Do people genuinely think Le Pen has a chance?

>30 percent lead
Its literally a guarenteed winfor Macron, most likely a total landslide.

>inb4 but muh Trump polls were wrong
there was never ever a point in time where Hillary was leading by 30% in polls.

No only the literal retards do.

Only Fillion stood a chance against Macron.

Yeah, Le Sexcii will get crushed unfortunately. It's not a comparable situation between this race and ours.


I'll be happy if she can pull over 40%

Filion polled worse than Le Pen.

gg europe, have fun being brown

>there was never ever a point in time where Hillary was leading by 30% in polls.
no, not nearly that large of a gap
but it was pretty odd and funny when hillary made that ad(? or was it speech or announcement? I don't know) when she said "you might be wondering why I'm not fifty points ahead!"

she's fucking crazy.

i think that at a minimum the gap will tighten between marcon and le pen but i really don't expect her to win


FN just needs to stage a few more false flag police shootings to get ahead.


my state is heavily white leaf, go get raped by a muslim

yea ok you double nigger


We're devided. Just like how they want us

We have a couple of weeks to get Macaroni a scandal.


Macron seems like a good goy, I'm sure he'd do wonders for the French people and not continue the same policies.

Freemason here. I told you all before that Macron is going to win because we have already decided that he will win. Funny how the communist candidate who lost endorsed Macron so easily despite apparently being on the other side of the political spectrum, isn't it? Almost like Mélenchon is one of us too.

Fuck off faggot everyone in my family from myself to my great great grandfather has been a free mason it is literally a fraternal charity organization that helps childrens hospitals and shit.

Everyone but you?

Anyway enjoy Macron, France.

are you still thinking change will come through politics? It will come through blood and iron so prepare yourselves for the storm

These retards will never learn. ELECTIONS DON'T MATTER IN ZOG

Trump won with less than 2% of a chance.

The official sources assume over 50% of the votes for Le Pen will go to Macron in the next round (note: not votes for Fillon, VOTES FOR LE PEN)

Either the official sources have gone mad, or they have some sort of fix in. Given how our official sources in America have performed, I'm guessing it's the former.

Will the French electorate really send an investment banker to the presidency?

Yes, they are retarded to the point that is perfectly possible.

I have been working on finals all day could someone give me a quick rundown of the French election?

My opinion is that if Le Pen does lose it won't be by such a large margin

as if that 2% was a real figure




You're retarded. These polls arent "percent chance of winning" like that stupid shit was. The ACTUAL polls, not that predictive bullshit, weren't even remotely close to 30% off.

I dont know why I come here expecting people to know what is going on.

fillion was a "conservative" though

he endorsed macron

>Do people genuinely think Le Pen has a chance?
I don't even know who she is. Been a bit behind lately.

well shit, looks like im a #MacronMoron now

Meme harder, shitlords.

Remember there were national polls putting Hillary Clinton up nationally by like 12 a week before the election so making up le 30% isn't so crazy. Really it's closer to 20% so that means if the polls are even accurate that Le Pen would only have to win over another 10% or so and why isn't that possible?

Will the European race war still go ahead without Le Pen?

>Do people genuinely think Trump has a chance?

>Do people genuinely think Brexit has a chance?