What is the end game of making girls into sluts?

why do americans actively raise their daughters to become sluts at an (exponentially younger) age and to end up riding the cock carousal?

Other urls found in this thread:

dailytech.com/Japanese Make Delicious Nourishing Steaks From Human Feces/article21932.htm

they can lewd their daughters until she becomes an OLD HAG and has lost all sexual market value and tells her to find a betacuck provider for herself

To feed the ability of jews to control people.

Can sluts be fixed?

how does that accomplish that?

and then what?

literally not possible.

Americans do it because the Jewtube tells them it's cool. The Jews tell them to do it because it's an effective way to destroy the family and Western Civilization.

to be honest, I cant say I fully understand this

wtf, I AM reading right to left, the joke is that, she thinks she is less slutty, but she is still a total slut?

>shadman went to jail for this

that is very lame for an excuse. do americans jump off bridges if jews told them?

Why do american have no moral compass?

Why do americans blindly follow the jews?

Burgers and Westerners in general do not raise their children, they have daddy government do it for them, then are surprised when they turn out degenerate.

>1 year
>still not modest at all
why would you think they can be fixed?
once they started, they will keep slutting until they're ugly and unwanted

what? care to elaborate? I don't know shit about the pic, I saw it in Sup Forums

did he really?

Reverse-corruption gives me a righteous boner.

how can you make them into something they already are

>that is very lame for an excuse. do americans jump off bridges if jews told them?
Yes, quite a few.
>Why do american have no moral compass?
Several generations ago (pre-WW2) Americans embraced mass media and abandoned common sense because "it's the future!"
>Why do americans blindly follow the jews?
Americans generally believe everything they are told by what they perceive as authority figures, especially if they are being told they are being rebellious. Jews figured out how to portray themselves as authority figures.

Absolute myth, and you know it.

You are so full of shit. Giving the authorities the finger and having independence is a huge part of American culture. Kys hebe.

well I think the problem isn't that Americans raise their daughters to be sluts, it's that at this point it would be sexist to say that being a slut is bad. Also, good meme

the ultimate authority is God

all girls are sluts

It's not the family.

People are surrounded in filth 24/7; sex, drugs, violence, degeneracy on tv and radio and music and magazines, etc.

Even if they were brought up in the most loving and structured family, there's still a big chance they'll turn out like whores because of all the degeneracy that surrounds them.

Not to mention the education system with marxism.

define slut?
i like women who are easy.

women arent actually worth more than a meetup at mcdonalds them buying me a shitty cone and me fucking them for 45 minutes well and they know it.

tinder is great. i cant believe men actually spend more than 10 minutes trying to get pussy. it just blows my mind.

i have 10 tinder meetups this week and my bio is literal just i am DTF and i am going to fuck you without a condom and make you pregnant. i am going to dress you up in thigh highs and put bondage cuffs on you and do what i want with you.

Jewish-marxist indoctrination, they just want more young single mothers to vote for big statist/welfare policies.

They wish to destroy stable, intelligent, traditional white families, as whites are the other group that stand between the Jew and absolute control of the world.

No he did not. Sven is spreading FUD.

Shad did, however, get served a lawsuit from Dafne Keen (really most likely her father) for drawing lewds of her from Logan.

they are not making EVERY GIRL slutty

identify those non degenerate women and you will find who cause this

the cringe on this board.

Exactly, girls are already sluts, human sexual nature is animalistic. The problem is that in American culture virtues are mocked while people are encouraged to indulge in every vice.

only autists cringe

And his site got btfo for a few days by rip-off legos.


(You) for effort

>Giving the authorities the finger and having independence is a huge part of American culture.
And that's exactly why the tactic works. Re-read the OP.

>"Hey goyim, you don't want to be a square do ya? Let your daughter be a freebird and do her own thang that she learned on Nick and MTV! Break the mold and be a rebel!"

Dear Lord KEK

Any sources to corroborate on that?

