can we fix society by shutting the internet down?

That image looks extremely painful

Hey newfags

Don't do this


I always made that motion slowly and steadily. Feels kinda good.

For (you)

Holy shit don't do that

for you


Fucking hell op this gave me mustard ga

How are you even suppose to do it? I could never get it to wok.

Holy shit guys get down! I think there's a sniper in this thre

I love my tendon, thank you.

is this nu-Sup Forums? i het retards like you that make shitty meme po-


It just cracks your thumbs newfaggot.

Did what the pic said while reading the reactions. Got a good laugh, thanks user.


How do I unfuck my hand my thumb is barely responding


Daily reminder this was a Soviet method of suicide if captured by US intelligence forces.

Please consult a mortician if tried.

gas social media and get the normies back on track.


Fug back in the 90ies I remember at highschool and jr high that I was ashamed to admit to I was into computerings. Now they are all on it, get out instead...

I don't use normie book or whatever have nothing on my own name and they all go,
>can I be your friend on your sock puppet there
>no that's not smart, that destroys the concept

Try fapping with it

did you break your thumb or something i cant understand you

Damn, that looks painful :^)

women are so tarded too, they always put out nudes on all this shit

>Let women in anywhere and it's just tits, ass cock


yes. but the globalists are too in love with their toy and the people have grown to love it too. There will be resistance.

double joined go away

yeah I'm hung over, infact I need to go buy a 6 pack now, that turned to 12 last night. damnit

6 is "ok", 12 is by far not, part in the fucking of the middle of the weekend

no friends


kek, this is a small cuntry. Everyone knows everyone here, you rarely find a "Viggo Vennelös".

But the bitches don't understand, they just want to send you nudes even on your sock puppet, you keep telling them, this is not a real account, it's activism
>But why don't you let me be your friends(I want to chat with you and send you nudes)
they come at my window here instead to not wake the dog

>Social media is cancer
I miss the days when only the nerds used the PC....



The only pictures of me on kikebook is god damn womyn and their smart phones...

One example
>Be user
>Not drinking only fit and roiding at the time
>Have party, everyone drinks all night, I fall a sleep
>Wake up in the morning, have to piss
>Walk in underpants
>photos snapping
God damnit...
>all over kikebook, more chicks come

So it's a bunch of underpants user out there on kikebook, on these damn stupid womyns accounts

Now I must buy beer, fuck this is going to be a hard day





Gotta not let your hand turn
your bone is turning so it doesnt break
it's all the angle

I think i did that once by accident. Thumb starts doing weird crap for a bit.

PT here.

Why do you people keep posting images of the Finklestien test for abductor policis longus and extensor policis brevis?

Now how do you do that?
This is a trick I must learn

You were the weird kid at school.

>get rid of the tool being used to break jewish media monopoly

This. It just pulls your tendon.

he cant get me im behind 7 layers of

It was?

>A dot who is knowledgeable about suicide.

Yes, but we can't stop there. All thinking machines must go. We need a full-blown Butlerian Jihad, followed by a purge of the Jews and shitskins.

HA! They couldn't hit an elephant from this dis-

I fucking hate this meme so fucking much. It's so fucki

>Be Finnish
>Wake up hungover on couch
>Finnish off that bottle of Vodka to numb the pain of realizing you didn't die in your sleep
>Take a sauna
>eat breakfast, cereal in a bowl of vodka
>avoid eye contact with you wife who you haven't spoken too since you got married
>grunt to let your children know you haven't gotten too drunk and forgotten them
>go to the bus stop
>stand 20 feet behind the next person waiting for the bus due to overwhelming autism inherent in all Finns
>see 10 people on the bus
>wait for the next one
>late for work
>boss doesn't want to make eye contact so he doesn't reprimand you
>go out to eat alone in restaurant sauna
>drink more vodka to numb the pain
>14 year old refugee with a beard and 3 children he abandoned in Africa accosts you for money
>can't fight back or you'll get charged with an honor crime
>traumatized because someone talked to you
>go to sauna at workplace
>no one can see tears in the sauna
>drink more to forget you had to speak to someone
>On the way home remember you lost 10% of your country to Russia
>drink more on the bus to forget
>get home
>wait outside until your children finish eating to avoid conversation
>eat cold food in the sauna
>drink alone on the couch crying until you pass out

I did it and it hurt a little bit but nothing compares to the pain on the inside

I also hate this meme. Watch I won't contribute to it, I'll just finish my sentence normally. See? This meme is stupid and retarded and if you're reading this your mother will die in her sleep tonight regardless of what you do.

>On the way home remember you lost 10% of your country to Russia

mfw we lost 50% of our country

is this supposed to hurt or something

Nope, that just knocks out the flow of redpills and redpill memeing. You'd have to EMP the whole world to save humanity. Make times hard again to make men men again.

>Double joined
It's double JOINTED.

am I doing it wrong? I don't feel a thing no matter how I try it
I demand answers

you have to insert dick inside the hand to make it work

don't bitch, we lost most of our country, including the americas 500 years before your columbus faggit...... all registered under the vatican

>We died too, gassed in 1319
>Resurrected by Russia in 1814
>Occupied by Sven straight after
>He gave up in 1905

the sheep islands


Sup Forums's true colours showing in this thread. This board is a bunch of Sup Forums nonces and normie faggots.

I have 50 TB of tv series, 40 TB of movies and 10 TB of porn stored away, bring it.

nice try MI5, but we all have our stones to drag
>now go suck some paki cock

don't post neither porn or suggestive porn, here with underages.


They have planned an attack on 4cuck to plant CP here and get you charged on that


If I had the chance I would cut your head off pedo

Sup Forums used to be the best board, now it's just a bunch of bored pervs looking to fap

we had to migrate to your board and brought our culture with us :^)


What a retard
Im at home and this is the intern

lol u fucking cucks, can't even look at an "underage" female in shorts without judging how a sick corrupt society will judge you.

Get fucked.


Don't forget Jamtland and Bohuslen

This guy is righ

no, what we need to do is sell your browsing history to the highest bidder

Nice try kikeblue.

This is however a warning to cuckchan we have intercepteted som of their shit, and it started on Odin's day a week ago. Plant CP, jail cuckchanners for CP.

Don't post porn at all, or suggestive shit.
Listen or get burned.

Not my problem, I have warned you. If you are kikeblue, we're in for a ride mate lol, remember CTR? lol you are basically talking to "satan" here


It creates chlorine gas

CTR gasser leaves thread, to bad you cucks only allow one image, dunno if I've even posted this yet or not, just taking a random CTR faggot.

BEWARE, they are planning to frame you for CP so mods must be on alert.

An yeah CTR, we actually haven't released all your footage yet :)