Why are lower class whites so riled up about becoming "a minority within their own county" when they also claim white...

Why are lower class whites so riled up about becoming "a minority within their own county" when they also claim white privilege doesn't exist?

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shut it spic

I'm not worried about becoming a minority, I just hate niggers and beaners

Because it's their fucking country?

It doesnt matter if whites become a minority, they started out as a minority in america and look at them now. faggot

Because the race-baiting Jews are riling up everyone against whites.
Micro-aggressions and similar bullshit did not invent itself. In reality, living in a white country and economic opportunities this provides is a priviledge.

>Why are lower class whites so riled up about becoming "a minority within their own county" when they also claim white privilege doesn't exist?

I earn my white privilege

Why do spics worry about Whites so much? Is your shithole that bad you can't do anything but worry about a superior people?

It's just better if we hold majority if not 100% status than being a minority.

racism will become common and there will be civil war before shitskins become a majority in white countries. we already saw what they do in haiti/south africa and other places. in america we've got more guns than people and they won't be able to out organize whites to destroy them

shitskins can't ever win. all they can do is hamper white men so chinese overtake us completely. regardless you're going to not survive to see the future

100% fact

Non-white minorities in white countries get special treatment.

White minorities in non-white countries get persecuted.

Why? Because whites are egalitarian and inclusive, non-whites aren't. Now fuck off beaner.

arabs defeated europe

Because white majority countries are the only ones where minorities are treated well.

This is our fucking country so even though White privledge doesnt fucking exist we should still have any privledges we might have anyway.

because the people who are turning into a majority commit far more violent crime and the consequence of violent criminals becoming more numerous is a less pleasant environment to live in.
It's really Colored People Privilege to live in a white society instead of one of their own shitholes.
Of course somebody from Colombia wouldn't know anything about that.

I think they just don't want any of you bean bags shitting the place up with your cartels and food that makes you shit 20 minutes after eating it

100% the niggers and spics are aligning with whoever they can to turn the clock back as use the constitution and history as an excuse to execute their fantasies of systematically oppressing white people.

Because non-whites are treated better as minorities in white countries than in their own, viz. immigration trends for the last half-century.

Whites are not so treated when minorities in non-white countries, e.g. Zimbabwe, South Africa, etc. Whites are vilified and told they must pay for their ancestors' actions, and this will only get worse as their status decreases. You can write off the "death to whites" rhetoric of SJW bloggers as funny or irksome today, when whites are a minority it won't be the same.

Try being the only white in a classroom of Chinese and Indians when the subject of colonization comes up. Do you really want these people calling the shots?

Ask the Greeks and the Armenians what it was like being a minority in the Ottoman Empire.

That was different than non-whites taking over an already civilized, industrious country.


I don't think anyone on Sup Forums has a problem with Asian immigration because they work hard and assimilate.

This picture is such a shitty illustration of your point. If the American left cares so much for the natives, give them their fucking country back instead of complaining about how symbolism is 'offensive'. Otherwise shut the fuck up and enjoy their stolen land.

Why do people from countries I've never even thought about spend so time thinking about me?

Because there are more hate crimes against white people than any other group these days.

The white man is considered a lower class racist fool and a rich fat capitalist, whichever is the most convenient for the narrative at the time.

Awww, I smell envy OP

where will non whites try to move once they destroy america?

Like Canadians have always been there.

It's always a leaf.

Because nobody wants to live in majority brown countries, even brown people which is why they drown and shit just for the chance to be in white nations.

White privilege exists, it's called civility and it's not something you can teach. America becomes brown and it's game over for this Country as we know it. It doesn't stay at the top with savages behind the wheel. I'm not even trying to be racist, this is just the truth.

Asians might be able to keep America going but no other race could.

>the year is 2345
>white man is extinct
>asians have transcended dimensions
Who do the shitksins blame for their problems?

