Éire/pol/- Through the night edition

This is our homeland!: youtu.be/DUmid_5SXNw
Thread theme: youtu.be/ET5hQMXXV3A
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.

Quick rundown on Irish politics:

Learn Irish:

Jewtube channels of note:
>National Party: youtube.com/channel/UCxgY69mo_nUGuCDo1yPygng

>The Hateful Gaels: youtube.com/channel/UCDhuG96y6kUT7tcFgHGj1Ug

>The Don: youtube.com/channel/UCMnQHYF2DQ3I0EvrI95P83A

>Gaelic Neoreactionary: youtube.com/channel/UC--Ru-Cve1fxhZ8m8xXxeUg

>Assembly votes on abortion

>NMH must be free of religious ethos

>Kenny discusses brexit with everyone except the British

>Significant explosive device found at belfast school

>Bishop says new maternity hospital should obey rules of Catholic Church

>"Trump is raycisss"

>Easons bomb scare

>Garda punched and eye gouged

>SF attacked for support of a dictator

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck that anti-NP shill cunt

No need for that lad, he's allowed be anti NP even if his reasons aren't the best, no need to derail another thread into an unending argument where everyone says the same shite over and over.

Joined the NP recently and was just wondering what they do with the information given. Do they post stuff to the address given or send anything to the email or phone number

Never give in, bois.

I think it's email for meetings and they send you a starter pack by post.

Anyone get a starter pack yet what's in them ?

>Joined the NP recently and was just wondering what they do with the information given
Your name and details are put into a kike database and your details are blacklisted.

Don't fall for the NP shill.

I think they ran out because they didn't anticipate as many members as they have been getting, an user in these threads was waiting for ages last I checked
>implying everyone here isn't on a kike list already

Dublin's like a growing tumour that's killing the country

*watches you

>implying everyone here isn't on a kike list already
> not running behind a VPN
I shiggy diggy

Story lads?
Where éire nua and mayo bomber at the night

He has no reasons he's a shill. Fuck him.

>thinking that will save you from ishmael and friends

Which is exactly what he wants you to say, now he can start off with his "muh safe space" shite and the whole thing starts over. don't feed him.


kek Fucking faggot

It's not about 'safe space' he clearly isn't even a Sup Forumsack since he's oblivious to how we started putting NP in the OP and he's against ethnic nationalism. No doubt fresh off the boat from leddit when he heard about these threads after a month or two. Provides zero arguments. Just 'simpleton' and defeatist guff like 'they'll never win'. Typical SHILL tactics.

Don't feed him, this is more of it this is why he is here. he can derail these threads at will.

I've frequented Sup Forums daily for the last seven years, and I'm not ethno-nationalist - I think the NP are a bunch of blundering, pound shop, incompetent crypto-fascists.

So I'm guessing I a shill now too, right?

Nah man, not everyone that disagrees with your extreme positions is a shill okay.

agreed, and i live here

Not the shill but I don't have my heart in the NP. Went to an economic forum 2 weeks ago and the panelists were already denouncing it. This is the first much of the audience will have heard of it and are already branding it the Irish UKIP.

I don't know what exactly this country needs, and I can't put my finger on why, but I don't think the NP will do the trick. Something just tells me its doomed (and its not my kike handlers). Being quickly cast aside as reactionary or some other stupid buzzword that doesn't mean anything has something to do with it?

> 72 imports in a single java class
kill me now

I'll post my replies here since Reynolds the clapping seal man killed the other thread after getting his feefees hurt.

>Abandoning a party simply because it isn't popular currently is a ridiculous view
That's not my view. My argument is that the NP will never be popular unless there is a seismic shift in Irish politics. Not even a major terrorist attack would propel NP into a prominent position because FG and FF will simply change their policies to fit the publics' shifting politics. How do you propose NP break into Irish politics? Realistically. How do you get FF, FG, and SF hardcore to switch to an ethno-nationalist party like NP? I'm open to ideas.

>Source please
Well, you don't get a facial structure and ears like that without at least 4 generations of consanguine inbreeding. As for the illiteracy, I refer you to the NP Facebook account.

Pic Related: Geniueine genesis kek

>The normies I know like all the major party's facebook pages even if they don't agree with them
They won't like the NP's page, because the NP are irrelevant.

>He lists AAA and Solidarity, in spite of the fact that they're the same party just rebranded.
>They have 6 seats in Dáil Éireann
Yes, and the NP are even more irrelevant. Good man. you're seeing the light now.


>t. le post

I haven't been around for a week or two so just laying in as he was pissing me off before then I come back this evening and he's still posting his shite. I'll ignore it now I've said my piiece.