Once a meal turns into poop, you cant un poop it into food

It should be on his twitter.

And Americans give him the finger too. All the time.
"thou shalt not kill"
"thou salt not convent thy neighbor's wife"
"thou shalt have no gods before me"
"thou shalt not bear false witness"

Women were always sluts. The reason why they are sluttier and more degenerate today than in the past is because male control over them is weaker.



It pretty much all comes back to r/K selection theory.

The sexual liberation of women in the 1960's pushes a much more 'r' selected society, which the Jews need to maintain and expand their control.

I'm also sure that Jewish men love a sexually liberated society as long as Jewish women don't race mix, the men can partake in sexual degeneracy as much as they want.

underrated post.

they've successfully normalized degeneracy to the point were it is actively defended and embraced.

Yah, and it worked for about decade or two before we got wise. Now the trend is reversing because they pushed it to hard.

>Can sluts be fixed?

Once Loose how can Her Slit be Tight again?

Kegel exercises my dude

I don't think it's possible, the damage is already done.
The only possible solution is a Sharia law. The thing is that most of the sluts would be stoned.


Girls are sluts because they think men will reward them for it

Women are dumb and take it too far, fuck over too many men including the Chads in the process

Now men are disregarding sluts, women are increasingly annoyed by it

can you fix real life ahegao? yes, but you have to have a really big dick and know how to use it.

Not if you're a Pajeet. :^)

>i have 10 tinder meetups this week and my bio is literal just i am DTF and i am going to fuck you without a condom and make you pregnant. i am going to dress you up in thigh highs and put bondage cuffs on you and do what i want with you.
post your profile or gtfo
also, what works with american women, doesn't work everywhere else.

redditfag spotted



no they just want someone who can satisfy them in bed, has an normal athletic male body and not be a complete pushover. wow so hard xdDDDD

Is this picture referencing an event?

you can only fool yourself. you can't fix them

I don't even think there's an end game anymore. System were put in place and now they're running on auto pilot. There is no end goal nor prize and the systems will continue running until they break and are replaced by something else.


Your mom gave birth to a fatass like you, but she was still tight when I fucked her. It's possible.

A youtuber went to another youtubers event and asked her to say nigger. She tried playing the blame game, playing the retard card, the helpless victim card, and nothing worked.

>american women
i am totally american retard
also awalt

post profile or gtfo

>not american
well, from what I've heard, aussie girls are even more cancerous than americans. in the way of being extreme leftist feminazi cunts.

But yeah, if you track the decline of traditional anglo-american culture in the states, you will find that the majority of the post-1945 Americana is totally fabricated by Jewish pop culture.

It turns out that basically all the popular film, music, and literature that promoted degeneracy in this period originated from Jewish people.

This process was very slow, changing the culture in minor increments so that one wouldn't notice over decades

The same thing as everything else liberals do. The destruction of Western civilization.

Wit sexualization of girls, the idea is to slut them up as young as possible so they'll be psychologically damaged and incapable of forming a stable family, or if they try they'll just wind up traumatizing their own children. Since the left recognizes the family unit as the fundamental unit of society, they correctly reason that by destroying the family they will in turn destroy society. Since they view society as fundamentally unjust, they see this as a desirable outcome.

and how exactly are you going to verify its my profile dick weed

to fuck them, supid

post chat log of you and the girl you posted :^)

It's funny because your image is actually an edit. The original is a corruption doujin, not reverse-corruption.

No, they can't be saved.

R stands for reproductive rate
K stands for carrying compatibly

simply put, r is like rabbits, they are stupid and just have as many babies as they can to survive

K is like wolves they have very high investment in their young and female wolves will not mate will the males if they pack is to large, they are sustainable and intelligent, like whites used to be.

>implying the second last girl isnt the best girl

carrying capacity*

this is bs, whites used to have big families, lots of children.

Believe it or not it is actually possible.
I've done it on accident i was so autistic and she was so clingly eventually the shit i said got to her to the point she was an even more broken human being and we built her from the ground up.

