what the fuck is wrong with these people

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Roger that. Thats a hard xD

>national antifa front
Racist bigots

great, now we can kill them and say it was in self defense!

>their heeb masters

Wait I thought antifa loves jews?

White Antifas are lower than scum. How can anyone be that cucked? They defend niggers, jews and Muslims but hate their own race. That's just sad and pathetic.
Kill those traitors.

> what the fuck is wrong with these people
Shitty memes

So mistaken, they should starts by killing the proffesionals and taking the womans.

The childrens are harmless and you can even indoctrinate them.

Move this to

100% autism, holy shit.

Low quality bait, but normies will be shocked. This could be a good campaign.

>Far to late
Confirmed children

Fucking bring it you degenerate faggots

No way this is real, but if it happens to be this could be the happening of happenings. Killing people's children is a quick way to start a full blown civil war.

Fake and Gay

like this isnt a psyop. you cants are fucking beynd stupid if you think antifa are actually this stupid


Heeb masters?

Are they talking about Jews?

That's actually a good false flag poster to make more people turn against antifa

this is too over the top to be believable
next time tone it down a little and use more subtle wording

put some merchans and bomb mohammeds there too, these racists make me sick!

> (ID: 7/qMxfBi)]
Nice try

this one really gave me the heeby jeebies

Yea, it's a shame Sup Forums doesn't push more stuff like this desu senpai

Where did you find this OP

>heep masters
>national antifa
ffs stormfarts at least fucking try

Violence is literally all they're good at. And they're not even especially good at it.

How can you trust people who sell their own concealable knives that are explicitly made for stabbing anyone you perceive to be a fascist?

I seriously hope this is fake. I would gladly join a RWDS if this shit were true.

>Yea, it's a shame Sup Forums doesn't push more stuff like this desu senpai
Since when is false flagging and outright bullshit not Sup Forumss M.O.?

it had nothing else to give

>hates racism
>uses the word "heeb" unironically in bright red text

Message to Antifa...... Touch my kids, and I will track you to the Gates of Hell itself to have my vengeance. There will be no stone on this Earth large enough for you to crawl under and hide once I start hunting you.

Antifa is actually the Chinese Communists muscling their way onto the American landscape. They want to dethrone Jews and Whites. The west has been brainwashed in Maoism since WW2.

Yeah, what is up with that shit?

If I even felt an inch of threat to my children, I would use all my resources and reign down a terror that would be studied in colleges and universities for 100 years.

Fuck those idiots.
If this is real, then it's real war.

That's what makes me think this is fake. There's no way in hell the Antifa would be redpilled enough to be able to recognize that the kikes are in charge and manipulating everything.

>believing this is real and not le ebin master trole xD

Mediocre false flag. Put some effort into it you autist. It's easy enough to shit all over those criminals, we dont need this 14yo cringe

Do you know that leftists, on average, have 0 to 2 kids, while conservatives on average have 3 to 4?

Urge them to not have children. Pretend to be against having children yourself. They will literally cast themselves out of existence.

cutepic but issue is being able to express opinion without commie thugs responding with violence because they are too obtuse to debate.

Most tend to support Palestine.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for falling for such infantile shoppery

Honestly, killing and eviscerating deer and rabbit is getting old.
I'm ready for the most "dangerous" game.

because it's not a real flyer. it would have worked so much better without the heeb part

obviously fake guys, yeesh.

saged, for her pleasure...


I don't understand why you guys haven't made fake antifa propaganda with extremely subtle redpills and started spreading it as real in neighborhoods instead of that gay "jews r evil" shit that nobody on the left would pay attention to

this is great but get rid of the heeb thing

noone is gonna believe they hate the jews, otherwise its 10/10

is this a false flag, OP?

hey genius, what do you think this is?
you don't think actual antifa would use the word heeb do you?
this is a false flag op


do it right. and itll be much better. you need to tip the scales slowly...

It it a good itdea to false flag this shit out of the local areas?

which one of you was this lmfao

why debate? they are genetially predisposed to being commie fucks just beat them up/kill them and be done with it. or ignore them whatever

I mean ANTIFA is literally a bunch of autists playing dress up and LARPing around thinking they can do a single fucking thing.

They're like a child playing in a sandbox, once they start throwing sand in the other kids eyes the government will rain hellfire missiles on the sandbox, glassing everything.

Antifa will be whipped out before things get this far. Overall they're weak as fuck with a couple of meatheads.

like the jew privilege flyers in chicago?

read a story where a jew posted pics abd said how heartbroken she was.

she was head of chabad house

chabad is literally a Jewish Supremacist org.

Jews literally do not have capacity as a group to see their own hypocrisy because of that chosen/sacred victim schtick.

best to focus on the banks and corporate media ownership

I think deer kill more humans every year than liberal twinks tho

Really all you need is to make it about "white privilege" and how "white's are evil", since that's basically what they believe anyways

Pretty sure he's aware of that and is just saying that the thing about the jews makes the entire thing too obvious

If it isn't immediately obvious to you that that's a false flag you shouldn't be allowed to breed

>heeb masters
>((redneck)) revolt

I can't tell who's jewing who anymore

projection. Holy shit this is projection. You just described the autists of Sup Forums.

>their heeb masters
This is clearly a false flag. No antifa would ever put up a sign that says the Jews control the world.

Is this real, or just some Sup Forumsack trying to false flag normies into shunning antifa?

is wyatt mann drawing again or is this a shop?

>antifa wants to kill jews

This is bad why?

excellent. Do it.

Just cut out the Heeb line, and it's near perfect.

Very nice grunge effects - just right. Sweet, even.

Work on it, user.


While I applaud your sentiment, please don't use the c word as an insult. There are plenty of people who enjoy cuckoldry for whom it is a legitimate fetish and using the word as you have marginalises them by problematically implying it is something that is somehow shameful. It's also kinda racist.



Kys cuck

>tfw can tell if this is a false flag by some retarded rightfag
If so drop the jew shit dumbass.

>tfw can tell if this is a false flag of a false flag to get people mad at right for "false flag"

So desperate for a cause.

Fucking weak minded people.

Body count++


Nice try kike.

Very low quality. At least learn the difference between "to" and "too," (((OP))).

We need to keep false flagging them though. That's how the jews get people in to wars, so it clearly works well.

I can't heeb it!!!!

Nick Bougas still draws on 8pol and sometimes even 4pol. I think he might have social media somewhere but I don't really know.

Kill yourself jew.
>Winning is what the jews do. We don't wan to be like the jews right? Good, so let's make sure we keep losing
Fuck off, the jews are evil because they are ruining the western world. Not for being able to win.

Brilliant, now hand these out in public.

Hey rabbi whaccha doin'?

>Not seeing they clearly want to educate these children.

You're either really dumb or deliberately lying.

>Heeb masters

Dang. I thought you picked it off the street.

>far to late
10/10 Engrish

clearly a lot, mostly lack of attention but also some autism

Prolly propaganda, in reality they indoctrinate our children, raise them while we are working and send them into the streets with bike locks and large pastel tent coverings. We didn't understand when they said it was about the children.

This. Troll (used to be called Black Propaganda)

This is some stuff Anti-Fa would throw around, though.

>It is far to late
>to late

This comes off as a false flag so hard it might be a false false flag

This is a bit too blatant, but some more subtle antifa false flags could very effective on campuses.

Think 'draft our daughters'. Shocking, but also subtle and believable. By all accounts that was a successful campaign.

Inciting people to commit violence with the promise of paradise afterwards?

Hmm, I think I've heard that somewhere before