> crypto-fascists

And you're a crypto-kike

But it isn't the Irish UKIP, they want to remain in the EU

>he's oblivious to how we started putting NP in the OP

Who the fuck is we? Who put you faggots in charge of eire/pol/, cunts? Not your safe space, lads. Deal with it.

Top on the map looks like pepe
Someone make it so.

Economic forum opposed to Irish nationalism shocker

You really need to stop paying attention to people who will never support NP anyway

This comes from the Irish lack of self-esteem

The thinking is that if some people slag and reject you everyone will but that's not the case, it just makes your supporters more galvanised

I don't see it

I actually like the city itself but it's sucking up all the country's wealth. As a first step Cork-Limerick-Galway needs a fucking motorway to provide an economic counterbalance on the East coast. It would also be nice if we federalized by province but that would be a bit of a stretch.

>and he's against ethnic nationalism. No doubt fresh off the boat from leddit
Dumb cunt, I'm not even against ethno-nationalism. I'm against forced ethno-nationalism. How the fuck would you enforce it?
Nope. try again.

*west coast

>Who the fuck is we?

We as in Sup Forums regulars who started the threads and posted in the inital first ones.

>listeing to (((economists)))

Didn't read lol

If you're a fascist just fucking be open about.

Justin Barrett was caught/seen giving speeches at fascists rallies in Italy and Germany, when challenged on it here he recoiled and slithered back under the cow turd he crawled out from under.

If you're a fascist you should just fucking own it.

He's larping as a 1930's European fascist, incompetently at that, espousing an ideology that's totally counter to all preceding Irish cultural values like; Republicanism and rationalism.

Just look at his rhetorical style in any of the videos on their YouTube page, the feen thinks he's got the stage presence of Hitler, hand movements and everything. It's fucking laughable.

We created it. We were here for the first one

If you create an Éire/pol some day we'll just ignore it and create another

>How the fuck would you enforce it?

Government policies just like governments currently enforce multiculturalism with their immigration policies. Reverse it.

new pc arriving tomorrow lads, are UPS drivers black?

Ignore him.

>We as in Sup Forums regulars who started the threads and posted in the inital first ones.

Oh wow, how do I join your faggot club? I wasn't aware that I can't give my opinion in these threads without being part of teh 'we' collective. Try tumblr if you want a safe space, cunt.

He's not a fascist he's an ethno-nationalist and he's completely open about it

Why would he call himself a fascist if he isn't one?

This has been brought up before, and it's been established that Barrett talked to these groups as part of his campaign against abortion not because he was a fascist

m8 I am a Sup Forums veteran posting here years, and I made /eire/pol esque threads back when the election was full swings and even I don't approve of this national party shilling, it's not right and drives people further away from the meme party

We all posted pictures of our cocks the first day

Now do it faggot

>espousing an ideology that's totally counter to all preceding Irish cultural values like; Republicanism and rationalism

The 1916 marytrs were ethno-nationalists how exactly is NP ideology contrary to it? Pearse and Collins envisioned a Gaelic Ireland. Are you some Sinn Fein cuck that thinks Irish nationalism is letting in immigratns?

>Just look at his rhetorical style in any of the videos on their YouTube page, the feen thinks he's got the stage presence of Hitler

>muh Hitler
>muh Nazis

booooring same shit was said about Farage constantly.

>the feen

Didn't expect to see this on the 'chan 2bh

>We all posted pictures of our cocks the first day
>Now do it faggot

They have authority right now. NP doesn't. You'll need to deal with this sooner or later. And what good is galvanising supporters if the vast majority of the public is turned off before you can make your case?

But that's what they're being branded as by figures of authority. This is when they have NO POWER and maybe a quarter of a room full of politically aware students have even heard of them.

New right wing parties always face an uphill struggle with PR, but NP are being kneecapped before they've even left the starting gate.

Tell me again why the mission isn't to make Fine Gael Blueshirts again, or to make the unprincipled Fianna Fail go protectionist, or to get Sinn Fein to oppose immigration on behalf of its entire working class voting block?

The fact that they even mentioned them is significant

It's not shilling we disucussed it and settled on them and genuinely agree with them. Were the Americans supporting Trump also shilling or britpol supporting UKIP?

We say 'shilling' to meme but really it's support. If we disagree with them fine but the way that one guy does it is moronic.

Farage has intellect, wit and charisma though.

went to school with this bellend, ask me anything

>if *you disagree

This thread is full of fuckin tinkers.