>whites give handouts, housing, education, infrastructure, and hiring preference to minorities
>it's not enough
>whites become a minority
>brown hoards can forcefully take shit they think they're owed
>we South Africa now
Why wouldn't they want this?

europe has no freedoms like freedom of speech or 2nd amendment or national pride like america. arabs aren't a majority in europe either but they control it pretty much. even with all this i think there will be lots a day of reckoning in europe

but before europe it'll happen in america

I'm proud of you, my fellow countryman

>shill finds a Venezuelan proxy

>racism will become common and there will be civil war before shitskins become a majority in white countries
Wishful thinking

Federal government is already too powerful, centralized and the people are already conditioned against racism too deeply to go back. Even if Congress voted to bring in 50 million migrants tomorrow, only some people would actually protest the decision. The rest would accept it like the good Christian or secular moralists they are.

>minority within their own country
>their own country

>>whites give handouts, housing, education, infrastructure, and hiring preference to minorities

Is this user claiming whites built the Interstate system solely for blacks to travel to another state to commit crime?

They would start going by shade. All the mulatto and light skinned blacks would become the new White People and will get blamed for everything. They will say shit like "light skin privilege" and shit.

because shitskins CANNOT be trusted to hold the majority

>see: south Africa & Zimbabwe

>infrastructure is only muh roads



listen this is how we should renege with them

Because their is only a small period of time before they have taken all the shit from the whites and then there will be nothing left to take and they will become Somalia tier because they took and never learned to created.

they won't exist. china practices forced sterilization and one child policy. hey don't believe in human rights or "god given rights" or any of that shit.

they'll 100% genocide mudslimes, spics, and niggers if they control the world.

because they realize that nigs and spics are fucking retarded, and once they become the majority they will completely shit over everything and turn this country into another african or south american hell hole

If a black guy pulled back his eyes and said CHING CHONG CHING CHONG in an asian guys face would that be black privilege? this is fucking retarded the guy's just an asshole.

Because the only true privilege is class privilege. All other "privileges" (as well as white nationalism) are just identity politics peddled by the capitalists keep the working class divided and dependent on the bourgeois political system.

Only by casting out both SJWism and the "alt-right" can the workers unite to overthrow their common oppressors.

Because White privilege is a meme against White people, an excuse to be racist against them for the fucking failures they are for being low IQ

Pick one. Maybe you guys can overthrow the corporate leadership at Starbucks and keep a greater share of the lattes you make.

>faggots 1% of the population non-reproducing
>niggers fill a continent and are 13% of the population doing 51% of the violent crimes
>women are 51% of the population and vote for every jewish agenda and promote white suicide
the sexual revolution was women being whores and joining the workforce. aids became a problem 20 years afterwards

Everyone has a problem with it. Go to reddit if you want civic nationalism.

this is the picture that needs to be beside the definition of black community

lmao when you revisionist shit. when did arabs reach anything beyond vienna or the Pyrenees.

Whites are K selected, most minorities are r selected, its natural K would be out-bred by the r minorities but being K selected guarantees success in life which guarantees that K genes continue to get passed on and survive often as the economic elite however as a minority since they have far less children.

Requiring poor people to get sterilized would be a great way to stop this. Colorado did a test by giving free IUD birth control to poor at risk female teenagers in a community and saw hurt by teen pregnancy. Birth rate and abortion rate dropped by 40%+.










Look at how minorities are treated in countries ruled by nigs spics and sandniggers. Whites treat their minorities better than anyone

ok i see you mean currently, well i agree with you on that one lol. Leftists must hang, its their treason thats led to this

Imagine Chinese people are imported to your shithole to such a degree that the culture and values of your society are changed. Imagined this is done with the express purpose of genociding your people, acquiring cheaper labor, and creating a class of voter to turn your country from a bastion of economic liberty to a socialistic shithole lie the country from whence the came. That's why.

Why be worried about losing voting power? Have you seen where these minorities come from?

>r vs K pseudoscience

pls stop

Look, it's not like there aren't whites who are genetic trash, there are, but look at any country where the vast majority are niggers and you'll see that they're incapable of building nor maintaining and successful and thriving civilization.


So you're saying white people existing in large numbers is white privilege?
but there's no such thing as white genocide right?

Both are cute as fuck. What's your point?

The guy in ops pick is actually hispanic so yeah

these are both wrong
these are both correct

I'm going to be honest here guys, but if Whites want to excel then we need to take to the stars and become a star traveling race

>Maybe you guys can overthrow the corporate leadership at Starbucks and keep a greater share of the lattes you make.
Why settle for just one corporation if you can overthrow them all?


