Wow.... this is deep

Other urls found in this thread:

Deep? Deep is how deep I'd bury my dick in her ass. So deep that whomever can remove it shall be named King.

>not berry

Don't go to Germany and bring down the Berlin Wall? Fuck that dumb whore

>5 yr old
>already knows about le ebil nazis
they sure start 'em young, huh?

I knew I'd fuck it up. Came up too early man, wasn't ready for the Bigs. I'll be back in AA (r/T_D) waiting for my next shot.

>Shitposting with written letters.
Man, I miss the days.

>Composing letters about EBIL NAZIS at the age of Five.

How does she have a letter that got no reply? Exactly lying bitch from a lying family.

Is there a real context for this?

Did people get butthurt when Reagan visited a "nazi cemetery"?

>If I randomly capitalize some letters people will think it's real

dumber than her mom

Shut the fuck up Awoofaggot.

>I never got a reply

Fucking stupid cunt. Quietly getting ready to fail at all the things her parents failed at. This cunt can never be elected anything.


They're not seriously grooming Chelsea for a 2020 run, right? She at least has to be a puppet mayor or congresswoman first, right?

>Pepe silhouette at the bottom

>5 year old putting quotation marks for a creative work
I don't think so. Most adults don't bother with that shit.

Well considering our current president didn't need to have any political experience why should anyone else

nazis werent a problem in the Regean era it was commies (now known as antifa)

How did she get the letter back after sending it?

Yeah, I sure do bet a 5 year old cared about international politics and the utterly no context event she mentioned where President Reagan apparently was planning to visit a German cemetery to acknowledge how all the enemy's fallen soldiers should be equally respected when they've shed their mortal coil in their graves.
But never forget the 6 qundrillion jews who died in the Holocaust (you are to disregard the 6 octohedron semitic native palestinians which the zionist regime of Israel has put into graves, though, or you'r a nazi anti-semite)

the letter is talking about when he went to bitburg

I think they were betting on what they thought was the marketable Clinton brand when the idea was originally floated. I doubt anyone is talking about it now.

Checked, and Kek wills it, fake little girl news

>Oh Bill darling since you aren't a sexual predator yet can I count on you to do something really petty?
>Sure anything for you dear
>Great, great. I need you to write a letter to President Raegan but make sure it looks like Chelsea wrote it.
>Uh huh sure thing


I'm calling bullshit. This shits fake, this irrelevant cunt needs to fuck off

Her mother made her write everything in triplicate.

How does she have it? Didn't she mail it?

daily reminder

Deep is her middle name

>(((they))) were the only ones mad

Well that explains it.

>Worked at White House as Intern under President George Bush (the First).
>Every letter that was sent was given a reply. EVERY LETTER. From kids to grandmothers.
>This happens in EVERY administration regardless of who is president.

I am calling this BULLSHIT. I would say this to her face. Yes I am mad.


Shouldn't Democrats focus on ways to bring people over to them instead of simply reinforcing their simpleminded message among people who already agree with them? What person who'd never go near Hillary Clinton on voting day is going to find this of any useful, insightful or persuasive value?

do you realize there was a recount and Trump won both the popular and electoral vote? Didn't think so leaf

Someone hlep me prove she's a lying cunt

how old are you?

"holocaust" as it's taught to children is a load of horseshit.
>lets put all the death camps in poland
>kill jews with pellets but also muh showers
>orchestra and shit at labor camp
>no evidence in nazi records of death camps
I can go on. You have to be pretty fucking new to believe the holocaust story as it's currently presented.



That's the kinda shit that almost sounds like the opening to a prophecy. Nevertheless a 5 year old being able to soak up and absorb a movie like that. When I have a niece that's at that age and can't sit through a 30min program without being distracted


when i was 9 I wrote to President Clinton:

"dear prezident clinton
how do i get blowjobz from girlz in 2nd grade?"

Photocopies what are they lmao

People will call you reddit for this, but it gave me a decent kek


>someone believes this bullshit?
>checks flag

ah. nevermind.

here's the letter I wrote for hitler in 1943, when I was 3. he never replied.

