Japanese make fun of foreigners for lacking manners


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>Niggers in Japan
Well there's the problem

To be fair, they're right.

"xenophobia in Japanese tv shows" God forbid they don't tolerate scum. Fucking Jew queers

How come we can't do this in the Western world?

>muh backlash

But why do we give a fuck?

stop letting them off the damn bases

Japanese variety shows are based, their shit would never fly with the left media here.

Foreigners in America can be just as rude though. I've chinks pushing people out of the way to take pictures

based nippon

Good for them.

Good for them
Here in the western world it would be "intolerant" to tell a foreigner how to behave.

Though if some fucking gook told me what to do, and I said WHY and they said its the rules, I'd probably tell him to fuck off asking what rules?

Chinks are the worst. Spitting everywhere and walking super slow in hordes.

I have no problem with this whatsoever. Our society would be better if people had fucking standards.
Hell I saw a chink woman let her child piss on the street before in Philly.

Isn't the show laughing at the japanese people failing to communicate? It's obvious the "foreigners" are part of the show.

this is quite funny desu

This. I fucking hate thinking of all the mongrel half-breeds spawned there because of our nigger soldiers.

Japanese people are racists. They dump radioactive waste into the sea during the Fukushima disaster and they have the audacity to talk about manners.

holy shit hamada is in it

Japan is doing us a favor by sending radioactive water to the shores of Commiefornia.

Am I that big of an asshole?




>being in a foreign country
>not respecting their ways and values


It's awesome that JAV actors can be game show hosts! That old man in the beginning is in a whole bunch of them. I'd post pics, but I'm at work on laptop and don't have any of my collection on it.


Good, I've been with large American tour groups before and some of the shit they do is fucking retarded. Some American's aren't really use to dealing with other cultures, it happens when you don't have any other countries near you to regularly visit.

We're not as bad as the Chinks though.

bretty gud

Black Pigeon Speaks: I know you're in here. Identify yourself!

I bet those 2 negros already raped at least 30 nips.

I find this funny given they make the most ridiculously loud sounds when they eat and I'm not just talking about when eating noodles.

I can relate to the thing about people talking in the phone on public transport. So often a waddling wahabi sits and talks on the phone during the entire bus ride, and it's grating to listen to.

>asians imply other races cut lines

I've been to Japan for a few weeks, we tried our best to behave and abide by their rules and we had a much better time.

The amount of fucking euro's and burgers walking around in cargo shorts and sandals with their goofy golfer arses around the place talking 5 volume levels too loud everywhere was without end.

Nips fucking hate you until you tell them you're not either Russian or American. Infact, when I said I was Australian to this lovely old couple they actually fucking tried to apologize for WW2 to us, because they will actually admit they fucked with us for no reason. That and they all like coming here because we had pretty grouse seafood and it's a short flight.

>We're not as bad as the Chinks though.
If by "we're" you mean white Americans, then generally that's true.

But the nigger Americans are far, far worse. I'm a citizen with many years living in Japan. I've never seen a chink sexually harass Japanese women day-in and day-out on the streets, chimping about "muh dik" while being the number one cause of drug-based assaults, scams, and thefts per racial capita. Ever been to Roppongi, i.e., Japafrica? Fucking Nigerians causing shit storms all over the place:




Of course, this is just a symptom of a bigger problem; These people:

To make this shit stop, Japan has to expell (((the root of the problem))) from their country that's hard at work to destroy their homogeneity.

>Central bankers instruct Japan to open up to more immigrants to expand economic growth

Good. Have some standards, tell scum around you to fix themselves.
Fuck niggers.

Based, who gives a fuck what some shitty feminist multicultural country thinks, stay homogeneous

wow... it's fucking nothing

It's not rules. It's tradition and good manners. People don't say anything in Japan they just give you looks of disdain

>tfw ywn get paid to be the token black guy in a Japanese game show

The Japanese man has all the right in the world to point out rude mannerless plebeians. Don't hide behind offence just so you don't have to self improve.

This from the country that needs "no groping" signs on trains.

based japan. They don't want foreigners in their country to begin with, let them criticize them when they act out.

Good for Japs - don't trust foreigners.

However the examples they provied in the start of the video are retarded.
Like it's a foreigner thing to cut in lines or force yourself on pretty girls.

The gaijin fears the samurai.

Jews control the media

Jews don't actually have a place in the world. Israel is just some stolen piece of land.
They are foreigners in EVERY country, even Israel. There is not a single country in the world that they belong to.

Jews take control and they make sure you can't make fun of other cultures, other races and foreigners. It's a defense mechanism. The moment they lose control you are going to see people calling out the jew.

Nothing wrong with schooling foreigners on manners when they're in your country.

i don't see any xenophobia

So they make this video to educate foreigners, but for some reason is problematic, come on they just want to help people to understand their culture, pretty cool video if you ask me.



hahaha stupid liberal cucks cry about everything wait WTF JAPAN STOP BEING RACIST

kek not even 2 minutes in it shows a dindu wanting to rape a nip woman.


more like americans, also so many niggers lol

>Ragging on foreigners
>and broadcasting it on television




Nippon gets nuked 2 times and they still belive in there old fashion ways

I bet if america gets nuked we'd be bending over backwards giving the jews reach arounds and saying it was our fault we got hit.

Credit card one is weird, it's bad manners to use a credit card? I mean, I lived in Tokyo for 2 months and it's most definitely a cash based society, but offering a card is considered rude? Wtf?

The line one is common sense, but why the fuck is there a huge gap in the front of the queue, it's not completely obvious.

The trash one is blatantly obvious, but what they don't mention is that it's basically impossible to find public trash cans in Japan. You need to find a 7/11 to use theirs.