Because white privilege is used as an excuse to make the hardest working race in america/sons and daughters of america willingly pay for the replace of themselves for new blood for the tax system that will vote for dependence upon authoritative powers every single time. /thread

>inb4 you can't /thread your own thread

I'm right though.

Trump wants us to go to Mars by 2040 or some shit.

Could be the start to white race pt 2.

>don't believe that "pseudoscience" goy, you should believe Jewdoscience
>there is no biological basis for race, girls have penises too

Because niggers, and spics smell funny

Because we've seen how minorities are treated in every single poc society on Earth.

>mfw the indian is wearing jeans, owns a pick up, speaks english, profits from all the benefits of western civilization instead of being fishing in the marshes of meryland with his bare hands and worring about being scalped by the sioux.

poor gentleman. his biggest problem is a white man with feathers on his head. boo fucking hoo.

>observable behavior patterns in different species and cultures is pseudoscience.


The answer is, they won't remember. There will be a few generations where people sense that things are worse, now, than they were before, and then they just won't remember, they'll just wonder at the ruins and the fantastic stories that have been passed down.

Well the reason why lower class whites are the most concerned with becoming a minority is because they are the ones who will suffer the most. They are the ones who will have to live with the minoritys and lose their way of life from culture to jobs. They will be the ones who would have to assimilate into there own country.

I understand every word you wrote, but the meaning of the whole eludes me. WTF are you talking about?

Because after South Africa comes Zimbabwe. 'Course, not even South African blacks can see that or care more than a few years ahead apparently. They're all like, "Total possession of the white man's wealth has never been tried, properly".

Low IQ. Hence their socioeconomic status. Poor people are retarded, that is the biggest contributor to their poorness.


imagine if a bunch of whites moved into your house and forced you out of your country while bringing modern technology, ideas, high paying jobs, and medicine.

would be terrible, wouldn't it?

Privilege does exist, but the implication is that it's not earned. We earned our privilege by constructing functional societies that allow our people to thrive and prosper.

>ignoring that poor white people historically have tons of kids

>we earned

So you built the roads, railroads, libraries, schools, and houses?

because the same shit heads that think white privilege exists are going to implement things to stop "white privilege" aka taking rights away from whites in the name social justice

among every race there is r and K selected individuals, it has more to do with how you were raised than your biology. More white people have childhoods that result in them making K selected decisions than black people, though some black people do, its less common among their race.

Is the picture in OP implying he can't be a Native American?

How prejudiced! it's a slap in the face to pale-skinned natives like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

I'm a process control tech, I keep the machined running that make toilet paper so you can wipe your arse. I pay my taxes and contribute to society, so yes, I've earned my "privilege".

Pack it up, everyone. The cuck has spoken. Every piece of property on earth built by someone's ancestors is fair game. I'm just as entitled to the property of strangers in Japan as I am the house my parents will leave behind when they die.

Your job can be automatized.

Without you, I can still wipe my ass.

The color of the skin isn't the issue (I mean, for some straight up actual racists that no doubt post here, it is)
The real issue is culture. White skin is not "better", but white CULTURE is objectively better than streetnigger and sandnigger culture.

I don't care what somebody looks like, I care how they act and what they believe.

What is you obsession with cuckholding? You have a right to the property, but you are lying when you use the word "we".

Stupid fucking garbage bin. I know for a fact that you are a retard.

But who will keep the machine that keeps the machines running running?

>White Priviliege
>Get blamed for all the worlds ills
>Take a back seat through force
>Watch the world your ancestors shed blood to create burn

My privilege

Yeah but our pioneer ancestors were ... both K and r? I guess r in terms of space - they had big families. So large that up to 1990, 50% of whites were descended from pioneers. source: Samuel Huntington's "Who We Are".

You are in the minority then. Most of it comes down to appearance. Sad, but true.


What kind of baby talk fucking spelling is this.

Another machine.

I honestly think that's the only way forward. Earth is going to be an overpopulated low iq shithole during this century. The sooner we can colonise elsewhere the better.

You can't even grasp your native tongue and everyone else is retarded. Kill yourself, faggot.