Study shows blacks perceived as more imposing than similar sized whites:

Study shows blacks perceived as more imposing than similar sized whites:

Black men tend to be stereotyped as threatening and, as a result, may be disproportionately targeted by police even when unarmed. Here, we found evidence that biased perceptions of young Black men’s physical size may play a role in this process. The results of 7 studies showed that people have a bias to perceive young Black men as bigger (taller, heavier, more muscular) and more physically threatening (stronger, more capable of harm) than young White men. Both bottom-up cues of racial prototypicality and top-down information about race supported these misperceptions. Furthermore, this racial bias persisted even among a target sample from whom upper-body strength was controlled (suggesting that racial differences in formidability judgments are a product of bias rather than accuracy). Biased formidability judgments in turn promoted participants’ justifications of hypothetical use of force against Black suspects of crime. Thus, perceivers appear to integrate multiple pieces of information to ultimately conclude that young Black men are more physically threatening than young White men, believing that they must therefore be controlled using more aggressive measures.


When will you swallow the institutionalized racism redpill?

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It isn't the black mans fault that he's naturally more alpha

I remember when I first started traveling around I was very disappointed to see that most black people (at least in Europe) are quite small. I thought they would be NFL gorilla sized negroes, but most looked like short hipsters with tiny legs. the men here in Lithuania and other eastern european countries are a lot bigger. and I don't mean just height. I mean just size.

it was so weird seeing men in whom I could barely fit my leg. like their knee caps are just so fucking tiny. their shoulders were small too. I don't even work out, and I saw some fit black guys, but they were STILL small in real life, not pictures.

why the fuck is everyone in the west so small?

>niggers have low impulse control, are prone to random acts of violence for little to no valid reason

it's because they are hairless apes, and will shoot you or punch you just for looking at them the wrong way. Niggerdom is inherent in their DNA, and isn't a social construct.

nigger is as nigger does

Calm down whitey, accept we're physically superior and therefore discriminated against on that basis. Stop lying to yourself

Niggers are perceived as violent and ghetto in America so obviously people would be more scared of them. Also the study was 100 white people and 100 black, so even other black people are scared of niggers.

Gee, might that have something to do with their culture glorifying violence to an extreme degree for the last couple decades? Maybe influenced by the fact that black people make serious efforts to appear tough and violent? No, definitely blame white people. Obviously we made them worship bloodshed.

This is a top journal in Psychology. My God... Psychology is doomed.

The weak should fear the strong.

you should, but you didn't and were enslaved by whites, and also other Africans.

In body building whites tend to tan themselves because being darker shows more cuts and gains in the muscle. Darker skin is an optical illusion which allows your muscles to look bigger. Hence this why people perceive blacks look stronger, bigger and more threatening.

>blacks are the most obese demographic is America
>blacks are on average shorter than whites.

I think its more to do with them being criminals on average


Don't forget Africans were enslaved by Arabs as well.


>The results of 7 studies showed that people have a bias to perceive young Black men as bigger (taller, heavier, more muscular) and more physically threatening (stronger, more capable of harm)
>Furthermore, this racial bias persisted even among a target sample from whom upper-body strength was controlled (suggesting that racial differences in formidability judgments are a product of bias rather than accuracy)

I know this shit is true because at my gym the strongest, buffest dudes are all white and the black dudes don't lift that much at all. But when I leave the gym and enter the real world, everyone suddenly acts like blacks are stronger or something.

>niggers more prone to obesity and diabetes
>niggers more prone to being broke ass niggers
>niggers have lower i.q on average
>niggers have more homosexuals per capita

Geez. Must be tough being so superior.


The best solution is that whites should start committing more crime so they'll look more imposing and threatening.





hey op just wondering on whether or not you plan to get back to me

In the US obesity rates are higher in the black community and blacks on average are shorter than whites. It has nothing to do with you being superior or whatever. It has to do with people understanding that blacks as a group are aggressive, stupid, and have no impulse control. Every other race understands this. I can't tell you how many times I've bonded with people of other ethnic groups over the mutual understanding that niggers are stupid.

Why is Papua New Guinea so dangerous?

Fuck off shill, women dont even like big cocks and they dont even care that black man have more testosterone on average