>it's tough so give up
And as for Fine Gael they stopped being blueshirts as soon as they went into conventional politics they were never true to their aims at all, SF is infested with marxist lunatics and FF are just less right wing FG
Can't deny it

You can win majorities against the vast majority of the public

We have proportional representation

SF were literal terrorists

FF and FG grassroots are disaffected

All the major parties are weak

Polls consistently show a demand for new parties yet no one votes for the new socialist or neoliberal parties

People are clearly looking for something that's just not there in Irish politics and the only thing that hasn't been tried is good old nationalism

>It's not shilling we disucussed it and settled on them and genuinely agree with them.

Safe space club. kek

If he isn't a fascist then why did he give those speeches in support of fascism at rallies in Germany and Italy?

And, if he isn't ashamed to be branded a fascist, or to be seen to outwardly support the idea of establishing an ethno-state why did he distance himself from those things publicly when he was challenged about them?

He talked down both those issues at the very least.

>Tell me again why the mission isn't to make Fine Gael Blueshirts again, or to make the unprincipled Fianna Fail go protectionist, or to get Sinn Fein to oppose immigration on behalf of its entire working class voting block?

Because they won't go against their big money backers for anything.

It was in support of being anti abortion not fascism

>But that's what they're being branded as by figures of authority
People don't have any respect for these figures of authority anymore.

So he doesn't mind sharing a platform with fascists, okay....

I descend from Westmeath. Is there anything Eire Sup Forums can tell me about Westmeath?

Being a fascist has nothing to do with ones stance on abortion they were allies on that issue

Is he talented or well connected?

How is he in such a position so young?

The videos NP have put out have been intelligent imo. That's all I'm interested in their politics and policies. If you base what politicans you like on their charisma you must be an undercover yank.

ignore the troll

>It was in support of being anti abortion not fascism

Then he's a stupid cunt and politically suicidal like I said in another thread. Why not just be anti-abortion? Why align yourself with fascists and neo-nazis and fuck yourself in whatever your future political endeavours are?

Also, why did Barrett spend so much money fucking Eastern European whores when he's a "family man" who campaigned against the divorce referendum but is now getting a divorce (sorry, "annulment" - it's not r-r-really divorce lads, I s-s-swear)


If you don't want to share a platform with fascists you should leave this place

True. Every day in the media there was scaremongering from econoimsts about how Brexit would be ruinious ultimately they got ignored and had to go away with thier tail between thier legs. Even afterwards economists were coming out saying the public don't trust them anymore.

Every option is incredibly tough. But Farage and Trump are leading examples in how to shift politics. With UKIP, they didn't win a single election but forced the Tories to adopt all their popular policies. They won a referendum Cameron didn't even want to hold.
Meanwhile Trump co-opted an entire party from the inside.
If Le Pen wins in France I'll be willing to give NP a shot, but until then I'm staking my hopes on a bigger party getting driven into a more nationalist focus.

I haven't thought about that. The only point I have is that Sinn Fein have spent the bulk of 2 decades cobbling together a coalition of voters to try and get into power. If they get in and the jingo stack collapses how do you get those people to go NP?

In some cases, but on the other hand FF have spent the past 6 months skipping through position after position on water charges based on public opinion, not expense. And nobody would consider Sinn Fein fiscally responsible unless compared to the DUP.

Random economists and analysts still have clout, and the papers use them to craft narratives. This is true even in the USA and UK where the situation is far more strained

I'm glad we're being constructive about all this goys

Are you some antifa mong?

The best thing Barrett could do is pick a fight with the economists who persuaded Ireland to take on 180bn in debt to "save the euro"

The discontent about that has been played down and ignored by our media. The whole thing was viewed as an inevitability

Economists have lost all credibility since 2008 and yeah what they did to Ireland was disgusting. Definitely should be a strong talking point.

Yeah it's true that Pearse was a serious ethno-nationalist, not denying that. He was still a republican though, and as far as I know republics usually don't come with a single ethnic monoculture - it's sort of against the point really.

Our constitution is for all the 'sons and daughters of Ireland' or some such, don't think it says you have to be a Gael genetically to be Irish, or to be a citizen or to benefit from the laws our structures we have here.

ethno-nationalism is fucking retarded. The ability to adhere to the legitimate laws as passed by our chosen leaders is what matters in terms of determining the standing of a citizen within their civic community. Nothing more.

>disagree with your safe space meme party
>get called 'antifa' 'leddit' 'shill'


Yeah, but he doesn't mind giving credence to fascists when it serves his interests clearly, why else would he not have been put off by the idea of sharing the same platform as them.

At worst he's a crypto facist, at best he's tolerant of them and politically expedient when it comes to his relations with them.

That's evident based on the past.