The sleeping on the ground this is super obvious, but it's actually more acceptable here than in burgerstan. Japanese don't consider public drunkenness a sin

I don't see how anyone could get butthurt over that. It's a fucking comedy.


why isnt this violation of personal space another rule foreigners should learn to respect?

fucking darkies dont touch my pure japanese women rREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

As long as you're respectful and polite, no one gives a shit what nationality you are. Except if you're black, as Japan really fucking hates blacks. I worked with a guy who was from South Africa when I was in Tokyo, and he could never go out anywhere after dark because people would call the police on him. It's kinda sad, because he actually was a pretty cool guy due to having grown up adopted by white parents. But he was also 6'8 and just scared the shit out of everyone there, including our office co-workers.

If you're white and you can speak Japanese, you'll be accepted and people will want to hang out with you as long as your personality isn't garbage. Kinda like real life. [spoiler]The only exception is the English teaching meme. Please don't do it. Not only is it harder to do these days, but the stigma attached to it will alienate you, even from co-workers. You could be the best English teacher in the world and people will still think you're there just to be an extended tourist. Just learn a few years of Japanese, pass at least the N3, get certified in networking training and you can easily get a job at some telecoms as SysAdmin starting at $65k.[/spoiler]

Only a problem when the west or the japs do it eh? Not a word is said about the genocide occurring in South Africa, not when there's mean words being said.

As a foreigner, I know in advance how important it is in Japan to carry a wand vibrator/massager. High school students, plumbers, teachers, doctors...fucking everybody carries one of these goddamned things around and produces it in an instant.

>they're wearing seahawks jerseys

Even the japs hate this team

this is great, foreigners should either do as the romans when in rome or get the fuck out, assimilation is the cornerstone to cultural preservation

Great work.
Fucking Gaijin.

only a zipper head would equate bad manners with immorality

Well, the show is a comedic one so people shouldn't really take it seriously. Me and my friend make fun of America sometimes but we aren't serious.

>everybody is jumping off bridges
>you should too because EVERYBODY is doing it
Fuck that noise!
That's one of Japans actual problems.

>TFW you never have a qt jap grill projectile vomit all over your face

why live

>but we aren't serious
Americans deserve it though.
They're dirty pigs.

>Like it's a foreigner thing to force yourself on pretty girls.

ask germany/sweden/uk

Man Japanese cater to every fetish.
I didn't even know this one existed

It's a big place. Assholes come from all parts of the planet. What we should be focusing on is making everyone work together to remove scum.

im pretty sure its bad manners because he instantly just handed him the card instead of asking first

>I'm an expert because I visited for a couple of weeks

Trust me, they dislike Australians more than Americans or Euros.

wait, they dont use credit cards in japan? i thought japan was a first world country?

Australias infamy in known world wide i see.

is som tam wong?

>Wanting foreigners to behave properly in your country is xenophobia

They need a third one

Something about physical cash just being more I don't know... more sealed? Like when you're making a busines deal, physical cash leaves more of an imprint on your brain. Don't ask me shit. I don't know about that.

We do use cards though.

I wish we could do this here, without being called a racist.

This is a comedy gameshow where the task is to talk to foreignrs. i wished it had subtitles

Do all Japs have such a hard time speaking English, or is it just the older ones? I would have thought it would be the logical choice for second-language education in high school and university.

Every nation should be able to show this and not be called intollerant or racist.
It just shows what madhouse we live in.

I loved Australians until I actually met them and realized how clueless they are. They're like that kid in class who kind of smells and makes terrible jokes that nobody laughs at but nobody calls them out because they're not sure if they're actually disabled.

True. There are hundreds of little social rules that unless someone tells you about it, you'll never think about. But they make sense if you think about it.

>Credit card one is weird, it's bad manners to use a credit card?...
Credit card use is relatively recent in Japan. Sure, JCB cards have been around a long time, but most transactions are done in cash. It's not unusual for someone to go to a bank and withdraw a million yen in cash. Go to a small shop run by an obasan and she won't know what to do.

>The trash one is blatantly obvious
I agree you have to be plain stupid not to understand separating trash. Usually, it burnables and non-burnables (Japs generate power from burning garbage). So places are downright anal when it comes to it. I read about one place where you have to separate into 21 different categories and they have ojisans going around checking people's garbage.

One thing I've seen gaijin do which is a social faux pas is to walk around eating or drinking something. You'll never see Japanese doing that.

The whole slipper thing is another. Take off shoes when entering a house and put on house slippers. If you go to the bathroom you're supposed to change from house slippers to bathroom slippers and back again when you're done.

You can clearly see a sign above the seat that says that particular seat is reserved for the disabled, elderly and pregnant women.

Holy fuck, English teacher going in.

if your against a certain foreign culture to the point you're aware you'll be going against the flow from the getgo, i'd advise you that experiencing that nation's culture probably isn't for you as a tourist.


Why do english teachers browse Sup Forums so much?

It's the same as some classes oversea teaching Spanish.

Why Spanish when you live in an English speaking country? Silly right? Well that's the mindset of most kids my age and below. ( 18 )

> Israel is just some stolen piece of land.

How did they steal it though? Serious question. Did they not win several wars for it?

Then you can argue the ozzies stole australia.. and the saxons stole celtic land... etc etc.. i really always wonder why the argument is that israel stole it.

Not an English teacher. My husband works for a consulting company and we're here for a year for his work.

does japanese people know about Norwegians or are we just lumped into the american europe stereotype.


That's retarded though, English is the lingua franca of the world right now. Anyone who doesn't speak it natively has a pretty large incentive to at least learn some passable skills, since it allows communication to most other people in the world.

Don't you guys have mandatory second language classes?