What is white culture?

what is white culture?

what culture is not white?

building civilization

bowling alone

The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of whites

>Do you have time to talk about the order?

drinking craft beer


I had negro libtard once tell me about white privilege and he was joking about how all white peoples houses had the same smell - I said the thing white houses have in common is books and he agreed lol

substantive answers, lads.
you've really convinced me that such a thing as 'white culture' exists.
i'm now a fully blown proponent of baseless pandering identity politics.
because we wuz romans n shiet.

>what is white culture?
Language, science, modern medicine, aeronautics, physics, modern transportation, ethics..

Basically anything that isn't wrestling on the mud floor of your hut.

There are white cultures but there is not white culture.
Stop pretending "whites" were ever a uniform group.

So youre going to continue being retarded?
Nothing changed.

these things aren't culture

Filtered through the ages white culture derives itself from the Greco-Roman tradition that came before it.

Localized traditions melded with a desire to rebuild and emulate the diminished glory of Rome. The breadbasket of civilization fled from the Islamic conquests and refocused itself in Europe. These cultures florouished and then colonized the world.


Ummm try again sweetie

Culture (culĀ·ture)
"The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively."

>these things aren't culture
Yes, they are you fucking imbecile. How is someone from England so ignorant of the English language? Disgusting.

British culture , people such as the Americans are British filled with spite for British so they say they are American and created a cesspool of a subculture. At one point Germans who immigrated to the United States were not considered white but over time merged with the status quo of American identity. Which was white the U.S. was founded on the principles of the creation of an ethnostate. Which never had enough time to really become something of it's own.

Was working fine except for the stupid slavery element. Even then was working until they changed the immigration laws is '65

Except the Indians and greeks did that while whites hunted animals and lived in caves like animals.

stealing black heritage


I've never seen a question answered with a question so well before.

>not white

Yes, they started the iron age.

lynching niggers

Well you could always go someplace away from white people and white culture and see what`s different. Shouldn't be hard for a britbong. Come back and tell us about it (Using things white people made.) if you don't get your head cut off.

Rocket Technology, Horse racing, Classical Music such as Richard Wagner's works, Heisenberg's theoretical physics, world's strongest man (Brian Shaw), world's best fighter pilot (Hans-Ulrich Rudel), not having to lock your doors at night to prevent home invasion, feeling a sense of community, worrying about petty things and engaging in light intelligent banter over it, drinking lemonade after a honest day's work, friendly neighbors, picket fences, going to the opera or concert house, code of chivalry, Magna Carta, Shakespeare, tales of King Arthur, going to Medieval festivals, and gentlemanly conduct are just a few facets of white identity.

Don't be a wigger or a cuck. The fact that we are forced to justify wanting to secure the existence of our people shows how bad the times are. There is nothing wrong with seeking the advancement of your race. Mexicans have organized to do so. Blacks have done so as well. Hell, Jews have been doing it since the dawn of their existence.

Indo-europeans =/= anglo-whites/caucasian