Was a good investment i must say but would not recommend it

You don't "make" girls into sluts...
That is their natural state of being, we're just letting them express themselves. So we can fuck them, what are you a faggot?

she was faking it for commitment

Yes back when most whites were illiterate and had sub 90 IQ, also before modern medicine 3/5 kids died before adulthood.

I don't mean each race has one or the other. R and K are survival and reproduction strategies, and strategy can change.

>what are you a faggot?
I live in a real country with a heritage, history, tradition and all that. I have known the non-degenerate world before it was destroyed, unlike you.

oh dont kid yourself
everyone good left after the german occupation ended

Women with stable marriages and competent husbands are not mindless consumers like dumb, single thots who will spend every dime they get, and a good portion of their boyfriends money as well. This is the folly of capitalism in a developed nation. In order to keep it going at a + growth rate, they have to turn the populace into mindless consumers, and their is nothing more mindless than a dumb slut who spends all her income on clothes, nigger tech, and over priced coffee.

That's just 1 of the many results of the jewish agenda, aka cultural marxism.

how come right now, rich people are having kids at an earlier age than middle class people? if higher IQ = less kids, that'd be the wrong way around

It's *possible*, but not worth it in 99.9% of cases.

I was a homeless autistic felon at the time , i literally had nothing even emotionally she could take from me.

>tfw you don't have a traditionally raised qt cousin

why live?

They've been planning it for quite a while.
All the jew psychologists researched all the willing participants, found out how to attack, and they have been implementing it ever since.

Jews are anti-humans.

With the family unit gone, society breaks down from the bottom up. No morals, no responsibility, no people looking after each other.
Divide and conquer.

Note how the kikes shield their own from it, while inflicting it on the rest.

>dailytech.com/Japanese Make Delicious Nourishing Steaks From Human Feces/article21932.htm

Unfortunately rich people have many less children than the poor and stupid, this contributes to dysgenics.

>implying the external world matters at all in the female psych

At least they do here, not sure about Nederlands

>Have to read from right to left
>Even the chinks don't do this

why are nippons so fucking retarded

The people in power believe that pleasure is the most important thing in life.

Sex gives a lot of pleasure. So, to them, a life with a lot of sex is a good life. And in marriage, sexual pleasure is one of the most important things as well. So, they say one should marry someone who will give him a lot of pleasure. And one can only find that (and learn how to pleasure his partner) by having a lot of partners.
They also say that there are no negative effects on having sex with a lot of people, as long as you don't get a STD or there is a pregnancy.

So, they end up creating sex addicts, people who can't live without sex. And people who try to find happiness on their genitals.
As it turns out, you won't find happiness on fleeting pleasure. Look at rockstars.

most of the middle class can't afford having kids (financially) so only the rich have kids in their prime age. middle class has them a lot later, and fewer.

I'd say the next step is cuckold shit and 'open relationships' becoming forced norms.
Bestiality and paedophilia come after that.


good post

If it doesn't have anything to do with that , what's a vast majority of Sup Forumss excuse for not settling down and breeding white babies besides
>(((Vaginal Jew))) excuses


how the fuck do you financially afford having kids?

they are fat / ugly nazis that cant even approach women so sour grapes

and if u r good at that why wouldnt you just fuck 100 girls

It was actually for using the roblox logo in one of his drawings
It wasn't even fucking porn

But the rich are a fraction of the population, even if every mult-millionaire in the Netherlands had 5 kids, you still couldn't match the millions of poor people having kids.

In the Usa the rich have like 1-2 children as they could afford more but are too selfish to deal with raising a bunch of kids.

also, poster i was trying to find earlier.

>But the rich are a fraction of the population
yeah so? have you not seen all reports of birth rates going down the fucking drain ?

It all started with ending segregation then white people adopted subhuman culture and the degeneration of white America started. It will happen in Europe too if this shit doesn't stop..