Dear Hearing People

Dear Hearing People... It's time to check your fucking privilege, hearing "people"!
>Why do you have such a problem with repeating yourselves?
>What is this needing to know the exact percentage of our hearing loss?
>What's it like to believe that everything that comes out of your mouth is important?
>How is it that being D/deaf and not knowing Sign language disqualifies you from being D/deaf, however, being born in Mexico and not knowing Spanish doesn't disqualify you from being "Mexican"? Especially if you have brown skin.
>Why is that when you say something and we didn't hear you walk away?
>Why are you so rude?
>What is the big deal about Closed Captioning? Seriously, explain to me where your rage comes from when you see words on a screen.
>Why do you all talk so damn much?
>Why is it whenever you play music it has to be REALLY loud?
>Are you going to pay for my hearing aids?
>If you can understand that some people wear glasses because their eyesight varies, why is it so hard to understand that some people's hearing can vary as well?
>We can't respond right away! Don't assume that we are ignoring you if we can't respond immediately!
>Why the hell would we be faking it?
>Are you gonna pay my bills in the meantime?
>Why do you have difficulty maintaining eye contact or facing somebody when you're talking to them?
Hearing """people"""... You fucking are literal SUBHUMANS. The world does not revolve around you fucking hearing people y'know

Fuck off Hellen Keller

But being deaf can now be cured using a cocheal implant

Being a faggot still has no cure, sorry OP

OH, Fuck off you hearing enabled literal SUBHUMAN

>>Are you going to pay for my hearing aids?

I didn't make you deaf.

why does he sound so dumb?

I'm glad you can read this

Hearing people sound dumb


Sorry, but,

Cochlear implants aren't really a cure. Have you ever listened to what they sound like? They're more like a step up in hearing ability, but definitely not functionally equal.



>The world does not revolve around you fucking hearing people y'know
Actually it kinda does

Have you heard the guy in the vid you linked? That's can't hear

Seriously, what is with every fucker with a disability having to broadcast it on social media with a snarky, condescending finger-snappin' "mmmmhhhmmmm" sort of tone.

It fucking annoys me so, so much.

give it a few years and we'll have better treatments.

Who lives in a Pineapple under the Sea?

NO, it does not. HOH people have just as many rights as you. Stop being a rude uneducated prick.

Why learn a whole language when you already know the universal symbol you'll ever need?

You sound mad

You sound like a prick. Why are HEARING "PEOPLE" so rude and destructive

>You sound like a prick.

Im done

I can't take this seriously, I'm too busy laughing at his voice.
I'm also laughing at the fact a DEAF PERSON decides to make a VIDEO where he TALKS about hearing people being privileged.