How does it feel to accept being on the losing side of history...

How does it feel to accept being on the losing side of history? Your children (assuming you have any) will always view you as racist bigots and will openly accept all these things that you hate.

Silly leaf. If we loose that means we win.

My one child, 8, is a a bible thumper, and my other child, 5, calls out black people every time he sees them in public. It's cringey and I have to apologize, but I've never talked to him about race and he sees it how it is.
How does it feel to be some social justice faggot who is childless and seeks affirmation on the internet?


Jokes on you, I many children, ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you I have many.

The future belongs to Islam, and they'll have more in common with Sup Forums than the libtards who defend them.

if my children do openly accept assault on others on behalf of them being white cis and male, i will be disappointing, not because I am rascist and sexist, but because they will be.

>lefties win
>keep importing Muslims
>country forcefully adopts ultra conservatism
>lefties loose bigly...
I never understood the left. They simultaneously hate themselves and everyone else... It's like they actually do have a mental illness...

Fascism is inevitable.
Machine Learning AI will manage the economy and laws non-democratically and do a better job without retard demographics making unqualified decisions en masse. Genetic engineering will make us all Ubermenschen regardless of race, and the technological complex we've built will necessitate a surveillance police state to gather data and watch us, a form of omnipresent soft authoritarianism. You can try to avoid it all you want, but Quasi-Fascist Technocracy is the end game of our current path.

Even if we lose now, we will go down fighting, to set the example for the future generation that frees humanity from this bolshevik globalist flood of degeneracy and slavery.

McCarthy did nothing wrong!

preach my guy

faggot fucking leaf

breddy gud

We'll see how well your 50 genders go over once Muslims rule the world as they're basically brown Sup Forumsacks.

thats fine, i revel in humanities death, wrong side of history indeed, i can't wait to get nuked along with you filthy subhuman shits.


this, according to OP that means lefties kids will be more rightwing than ever

Very true

>Your children

Is the battle is hopeless, if my civilization is already dead, it doesn't change anything.

They are just nearsighted. In general leftist believe that we will take them in and they will liberalize

How does it feel to accept being on the losing side of history? Your children (assuming you have any) will always view you as racist bigots and will openly accept all these things that you hate.

answer your own question OP. Your children will ask YOU why you were the racist. Why you were on the wrong side of history and labeled all Mexicans as being illegal immigrants and all white people as being oppressors.

>2 kids
And this is why whites will be gone

>How does it feel to accept being on the losing side of history
this seems to imply that everything that happens in history was right/good. Not true.

You try dealing with 2 kids. I got a vasectomy after the second one because they are such a pain in the ass. How many do you have?

Correct. Technology is on OUR side, leftists are delusional if they think otherwise.

But I would contend that most parents will select for their children to have white phenotypical features, as they are generally viewed to be the most attractive. I could be wrong though.

Better than zero

> tfw seeing my 14 year old visually recoil at the sight of an abbo when we went into town last week.

Nah i think we're gonna be fine.

As opposed to the winning side?

evolutionary, sociological, psychological, biological & ethical science aren't going anywhere...

Once the protocols are complete, there will be no liberalism. I want you to remember this wanton post on the day after the event.