GOAT handwritten shit post coming through

I love that letter!

>you will never be one of them laughing while writing the first and best shitpost ever

she'll run for governor, or for a senate seat, in NY first

Was she retarded?

>ChelseA CUNtON

It would be the smart move but it doesn't seem to be a thing political parties in the US are capable of doing. Usually the end up doubling down on their existing platforms in these situations.

I think it happens this way because they can't simply change without alienating their existing support base.

I'd love to see some sauce on this



old memes and inadvertent bait

6/10 made me reply and chuckle

This is a letter I wrote when I was three years old.

I didn't know how to write until 1st grade


the indoctrination starts young in jewrica

why would you post the censored one? DAMN YOU

Then she left the church at age 9 because they were against abortion.

>Even now, months after the program went into effect, lines regularly begin at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Los Angeles by 6 a.m., a sign of the continuing changes in the state’s population. D.M.V. officials predict that they will issue nearly 1.5 million licenses to undocumented immigrants within three years. Of the 883,000 total licenses issued from January to the end of July, 443,000 were granted to undocumented immigrants, the officials said.

>After a record low turnout in last year’s election, Gov.Jerry Brownof California signed legislation on Saturday designed to increase electoral participation by automatically registering eligible state voters when they obtain a driver’s license.

Illegals votes in California for certain

meant for


>clear color photocopy from the 80's

>implying 0/11 million illegals voted for the candidate who wouldn't deport them

bretty gud


have a (you) for the effort. had a chuckle.

But if movie's aren't real, doesn't that mean Nazis being mean isn't real?


Got 12,000 letters per day.
Leftist enraged he didn't personally reply to all of them.

>quotes around The Sound of Music
> a slash through the letter Z

That is awesome!

maybe because her daddy lived in the white house for 8 years


heh.... nothing personnel kid...

"According to literacy organization Reading Is Fundamental, children are only just beginning to learn how to write the alphabet at age five. Is it possible that the future first daughter was so advanced that she essentially Beautiful Mind-ed the above missive? Or, was there something more dubious afoot? Is it possible that Bill or Hillary strong-armed their small daughter into writing a letter that might have had international importance?"

She's going to run for the senate.

Maybe she never got a reply because she never sent it.
Fucking retard.

back to Sup Forums faggo

It's been a while since I saw the film, but other then trying to keep the Austrian officer in town so that they could keep the Austrian troops under his command from rebelling, what did the Nazi's do in that movie that was so awful?

That's not Chelsea

That's that Canadian whore who gets all pissy about her handjob videos making their way to free clip sites like xhamster, xnxx, etc.

She gives great handjobs. Total whore.

Please tell me that this is a photoshop

>tfw say these exact things, even show proof that zyklon b was used to kill lice to stop the spread of typhus in WWI and WWII and still get funny faces

People lack independent thought

Nah, it's definitely Chelsea

can you even tell me what anime she's from

Holy shit.

What was the volume of letters per day?
How the fuck could they manage that? Were all generic replies?

>Earned $600k as an INTERN with CNN while most other inters were unpaid
>Earned over $400 a second for her time INTERNING with CNN
>Wrote and co-wrote literally no content while an INTERN
>Made no discernable contribution to CNN while an intern
>Made more money in a month of interning than the average american family makes in a year

Corrupt Clinton dynasty colluding with corrupt CNN is just a myth you guys :^)


2024 or 2028

They know trump will fuck their ass next election

whats her name? for research

There's usually a template .guide for a printed out response for various types of letters, like attending Scouting achievements or other awards, and then they all have a signature. Usually printed again, and most done by secretaries and other interns, but yeah you're supposed to get a letter back on White House letterhead. It's to show the President although busy does make sure that your letter was noticed by somebody and at least looked at by somebody in the executive branch. Add in that most people use email now, so regular mail gets even more attention.

how the hell does she have this if it was sent to reagan when she was five?

so either she got a reply and the reagan admin kept/returned the letter or she didnt send it.


mistress T

Gj :)

If she sent that letter to President Reagan, why in the world does she have a copy?