>I haven't thought about that. The only point I have is that Sinn Fein have spent the bulk of 2 decades cobbling together a coalition of voters to try and get into power. If they get in and the jingo stack collapses how do you get those people to go NP?
I don't expect SF members to vote for the NP because SF members are fucking fanatics, have you met any? Psychos

SF voters are mostly working class builders and taximen who'd love nothing more than to remove kebab

FF and FG's more socially conservative members have been run roughshod over by both. They've been ignored completely. Think about the 40% who voted against gay marriage.

Think of the 49-51% of people who will vote against abortion. They have no political representation whatsoever.

These are the same type of people who are sceptical of immigration.

I expect FF and FG voters to vote for the NP because they're supportive of the free market generally but they have a conservative streak that isn't there in the other parties. They're also a principled party that won't bow to the left wing agenda on social issues.

Literally 40% of the population has been ignored consistently. its a goldmine

Watch some of barretts videos on youtube where he explains all this stuff very well.

The man knows exactly what he's doing.

>Random economists and analysts still have clout, and the papers use them to craft narratives. This is true even in the USA and UK where the situation is far more strained

That's why we need our own papers.

We need alternative media sites to get going soon.

>ethno-nationalism is fucking retarded.

Why exactly? What's retarded about wanting to keep a country ethnically homogenous? Are Japs and Icelandics retarded too? You're been brainwashed by America.

Civic nationalism is cancer. Your opinion is cancer.

>don't think it says you have to be a Gael genetically to be Irish

Immigration was not an issue when Pearse was alive he didn't have to consider future globalisation and foreigners coming into the country. You're manipulating his words and ideas to fit a current paradigm he could not have foreseen.

You keep mentioning fascism like it's a big evil so it would make sense...

>found a party which want all immigrants to leave
>except those Eastern European illegal immigrant whores who you spend all the party funds on

kek Justin best boy it's-not-a-divorce-it's-an-annulment Barrett

Fucking joke.

>You keep mentioning fascism like it's a big evil so it would make sense...

I've mentioned fascism once in this thread, you dopey cunt. Post IDs. how do they work?

Ireland has illegals?

Would you call the allies communist? they had no issue joining hands with the USSR to crush fascism in europe.

Not as bad as other countries but enough to be a concern

Screencapping your post. You better still be on this board 10 years from now when the NP are still irrelevant/non-existent so I can laugh at you.

Laugh at you.

I've watched some of his clips, but will watch again if that's where he's actually gearing all this toward.

Fuck papers, they're a dying breed. Breitbart Mullingar all the way.

What the fuck are you on about...there has always been migration to Ireland. Norse people built most of the cities on the east coast, the British (begrudgingly I'll admit, but Wolfe tone was an Anglo Irish), French Huguenots, all these groups had mass migrations to the island prior to pearses time.

So I'll say again, what the fuck are you on about?

Oh yeah, btw Japan has other ethnic populations r residng there, including a large indigenous population that aren't ethnically Japanese (basically Eskimos), people descended from Chinese people and Koreans too.

Under what conditions would you support NP?

If they had a good showing in the next election, say 4 seats, would that convince you?

Compare 10-20,000 Vikings over the course of 3 centuries to 500,000 foreigners in 10 years

About 5,000 Normans settled here, all men and integrated fully within one or two generations.

Norse were INVADERS they weren't invited. And then we fought a huge battle to free ourselves from them you heard of it? Yes some integrated into Norse-Gaels. Obviously Saxon migration was forced invasion/plantation too. Ireland never had migration unless it was forced- just like now.

Fuck, you can't be this brainwashed.

88% of the DNA in Ireland has been here since people arrived after the Ice age, we are in a very vulnerable position where this could be destroyed entirely.

No, the allies weren't communists for working with the ussr. But I do t think they stood in for communist propaganda photo ops either.

We also ethnically cleansed the Vikings in 1014 but your teacher didn't tell you that.

We purged the hostile ones and forcibly integrated the ones left behind.

88% of Ireland's genes come from pre-Celtic populations. That means most of our genetics come from the populations that settled here after the last Ice Age, and over 1000 years before St. Patrick arrived.

88% despite settlement from England and Scotland for hundreds of years, despite immigration from 500BC onwards from Danes, Franks, and all the others.

There's an undeniable Irish ethnicity, and what's maintained it all these years is that the proportion that came historically were absorbed by the population. If the current rate keeps up over the next couple decades that will not be possible. Even if you are for immigration it has to be begrudgingly addressed that the current rate cannot be sustained indefinitely

>Under what conditions would you support NP?

If it wasn't founded by a hypocritical bastard with links to actual fascists and neo-nazis and who has failed in every political endeavour he has ever partaken.

I do not trust Barrett, therefore I do not trust the NP.